星期六, 11月 04, 2006

11-4-2006 Homework

繳交期限 11/11 下午 1:00 整
Submission due 11/11 at 1:00 p.m.

1. (Continued from the last homework) For the comments people left on your homework, give response that you think appropriate. You may want to say thanks to them in the first place.

2. Reading Assignments: (Next presentation)
Read the papers assigned to the following persons.
莊育嘉(Social Serendipity) ,徐欣佑(blog paper by hp), 建年(Wireless privacy), 陳秋慧(Web 2.0)

17 則留言:

  1. http://wirelessreport.blogspot.com/2006/10/1021-homework.html

  2. 電子碩專一 G9576619 余怡璇


  3. g9577609 資工碩專一 黃仁昆
    homework 6

  4. http://beta.blogger.com/posts.g?blogID=4497873681716253083
    電子碩專二蔡奇峰 g9276622 homework6

  5. Social learning: The intrinsic structure of blogs enables social learning. We have asked students to check into their classmates' blogs to see what other people have written. In the traditional grading, it is the job of the instructor to read students' works; students

  6. are not empowered to take a look of how the works are done by their classmates. In this sense, blogs have the potentials to upgrade personal learning to social learning.

  7. For the purpose of promoting critical and analytical thinking, after a student has read another’s posting, she is asked to leave comment to that posting. We call it the creation of “dialogue links” that are different from the trackback links. By doing so, the instructor has a way to know if the student has done his homework to read others’ postings. To avoid overwhelming the students in a large class with a work to make comments on all the postings except her own, usually only a couple of comments are actually asked, although the students are encouraged to read everyone’s work if possible. To create deeper dialogues and further the opportunities of social learning, the students who receive comments from his classmates are asked to do two things next. For one thing, they are asked to say thanks, by leaving a comment below the received ones, to the people who have made the comments to their works. For the other, further comments about the subjects commented by their peers are asked in response. The “comments on comments” may even sometimes create a long sequence of dialogues in terms of discussions or debates involved by more and more people as the dialogues proceed. Fortunately, these dialogues can be tracked by RSS easily, thanks to the feature that many blog platforms added recently to make possible the tracking of comments in addition to the postings.

  8. In terms of social learning, there is a difference between blogs and discussion forums (namely BBSs). While similar in some aspects, there remain substantial differences in user experiences. According to Peter Duffy and Axel Bruns (2005), discussion forums are predominately shared group spaces in which individual voices get heard but are not afforded specific space of their own. Therefore, discussions belong to different people or subjects are interwoven frequently, making it difficult to focus on subjects of interests or join the discussions. On the contrary, blogs provide a platform for individual expression and also support reader commentary, critique, and inter-linkage as subsequent steps. In other words, blogs foreground the individual, while discussion forums foreground the group. Blogs make more sense especially in cases where there is no strong sense of group belonging or royalty, as in the case we are discussing.
