星期三, 2月 15, 2023

Defense technology


F16 with laser

Long range anti ship missile


Raytheon Laser


Quiz (F16 with laser weapons)

Words in the episode. Select one word in each item.

1. Unprecedented, unparalleled, unequaled 

2. Infrared, ultraviolet, visible 

3. Shipborne, airborne, carrier 

4. Hospitable, hostile, friendly 

5. Acquisition, relinquishing, abandoning 

Word anatomy:
Infra: infrared, infrastructure 
Ultra: ultralight, ultraviolet 

Quiz (long range anti-ship missile)
Words in the episode. Select one word in each item.

6. Detect, perceive, recognize 

7. Active, passive, neutral

8. Employment, deployment, ploy

9. Trajectory, transform, transmit 

10. Dependent, independent, autonomous 

Word anatomy:

Detect: de + tect, un + cover
Protect: pro + tect, forward + cover
Protégés, genius, favorite pupil or student 

Deployment: de+ ploy, un+ fold
Employ: em+ ploy, en+ fold (involve)

Transmit: trans + mit, across + send
Admit: ad+ mit, to + send
Remit: re + mit, back + send


Destroy: de + structure 







Autonomous: Greek





Astronomy, star + law

Astrology, star + study

Astronaut, star + navigator 

Disaster, away + star (Latin)


Routing: Latin

Threat: old English 

Reduce: re + duce, back+ lead
Induce: in+ duce, into+ lead
Deduce: de+ duce

Descend:de+scend, down+ climb
Ascend: a+ scend, to+ climb

terminal, La.
  1. Terminate: To bring to an end or cease
  2. Determine: To establish or decide conclusively
  3. Exterminate: To completely destroy or eliminate (ex: out of, thoroughly)
  4. Determinate: Having defined limits; fixed (de: completely, thoroughly)
  5. Predetermined: Decided in advance (pre: before)
  6. Indeterminate: Not exactly known, established, or defined (in: not)
  7. Terminology: The system of terms used in a particular field (logy: study of, speaking)
  8. Eternal: Lasting forever; without end (ex: away)

Quiz (IAMD)

Words in the episode. Select one word in each item.

6. Ballistic, cruise, guided

7. Individual, multiple, singularly

8. Supervise, scan, surveillance 

9. Cuing, interlink, data link

10. Terminate, take off, intercept 

ball, round object (proto-Germanic), bubble, (proto-Indo-European )

Intercept, inter + cept, between + take

Susceptible, sub + cept, under + take

Concept, con+ cept, in + take

Self test of vocabulary: Defense technology


SAR 17:38-21:52

星期六, 2月 11, 2023

科技英文與科普傳播 An Introduction

科技英文的本質, 從字根與字首談起


  • Unit
  • Unify
  • Universe
  • University
  • Unicorn
  • Uniqlo


  • Monologue (a long speech by one person)
  • Monopoly (exclusive control by one entity)
  • Monochromatic (having one color)
  • Monocle (a single eyeglass)
  • Monoxide (CO)

Uni-, from Latin

Mono-, from Greek

Laser weapons protect aircraft from surface- and air-launched threats.

Laser= light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

weapon, old English, German 

protect, pro+tect, forward+ cover(shield), Latin

aircraft, craft, Old English, skill or ability

air, old English, Proto-German, Proto-Indo-European

surface, sur+face, upon+face, Latin

launch, throw, Latin

threat, Old English


人類遺產: 如同食物(泡菜,臭豆腐),制度(分秒,1-2-3)

持續演進: 來源,歷史演進


  • 科學學術傳統,使用拉丁文與希臘語,都保留在英文當中 (拉丁文,Ficus Microcarpa,希臘文,Psychology)
  • 精確性,唯一性 (國際邦交語文)
  • 中文,沒有詞類,沒有時態,(常)沒有主詞,沒有介系詞,沒有關係子句,描述科學不夠精確
    1. 住宅,宅在家,你很宅
    2. 我去希臘,天空很希臘
    3. 你很美,美白,美學

文法重要嗎? (想想法文,外商經驗)

英文的語言史 ( video )

史前~Celtic 時期


  • 位於丹麥半島的Anglo, Saxon 族入侵英倫本島
  • Old English
    1. water
    2. child
    3. ear
    4. talk
  • 維京人 (Vikings, 語言 Old Norse) 入侵
  • 增加 Old English 字彙
    1. sky
    2. bag
    3. hit
    4. law
    5. they
    6. murder
    7. husband
  • 位於現今法國北部 Normal 國 William Bastard 入侵英倫島
  • 引入 Old French (Latin) 成為 Middle English
    1. royal court, old English 合併演進成 Middle English
    2. (皇家貴族) Pork, beef, poultry 

                    (農民百姓) Pig,  cow, chicken 

  • 拉丁文後來成為 Law, Religion, Science 的語言,學習拉丁文才算是受過教育 (Homo Sapiens)

  • Early modern English
  • Hamlet, etc. by Shakespeare
    1.  Frailty, thy name is woman.  (Hamlet)
    2. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. (Romeo and Juliet)
  • 文藝復興(Renaissance)
    1. 向古典學習
    2. 帶入拉丁文,希臘文

第十六世紀~第十九世紀 (帝國殖民時期)
  • US accent, frozen, accent like those in Shakespeare periods
  • UK accent, 持續演進,我們如今認識的英語
    1.  jungle
    2. hammock
    3. pajamas
    4. hurricane
第十八世紀~至今 (工業革命, industrial revolution)
  • 出現科技用語 train, engine, combustion, piston




  • 丟掉「起承轉合」
  • 開門見山, 3C原則 correct, clear, concise
  • 蓋房子一定先從奠基石(key stone),寫段落一定從key sentence 開始

母語 mother tongue

  • 語言學習的開始 Joint Attention (聯合注意力)

學習的動力 ( eagerness,貝利茲,英文歌)🎤

  •  toddlers, 12-24個月小孩,一再跌倒,站起來繼續走
  • 練腳踏車,一再跌倒,扶起來繼續練騎
  • 你有沒有無法阻擋的語言學習力,為了生存,因為好奇,想要理解這個世界,因為語言是看待世界的一種方式


  •    資訊品質,翻譯速度 & 規模經濟
  •    透視趨勢的文化人?
