星期六, 11月 25, 2023

Self test of comprehension

 Using ChatGPT 3.5 

1. Copy the transcript of the video clip  and paste it on ChatGPT 

2. Enter the prompt: 

Prepare 10 multiple choice problems from the paste text above to test comprehension. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.

3. Answer each question. ChatGPT will grade it and generate the next question until 10 questions are generated.

 Caution: ChatGPT is not always reliable. Use your discernment. 

預告 學習成效自我檢測 Capturing a black hole 12/6

 能力檢測範圍 Capturing a black hole





(I used Claude and human correction to prepare the following content.)


  1. What astronomical body was Professor Honma's team trying to capture images of? What makes this astronomical body unusual?
  2. Why was seeing a black hole previously thought to be impossible? What technique did Honma's team use to overcome this obstacle?
  3. How does the Event Horizon Telescope allow scientists to simulate an extremely large telescope on Earth? What is the benefit of having a large telescope to observe black holes?
  4. What were some key challenges and setbacks Honma's team faced while trying to capture the first image of a black hole? How did they manage to persevere?
  5. In Honma's view, what is the significance or potential benefits to humanity of advancing our understanding of black holes through fundamental astrophysics research?
  6. What does Honma's quote "In the heavens, you see Earth's value and humanity's way" mean in regards to astronomical research showing humanity's path forward?



2.以前為何認為觀察黑洞是不可能的? 本間的團隊用什麼技術來解決這個障礙?






1. 理解文章的層次:可能需要理解文章的整體脈絡,以確保你的回答涵蓋了主要觀點和細節。

2. 結合不同範疇的知識:這個紀錄片涉及到天文學,跨國合作,無線電觀測技術等多個範疇,你可能需要整合這些知識來回答問題。

3. 理解詞彙:一些專業詞彙(例如"無線電天文學", Radio Astronomy)可能需要進一步的理解。

4. 影片的長度:影片長度可能比較長,你可能會感到疲倦或分心。


  • 在觀看影片之前,先回顧上課時老師所提供關於這部紀錄片的背景知識。 這將有助於你更好地理解影片的內容。
  • 在觀看影片時,可以做一些筆記。 這將有助於你記住重要的內容。
  • 如果影片的內容太艱深,可以暫停影片,查找相關的資料。
  • 如果影片的長度太長,可以分段觀看。
  • 必要時,可以打開中文字幕。

 Key points of the documentary

  1. Professor Honma is an astronomer at Japan's national observatory. In 2019 and 2022, he was part of an international team that captured the first images of black holes.
  2. Black holes are mysterious, fascinating astronomical bodies that absorb anything near them, even light. Supermassive black holes have masses millions or billions of times that of the Sun.
  3. Seeing a black hole was thought to be impossible since they are invisible and incredibly far away. But Honma's team managed by capturing the outline and shadow around the black hole rather than seeing it directly.
  4. They used a coordinated network of radio telescopes around the world to create an Earth-sized virtual telescope capable of extremely high resolution, allowing them to capture the image of the black hole and its gas and light swirling around it.
  5. It took over a decade of preparation, failures, perseverance, and advancing the necessary technologies before they succeeded in getting the first images. It was a major breakthrough in fundamental astrophysics research.
  6. Honma believes black holes may have seeded early galaxies and are key to the universe and origins of life. So advancing knowledge here can show humanity our cosmic context and future path, even if applications are not immediate.
  7. In summary, through determination and breakthrough techniques like a planet-scale radio telescope network, Professor Honma's team achieved a major milestone in visually confirming the existence of supermassive black holes for the first time.






5.在成功捕捉首張黑洞影像之前,他們花了 10 年以上的籌備時間,歷經許多失敗和挫折,但仍然堅持不懈,並推動必要的技術突破。這是基礎天文物理學領域上的重要里程碑。2019 年,5500 萬光年, M87。 200+ 天文學家, 3個獨立團隊,各有其演算法,連續4天觀測,6處天文台,8支望遠鏡,相當於地球大小望遠鏡的解析度。



星期五, 11月 24, 2023

How to get word origins: Capturing a black hole

  Using ChatGPT 3.5 

1.  Enter the prompt: 

Give word origin of the following list of vocabulary: absorb distort astronomical telescope resolution supermassive mysterious desperate prestigious collaborate phenomenon synthesize significant fundamental. If there is prefix and root in a word, tell me about them. Provide the origin one at a time.

2. You will get the origin for the first word. Then you prompt ChatGPT by entering "next." And you will get the second one. Keep doing this until all is done.

Self test of vocabulary: Capturing a Black Hole

 Using ChatGPT 3.5 

1.  Enter the prompt: 

Based on the vocabulary: (absorb, distort, astronomical, supermassive, mysterious, desperate, prestigious, collaborate, phenomenon, synthesize, significant, fundamental), randomize the order of these words and then prepare 5 fill the blank quiz questions. Each question has only one missing word. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.

