星期五, 3月 13, 2020

健康照護科技研究報導 No. 13

Brain Power 公司運用Google智慧型眼鏡開發出自閉症兒童的輔助科技,不僅可以辨識對方的情緒,甚至當媽媽叫小孩的時候,如果小孩不去看媽媽的臉,程式會把媽媽的臉畫成喜愛的卡通人物(例如比卡丘),吸引小孩子的目光,當小孩子把臉對準媽媽時,媽媽的臉就會重現,用這種誘導的方式訓練小孩子表現出正向的社會行為,用遊戲的方式協助兒童融入社會。

Sahin, N. T., Abdus-Sabur, R., Keshav, N. U., Liu, R., Salisbury, J. P., & Vahabzadeh, A. (2018, September). Case Study of a Digital Augmented Reality Intervention for Autism in School Classrooms: Associated With Improved Social Communication, Cognition, and Motivation via Educator and Parent Assessment. In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 3, p. 57). Frontiers.

這篇文章介紹了2013~2018 總計16個使用單一個案研究法的擴增實境(AR)特教科技研究
Baragash, R. S., Al-Samarraie, H., Alzahrani, A. I., & Alfarraj, O. (2019). Augmented reality in special education: a meta-analysis of single-subject design studiesEuropean Journal of Special Needs Education, 1-16.

McMahon, D. D., Cihak, D. F., Wright, R. E., & Bell, S. M. (2016). Augmented reality for teaching science vocabulary to postsecondary education students with intellectual disabilities and autism. Journal of Research on Technology in Education48(1), 38-56.


Antão, J. Y. F. D. L., Abreu, L. C. D., Barbosa, R. T. D. A., Crocetta, T. B., Guarnieri, R., Massetti, T., ... & Monteiro, C. B. D. M. (2020). Use of Augmented Reality with a Motion-Controlled Game Utilizing Alphabet Letters and Numbers to Improve Performance and Reaction Time Skills for People with Autism Spectrum DisorderCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking23(1), 16-22.

比較AR與Google Maps 導航
McMahon, D., Cihak, D. F., & Wright, R. (2015). Augmented reality as a navigation tool to employment opportunities for postsecondary education students with intellectual disabilities and autismJournal of Research on Technology in Education47(3), 157-172.

