星期五, 10月 13, 2006

10-14-2006 不能上課者請簽名

I know some of you have to work in the office and keep making money.
I can understand you will have to absent from the class.
Just leave your name here at the comment.

10/14/2006 上課內容,請自學.有問題可隨時提出.

4 則留言:

  1. Dear 張老師:
    I can't get there, so sorry. I need to work too! But I can get there late --- maybe 4:00 pm.
    Thanks lots.

    碩專二 康盈堃 g9476618

  2. 今天小運會小弟我參加游泳比賽(13:00),所以較慢到教室.
    電子三甲 黃鈞蔚

  3. g9577609碩專1黃仁昆