2. Answer each question. ChatGPT will grade it and generate the next question until 5 questions are generated.

Caution: ChatGPT is not always reliable. Use your discernment.

Capturing a black hole

black holes 15:00 video with transcript, NHK

預告: 學習成效自我檢測 

We love astronomy.

Vocabulary 字彙 (vocabulary prepared with  hand pick, origins prepared with ChatGPT)

absorb 吸收

distort 扭曲

astronomical 天文的

telescope 望遠鏡

resolution 解析度 

supermassive 超大質量的

mysterious 神秘的

  • (Greek) "of secret rite or secret worship."

desperate 絕望的

prestigious 聲望極高的

  • (Latin) "illusion" or "dazzling."

collaborate 合作

phenomenon 現象

  • (Greek) "thing appearing to view"

synthesize 合成

  • (Greek) "putting together"

significant 極重要的

  • (Latin) to "signify"

fundamental 基本的

  • (Latin) foundation


Part 1 listening quiz 

  1. absent, abduct, absorb 

  2. resolution, evolution, dissolution

  3. television, telescope, telestar

  4. astrology, astronomical, asteroid

  5. distort, displace, dismiss

  • absorb, ab+sorb, away+ suck in
  • absent, ab+sent, ab+esse, away+ to be

  • distort, dis+tort (torque), away+twist 
  • displace, dis+place, away+please (to upset)

  • astronomy, astro+nomy, star+ law
  • astrology, astro+logy, star+ study

  • telescope, tele+scope, far+ to see
  • television, tele+vision, far+ sight

  • resolution, re + solution, back/again, to loosen/ to solve
  • dissolve, dis+solve,  apart+ to loosen 

  • supermassive, super+massive, above+mass
  • superhero, super+hero
  • superman, super+man

  • mysterious, mysteri+ous (full of), close (eyes)+ ous
  • generous, gener+ous, (nobel) birth + full of

  • desperate, de + sper, without + hope

Part 2 listening quiz

  1. collaborate, elaborate, deliberate 
  2. momentum, metaphysics, phenomenon
  3. analysis, synthesize, energize
  4. significant, magnificent, wonderful
  5. elementary, basic, fundamental 
  • collaborate, com + laborate, together + work 
  • elaborate, e+laborate, out+ work (work out)


Taiwan in EHT

星期五, 11月 17, 2023

Self test of vocabulary: the power of plants

Using ChatGPT 3.5 

1.  Enter the prompt: 

Based on the vocabulary: co-evolution, ecosystem, asymmetrical, miniature, transformative, leveller, therapeutic, billion, pandemic, aesthetic, botanical, randomize the order of these words and then prepare 5 fill the blank quiz questions. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.

2. Answer each question. ChatGPT will grade it and generate the next question until 5 questions are generated.

3. Share your chat or screen dump your results. Mail to chang212@gmail.com

星期六, 11月 11, 2023

預告 學習成效自我檢測 the power of plants 11/22

能力檢測範圍 The power of plants 





 (I used ChatGPT and human correction to prepare the following content)


1. 新冠大流行和植物的重要性:

   - 新冠大流行期間,文章如何突顯植物對我們的精神和身體健康的重要性?

2. 詹姆斯·王 - 有影響力的植物學家:

   - 誰是詹姆斯·王?他是如何激發新一代對植物的興趣的?

3. 植物在解決問題中的力量:

   - 植物如何提供解決全球重大問題的解決方案?文章中提到了哪些植物的好處?

4. 玻璃容器和室內園藝:

   - 文章中討論了什麼是玻璃容器?它們是如何在有限空間中創造室內微型生態系統的?

5. 網際網路、植物社群和社會均等:

   - 網際網路如何在全球植物愛好者之間建立共同點?社會如何通過對自然的共同熱愛實現均等?


1. 理解文章的層次:可能需要理解文章的整體脈絡,以確保你的回答涵蓋了主要觀點和細節。

2. 結合不同範疇的知識:這個紀錄片涉及到植物學、健康、社群媒體等多個範疇,你可能需要整合這些知識來回答問題。

3. 理解詞彙:一些專業詞彙(例如"共同演化")可能需要進一步的理解。

4. 應用知識:你可以練習將影片中的概念應用到現實情境,例如植物如何影響健康或解決全球問題。

5. 影片的長度:影片長度可能比較長,你可能會感到疲倦或分心。


  • 在觀看影片之前,先回顧上課時老師所提供關於這部紀錄片的背景知識。 這將有助於你更好地理解影片的內容。
  • 在觀看影片時,可以做一些筆記。 這將有助於你記住重要的內容。
  • 如果影片的內容太艱深,可以暫停影片,查找相關的資料。
  • 如果影片的長度太長,可以分段觀看。
  • 必要時,可以打開中文字幕。

星期五, 11月 10, 2023

學習自我檢視 The power of plants




Self test of comprehension 


1. What role do plants play in addressing major challenges facing humanity, according to the text?

2. Explain the evolutionary strategy of plants in dealing with external threats.

3. How has the internet, particularly social media, contributed to the growing interest in plants, as mentioned in the text?

