星期四, 11月 14, 2019

健康照護科技研究報導 2019 No. 11

Ya-Shu Kang, Yao-Jen Chang* , “Using an augmented reality game to teach three junior high school students with intellectual disabilities to improve ATM use” , 2019 , Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. (SSCI) (* corresponding author) https://doi.org/10.1111/jar.12683

使用Hololens 協助認知障礙者工作訓練,在Hololens 環境下,使用者可以在周遭環境中操作虛擬物件
Aruanno, B., Garzotto, F., Torelli, E., & Vona, F. (2018, October). HoloLearn: Wearable Mixed Reality for People with Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDD). In Proceedings of the 20th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (pp. 40-51). ACM.

Cihak 是美國有名的特教學者,再擴增實境應用上有很多研究,以下是他有關訓練影印機操作的研究 使用智慧型眼鏡 AR 技術教導智能障礙者操作影印機

Reardon, C., Wright, R., Cihak, D., & Parker, L. E. (2016, March). Intelligent Context-Aware Augmented Reality to Teach Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. In The Twenty-Ninth International Flairs Conference.

