星期六, 9月 28, 2024

Black hole-star binary system simulation


simulate a binary star system with perspective the small star is a blackhole, sucking particles from its companion. particle flux from the companion star to blackhole.

結果 得到


simulate a binary star system with perspective the small star is a blackhole, sucking particles from its companion. particle flux from the companion star to blackhole. Particles flow obeys Hamilton dynamics.


星期三, 9月 25, 2024

Simulate Photosynthesis Process at Quantum Level


Change to JS (瀏覽器環境), add REACT ( (製作UI介面)



EX#3: Scientific Evolution

 如何繳交作業 How to turn in your homework exercise.


Deadline: This Saturday at 23:59

Send all the links to TA victorhuang111013@gmail.com and me chang212@gmail.com by email with subject 

 Animate Photosynthesis Process or windmill ... (Select one)

Simulate Solar System or RLC Circuit ... (Select one)

Solar System

RLC Circuit

Remix The Evolution of Scientific Vocabulary in English (Both ChatGPT and Claude apply.)

1. Press Remix Artifact and then explore one of the options Claude.ai suggests. Or explore as you like.
    Some remixes may look like Interactive Timeline 1Interactive Timeline 2, or Interactive Timeline 3.

2. Use ChatGPT for comprehension test.

Go to ChatGPT. Enter the following prompt.

Prepare 10 multiple choice problems from the paste text above to test comprehension. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered. 

Provide your answer and quiz when you turn in the exercise.

星期五, 9月 20, 2024

Theme Game Design: Neighborhood Squirrel Finder



更改程式語言為JavaScript 以便在連覽器上直接執行

Add REACT 以加上使用者介面





增加視覺線索: When squirrels are hiding, trees may shake. To increase the game's challenge, limit the total number of searches.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

一年後的莉拉:Her search ability increased, doubling the chances of finding squirrels.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

松鼠逃走中: When a companion is discovered by humans, squirrels may flee elsewhere.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Theme Game Design: StarTrek

 使用 Claude Sonnet 3.5 

"Starbase Navigation" is a simple Star Trek-themed web game. The main features are as follows:



  1. The player controls the Enterprise spaceship.
  2. Use the arrow keys to navigate through space.
  3. The goal is to reach the starbase.
  4. You must avoid the constantly appearing Klingon enemy ships.
  5. Colliding with a Klingon ship results in a loss, while reaching the starbase means victory.

1. The player controls the Enterprise spaceship.
2. Use the arrow keys to move through space.
3. The goal is to reach the starbase.
4. You must avoid the constantly appearing Klingon enemy ships.
5. Colliding with a Klingon ship results in a loss, while reaching the starbase means victory.
6. The game screen features an 800x600 pixel space background.
7. Simplified spaceship graphics are drawn using SVG.
8. A timer records survival time.
9. There are start instructions and an end dialog box.

使用 SVG 繪製企業號太空船, 星際基地, 克林貢敵船

主題遊戲製作: 尋找松鼠



更改程式語言為JavaScript 以便在連覽器上直接執行

Add REACT 以加上使用者介面





增加視覺線索: 有松鼠時躲藏時樹木可能會抖動,為增加遊戲挑戰性,限定搜尋總次數

一年後的莉拉: 她的搜尋能力增加了,找到松鼠的機會加倍


星期四, 9月 19, 2024

主題遊戲製作: 星戰

使用 Claude Sonnet 3.5 



  1. 玩家控制企業號太空船。
  2. 使用方向鍵在太空中移動。 
  3. 目標是到達星際基地。 
  4. 需避開不斷出現的克林貢敵船。 
  5. 碰到克林貢船會輸,到達基地則贏。

1. 玩家控制企業號太空船。
2. 使用方向鍵在太空中移動。
3. 目標是到達星際基地。
4. 需避開不斷出現的克林貢敵船。
5. 碰到克林貢船會輸,到達基地則贏。
6. 遊戲畫面為800x600像素的太空背景。
7. 使用SVG繪製簡化的飛船圖形。
8. 計時器記錄生存時間。
9. 有開始指示和結束對話框。

使用 SVG 繪製企業號太空船, 星際基地, 克林貢敵船