4. Describe James Wong’s connection to Kew Gardens and its influence on his life.

5. What are some reasons James Wong provides for the recent surge in interest in houseplants globally?

Self test of comprehension: The power of plants

Using ChatGPT 3.5 

1. Copy the transcript of the video clip The power of plants and paste it on ChatGPT 

2. Enter the prompt: 

Prepare 10 multiple choice problems from the paste text above to test comprehension. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.

3. Answer each question. ChatGPT will grade it and generate the next question until 10 questions are generated.

4. Share your chat or screen dump your results. Mail to chang212@gmail.com

星期三, 11月 08, 2023

The Power of Plants

The power of plants 15:00 transcript, NHK

20 slides for the story 

預告: 學習成效自我檢測

Vocabulary 字彙 (vocabulary prepared with Claude and hand pick, origins prepared with ChatGPT)

Pandemic 大規模流行的(疾病)

Botany 植物學
  • Botany, Greek, pasture, herb or grass. Safe for livestock to eat?
Horticulture 農藝學
  • horticulture, horti + culture, garden + cultivate (Latin)
  • agriculture, ager + culture, field + cultivate (Latin)
Aesthetic 審美的,美學的
  • The word “aesthetic” has its origin in the Greek word “aisthesis,” which means “perception” or “sensation.”
Biology 生物學
  • Biology, bio + logy, life + study
Billion 十億

Therapeutic 療癒的
  • The word “therapy” comes from the Greek word “therapeia,” meaning “healing” or “medical treatment.”
Asymmetrical 不對稱的

Co-evolution 共同演化

Ecosystem 生態系統

Miniaturize 微小化

Transformative 變革性的,徹底改變的

Leveller 人人平等的事情,人人都要面對的事物;(尤指)死亡。

Commune 共同生活;共享
  • The word “commune” has its origin in the Latin word “communis,” meaning common or public.


Part 1 listening quiz 

  1. Destiny, botany, ebony 
  2. Pandemic, mimic, algorithmic 
  3. Trillion, billion, million 
  4. Heaven, paradise, resort 
  5. Agriculture, horticulture, permaculture 

  • "Ebony and Ivory" 和諧共處

  • Pandemic, pan + demos, all + people (Greek)
  • Democracy
  • Demographic 

  • Transform, trans + form , across + form
  • Transport, trans + port, across + carry 
  • Reform, re+ form, again + form

Part 2 listening quiz

  1. Comparative, transformative, relative
  2. Terrain, territory, terrarium 
  3. Leverage , leveller, levels
  4. Resonate, designate, detonate 
  5. Co-evolution, evolution, revolution 

  • Asymmetric: a + symmetric, not + symmetric (Greek)
  • Symmetry : sym+ metry, same + measure
  • Geometry: It is derived from the combination of two Greek words: “geo,” meaning “earth,” and “metron,” meaning “measure.” 
  • Econometric: econo+ metric, economy + measure

  • Terrarium: terra+ arium, earth+place
  • Aquarium: aqua+ arium, water+place
  • Terrain: terra 
  • terrestrial: adj.
  • Territory 

星期三, 11月 01, 2023

學習成效自我檢測 lithium ion batteries

測試範圍 lithium ion battery

課程網站 http://minstral.blogspot.com/2023/10/lithium-ion-batteries.html?m=1


  • 注意影片中出現的關鍵字和術語,並查找其單字與意思。
  • 吉野彰是如何克服挑戰的? 吉野彰在開發鋰離子電池的過程中面臨了許多挑戰,包括找到合適的陰極材料和確保電池安全。他是如何克服這些挑戰的?他採用了哪些方法和策略?
  • 吉野彰的發明對我們的世界產生了什麼影響? 鋰離子電池現在被廣泛應用於智能手機、筆記本電腦、電動汽車等產品中。它對我們的日常生活產生了重大影響。吉野彰的發明是如何改變了我們的生活?
  • 吉野彰的發明對未來的影響是什麼? 鋰離子電池仍在不斷發展。未來,鋰離子電池可能會變得更小、更輕、更安全、更高效。吉野彰的發明將如何影響未來?


  • 影片中可能出現一些你不熟悉的單字或術語。
  • 影片的內容可能比較艱深。 影片涉及到一些複雜的科學原理和技術。可能需要花一些時間來理解這些內容。
  • 影片的長度可能比較長,你可能會感到疲倦或分心。


  • 在觀看影片之前,先回顧上課時老師所提供關於鋰離子電池的背景知識。 這將有助於你更好地理解影片的內容。
  • 在觀看影片時,可以做一些筆記。 這將有助於你記住重要的內容。
  • 如果影片的內容太艱深,可以暫停影片,查找相關的資料。
  • 如果影片的長度太長,可以分段觀看。
  • 必要時,可以打開中文字幕。

Self test of vocabulary: Lithium ion battery

Self test of comprehension: Lithium Ion Battery