星期四, 7月 27, 2006

Students, skype me

我的帳號是 chang212
歡迎與我 Skype, 建議你先 email 跟我約時間, 這樣我可以
先準備一下, 例如看看你給我的資料.
當然, 如果你要試運氣, 也歡迎直接 Skype 我.
我星期一晚上有課, 其餘晚上都可以約看看. 星期天白天也可以.


  • International Journal of Electronic Commerce,
  • Electronic Commerce Research;
  • Journal of Electronic Commerce Research,
  • Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce

星期一, 7月 17, 2006

星期二, 7月 04, 2006

Network aware multimedia

Optimizing End-to-End Performance
One-to-Many Muticast Network Performance Optimization
  • Narada
  • Amplicast
[PPT] Low Latency Wireless Video Over 802.11 Networks Using Path Diversity


Tools and Techniques for Measurement of IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks - group of 3 »
F Li, M Li, R Lu, H Wu, M Claypool, R Kinicki - winmee.org
... host with weak wireless connectivity, and hence low WLAN capacity, the performance
of all ... a flow’s end-to-end delay which is detrimental to VoIP and some ...