星期日, 12月 17, 2023

Science in Conflict Zones


Ella Al-Shamahi / Paleoanthropologist & Comedian video 15:00 transcript, NHK



biodiverse: 生物多樣性

territory: 領土

interdisciplinary: 跨學科

paleoanthropologist: 古人類學家

archaeology: 考古學

relic: 遺跡

species: 物種

biodiversity: 生物多樣性

extinct: 已絕種

evolution: 進化

expedition: 遠征

artifact: 文物

discovery: 發現

ancient: 古代

frontier: 前沿

lineage: 血統

ancestor: 祖先

fossil: 化石

artifact: 文物

civilization: 文明

Word Origins

  1. biodiverse - First recorded in 1988, combining bio (life) + diverse (variety).
  2. territory - Early 15c from Latin "territorium", land around a town. From "terra" meaning "earth, land".
  3. interdisciplinary - First attested in 1937. Combining inter (between) + disciplinary (branch of knowledge).
  4. paleoanthropologist - First seen in 1953. From paleo (ancient) + anthropologist (studying humans).
  5. archaeology - First attested 1824. From archaeo (ancient things) + logy (study of). From Greek origins.
  6. relic - Early 15c from Latin "reliquus" meaning "that which remains".
  7. species - 1540s, from Latin specere "to look at".
  8. biodiversity - Coined in 1985 combining bio (life) + diversity (variety).
  9. extinct - 1610s from Latin ex(out) + stingure (to quench).
  10. evolution - 1832, "unrolling" from Latin evolvere.
  11. expedition - 1540s from Latin expeditus "free to march".
  12. artifact - 1821, probably a back formation from artifacts. From Latin words ars (art) and facere (to make).
  13. discovery - Early 15c from Latin dis (thoroughly) + covrire (to cover).
  14. ancient - Early 1300s from Old French ancian, from Latin ante (before).
  15. frontier - Mid 1600s from French frontiere, from front (front, forehead).
  16. lineage - 1828, from French lignage and Latin lineus (of a line).
  17. ancestor - Early 1300s from Old French ancestre, from Latin antecessor (one that goes before).
  18. fossil - 1610s from Latin fossilis "dug out", from fodere "to dig".
  19. artifact - 1821, probably a back formation from artifacts. From Latin words ars (art) and facere (to make).
  20. civilization - 1774, contraction of "civilized state" from French civiliser, related to citizen and city.

Vocabulary practice

