星期六, 3月 30, 2019

健康照護科技研究報導 2019 No. 7

Kinect & Scratch 復健遊戲於腦性麻痺小孩上肢復健的臨床應用

Jen-Wen Hung*, Yao-Jen Chang, Chiung-Xia Chou , Wen-Chi Wu, Stephen Howell, Wei-Peng Lu , “Developing a Suite of Motion-controlled Games for Upper Extremity Training in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A proof of concept study” , 2018 , Games for Health , vol.7 , p.327-334.
Kinect & Scratch 特教訓練遊戲於自閉症兒童洗澡訓練的應用,六位集中式國小特教班參與遊戲訓練。

Ya-Shu Kang, Yao-Jen Chang* , “Using game technology to teach six elementary school children with autism to take a shower independently” , 2019 , Developmental Neurorehabilitation , 22(5), 329-337.

星期三, 3月 27, 2019

健康照護科技研究報導 2019 No. 6


*Yao-Jen Chang, Ya-Shu Kang, Fang-Lin Liu, A computer-based interactive game to train persons with cognitive impairments to perform recycling tasks independently,  Research in Developmental Disabilities, Volume 35, Issue 12, December 2014, Pages 3672–3677(SSCI)

Chang, Y. J., Kang, Y. S., & Huang, P. C. (2013). An augmented reality (AR)-based vocational task prompting system for people with cognitive impairmentsResearch in developmental disabilities34(10), 3049-3056.

運用 AR 技術協助特殊學生建立刷牙技能


Cihak, D. F., Moore, E. J., Wright, R. E., McMahon, D. D., Gibbons, M. M., & Smith, C. (2016). Evaluating augmented reality to complete a chain task for elementary students with autism. Journal of Special Education Technology, 31(2), 99-108.

星期一, 3月 25, 2019

健康照護科技研究報導 No. 5

Kinect 體感遊戲對中風病人上肢復健的成效

Hung, J. W., Chou, C. X., Chang, Y. J., Wu, C. Y., Chang, K. C., Wu, W. C., & Howell, S. (2019). Comparison of Kinect2Scratch game-based training and therapist-based training for the improvement of upper extremity functions of patients with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled single-blinded trial. European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine.

星期日, 3月 24, 2019

健康照護科技研究報導 No. 4

打地鼠遊戲用來評估長照老人的認知能力 Wilkinson, A., Tong, T., Zare, A., Kanik, M., & Chignell, M. (2018). Monitoring Health Status in Long Term Care Through the Use of Ambient Technologies and Serious Games. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics, 22(6), 1807-1813.

以可愛度來說,小海豹 Paro 比 Zenbo 可愛,不過Zenbo的互動性比Paro 佳 長者們覺得Zenbo 跟隨功能還不錯 與Siri 比起來,長者們覺得iPhone Siri 比較好用,Zenbo 語音稍微遲鈍
白麗. (2018). 陪伴型機器人使用者經驗評估─ 以智慧居家機器人 Zenbo 為例. 福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 6(3).

星期五, 3月 22, 2019

健康照護科技研究報導 No. 3

居家行走式機器人Rovio 協助家人尋找地上的物品,像是蠟燭,玩具熊

Ramírez De La Pinta, J., Maestre Torreblanca, J., Jurado, I., & Reyes De Cozar, S. (2017). Off the shelf cloud robotics for the smart home: Empowering a wireless robot through cloud computingSensors17(3), 525.

使用Zenbo 機器人紀錄居家老人行為影像並製作影像摘要
Yang, C. Y., Yun, H., & Hsu, J. Y. J. (2019). Video Summarization through Human Detection on a Social RobotarXiv preprint arXiv:1901.10713.

星期一, 3月 18, 2019

健康照護科技研究報導 No. 2

  • 見面打招呼
  • 幫忙自閉症兒童撿球
  • 行進遇到障礙時會請求自閉症兒童移除障礙
  • 協助自閉症兒童完成拼圖遊戲
  • 與自閉症兒童一起玩七巧板遊戲
  • 提醒自閉症兒童協助治療師整理積木
  • 說再見
Melo, F. S., Sardinha, A., Belo, D., Couto, M., Faria, M., Farias, A., ... & Luz, L. (2018). Project INSIDE: towards autonomous semi-unstructured human–robot social interaction in autism therapyArtificial intelligence in medicine.

星期四, 3月 07, 2019

健康照護科技研究報導 No. 1

Wiederhold, M. D., Crisci, M., Patel, V., Nonaka, M., & Wiederhold, B. K. (2019). Physiological Monitoring During Augmented Reality Exercise Confirms Advantages to Health and Well-BeingCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.

Kinect 體感遊戲的確可以增進老人平衡與行動能力
Ku, J., Kim, Y. J., Cho, S., Lim, T., Lee, H. S., & Kang, Y. J. (2018). Three-dimensional augmented reality system for balance and mobility rehabilitation in the elderly: a randomized controlled trialCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.