星期三, 5月 08, 2024

星空戀人 (初始版 作業練習)

















Starry Romance  

Reiko ascended the steps of the observatory at the University of Tokyo, greeted by a vast expanse of night sky adorned with twinkling stars like scattered pearls. She gazed at the distant Andromeda Galaxy, her thoughts wandering through the vastness of the cosmos.

A graduate of the French department at the University of Tokyo, Reiko not only spoke fluent French but also possessed an exceptional talent for piano. Yet, within this remarkable young woman resided a peculiar penchant – she harbored a deep fondness for men enamored with stargazing.

"Those who love the stars tend to be good people, don't they?" Reiko often mused.

As she lost herself in reverie, a familiar figure came into view: Ogiri, a graduate student from the astronomy department, carrying a stack of observational data, his face alight with excitement.

"Miss Reiko, it's incredible! We've finally captured an image of the black hole!" Ogiri excitedly recounted the team's journey, overcoming numerous obstacles. "We used very-long-baseline interferometry to simulate an Earth-sized virtual telescope...Despite the staggering amount of data, we eventually... Oh, can you understand all this?"

Reiko smiled gently, in awe of his passion. "Please, continue. I'm very interested."

Ogiri's eyes sparkled like the brightest star in the night sky. Reiko found herself captivated by his dedication, secretly grateful for this encounter. She yearned to share life's chapters with such a focused and fervent young man.

As their conversation flowed, Reiko suddenly noticed the starlight accentuating Ogiri's chiseled jawline, resembling the prince of her dreams. An urge welled up within her – she longed to caress his face and reveal her true feelings.

"Ogiri-kun, may I ask you to do something for me?" Reiko inhaled deeply, her tone calm yet resolute.

"Of course, what is it?"

"Please play the piano for me, here under the starry sky."

Ogiri paused, momentarily taken aback, but without hesitation, he approached the old piano in the corner of the observatory, bathed in moonlight. His fingers danced nimbly across the brass keys, the melody flowing like a gentle stream beneath the night sky.

Reiko lowered her eyelids, allowing silent tears to trickle down her cheeks. She wholeheartedly wished this moment could last eternally, until the end of the universe itself.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​










Over the ensuing months, Reiko and Ogiri's relationship grew increasingly intimate. They would often stroll through the observatory, sharing their interests and passions. Ogiri enthusiastically explained various celestial phenomena, while Reiko savored the fervor in his words. Sometimes, he would bring his piano, serenading her with moving melodies.

One deep night, as Ogiri recounted the arduous journey of capturing the black hole image, Reiko gazed into his impassioned eyes and finally mustered the courage to bare her heart: "Ogiri-kun, I feel fortunate to witness your pursuit of the stars. Your thirst for the unknown, your unwavering focus – it all captivates me deeply... I've fallen in love with you."

Ogiri was taken aback by her candid confession, momentarily rendered speechless. But as he looked into Reiko's sincere eyes, a warmth surged within him, as if this woman had ignited the brightest star in his heart.

"Miss Reiko... I'm delighted you feel this way. The truth is, I've been enamored by your virtues for a long time now." Ogiri spoke softly, slowly approaching Reiko. "Your kindness, your zest for life, your unique musical insights – everything about you entrances me. To explore the mysteries of the cosmos by your side is the greatest honor of my life."

Reiko's cheeks flushed, her heart brimming with immense joy. She gently leaned into Ogiri's embrace, the two enveloped in a tender moment beneath the observatory's dome.

It seemed as if a beam of light from a distant galaxy had pierced through the mists of space and time, illuminating this newly acquainted couple. Some say love is a trivial matter, but to the universe, every encounter between lives is a precious, extraordinary miracle.

Amidst this vast celestial expanse, they had found each other.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​










Years swiftly went by. Ogiri gradually rose to prominence in the astronomical community, becoming a celebrated young scientist. Meanwhile, Reiko taught piano and French courses at a renowned music academy in Geneva.  

Though separated by oceans, their love only grew fonder with time. Whenever Ogiri published a new research paper, Reiko would read it intently, beaming with pride. During summer and winter breaks, they would set aside work to reunite in Tokyo or Geneva, reminiscing about cherished memories.

One summer, they rendezvoused at a quaint town nestled in the Swiss mountains to savor the local wines. Ogiri gazed pensively at the dazzling starry sky through the window, glass in hand.

"Darling, do you remember? It was under that very expanse of stars that we first met," Ogiri murmured. "The journey to unravel the cosmos was not a solitary one, for you walked alongside me. I realized then that discovering something far more precious than a black hole – was having you as my companion."

Reiko smiled warmly, retrieving a small box from beside the piano. "It seems tonight is a fitting occasion." She recounted the details of their fateful encounter years ago and confessed a longstanding wish of hers. 

"Let our child inherit your inquisitiveness, to explore this vast universe; and my passion for music and language, to extol life's beauty through art..."

Tears streamed down Ogiri's face as he tightly embraced Reiko. On this tranquil summer night, their souls wandered amidst the myriad stars, experiencing love's eternity and the profound mysteries of the cosmos.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

