星期三, 12月 13, 2023

Self test of vocabulary: breaking barriers for accessible society

Using ChatGPT 3.5 Caution: ChatGPT is not always reliable. Use your discernment.

Email to chang212@gmail.com

Enter the following prompt: 

1. Representation - 代表、表徵

2. Activism - 行動主義

3. Advocate - 提倡者、擁護者

4. Disability - 身心障礙

5. Incidental - 偶然的、附帶的

6. Stigma - 汙名、恥辱

7. Taboo - 禁忌

8. Genetic - 遺傳的、基因的

9. Discrimination - 歧視、區別

10. Inclusivity - 包容性、包容

11. Diversity - 多樣性、多元化

12. Promotional - 促銷的、推廣的

13. Accessibility - 可及性、易接近性

14. Impairment - 損害、損傷

15. Entrepreneurship - 企業家精神、創業精神

Based on the vocabulary in the above, randomize the order of these words and then prepare 10 fill multiple choice questions. Each question has only one missing word. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. After grading, tell me how many are correctly answered so far. Then generate next problem.

