星期六, 3月 26, 2005

4/2 Class Agenda

802.11 PCF & DCF
802.11 RTS & CTS
802.11 QoS

3/26 Homework

Take a close look at the two Applets about CSMA/CA Simulations

Reading Assignments:
Handout (G) Chapter 4.
(M) 2.1~2.3
(M) 2.5
(M) 2.6

星期六, 3月 19, 2005

3/26 Class Agenda

Fundamentals of WLANS
CSMA/CA & 802.11

星期六, 3月 12, 2005

3/19 Class Agenda

Syllabus 7. Media Access Control

CSMA/CD & 802.3

3/12 Homework

1. Why is CSMA/CD not applicable in Aloha?
2. Briefly describe functions of Layer 1 to layer 4 of Network Architecture in OSI Reference Model. (Lecture 1 in Ref.)
3. List some of the major milestones of Internet history from 1960 to 2000.

Reading Assignments
Please read the following sections before we meet next time.
1. packet radio with Aloha in Lectures 13 & 14 of MIT Data Communication Networks Course
2. M1.12, M2.1~M2.5

星期六, 3月 05, 2005

3/5 Homework

1. Problem 1.12
2. Problem 1.14
3. Problem 1.15
4. What applications use spread spectrum as moldulation scheme?

Reading Assignments
1. Please read the following sections before we meet next time.
M1.6~ M1.12, M1.12, M3.8, F3.1~F3.3

3/5 Class agenda

Syllabus 3. A Perspective of Wired & Wireless Broadband Networks


Point to Point WAN
ADSL, Cable Modem, T Lines, SONET,

Switched WAN
Frame Relay, ATM, FTTx,

802.11 a/b/g, Wireless Mesh,

Syllabus 6. Underlying Technology at Physical Layers

Introduction to Spread Spectrum (J. Meel)
and applications