星期三, 1月 17, 2007


1. Web 2.0 架構,支援 Digg, Del.ci.ous 等社會書籤。
2. 支援 RSS,不需登入網站,主動通知最新張貼。省去很多登入網站的時間。
3. 支援 Atom, 可以整個網站用 XML 完整備份。不怕網站關門或當機。
4. 結合 Google 搜尋,尋找過去資料很powerful。
5. 介面操作非常容易,初學者幾分鐘內就可以上手。(大家應該體驗過了? 因為有點年紀,學東西變慢了)
6. 支援近端comments (一般) 與遠端comments (trackback) 兩種模式。在自己的部落格也可以comment 別人的意見。比較合乎 (Berkeley) Creative Commons 的精神。
7. 可以上傳圖片。看圖說故事。
8. 可以整合 Google Docs,連結Word 與 Excel 檔案很方便。
9. 自動建立 archives,不需人員維護網站。
10. 結合人員 profiles, 方便聯繫。

2 則留言:

  1. For the purpose of comparisons, we also evaluate four other computer network methods that were considered before blogs were adopted in the end. The four methods are e-mail, news systems, bulletin board systems, and the Web. An e-mail system enables its users to exchange documents or messages in electronic form. It is delivered in almost real time. However, it is not student-centric, not RSS enabled, or providing varieties of connections, although it is free style and dialogue-based. More often than not, e-mail is a source of information explosion in working communities or collaborative groups. By contrast, news systems enable students and the instructor to post text-formatted materials and leave messages for the purpose of status tracking. Posting once instead of sending one by one serves the purpose of information sharing. In addition, it is fairly straightforward to set up news systems in short time and with minimal efforts. However, they do not provide varieties of connections, encourage instructor-student conversations, nor are they student-centric, although they can be RSS-enabled and free style. BBS systems allow ways of communications similar to those used for the news systems. However, they are not student-centric, RSS enabled, or providing varieties of connections. Last but not least, the Web is an Internet hypertext-distributed information retrieval system which has been popular arguably before blogs appeared. However, the Web is less attractive in our computer lab experiments in that it is not dialogue-based, nor is suited for status tracking.

  2. The biggest advantage of blogs has less to do with positive technical features and more to do with
    something we always have too little of in the classroom—time. Blogging gives back to our students
    something that many of us often lack—the time to think. --John Dailey
