星期六, 11月 25, 2023

預告 學習成效自我檢測 Capturing a black hole 12/6

 能力檢測範圍 Capturing a black hole





(I used Claude and human correction to prepare the following content.)


  1. What astronomical body was Professor Honma's team trying to capture images of? What makes this astronomical body unusual?
  2. Why was seeing a black hole previously thought to be impossible? What technique did Honma's team use to overcome this obstacle?
  3. How does the Event Horizon Telescope allow scientists to simulate an extremely large telescope on Earth? What is the benefit of having a large telescope to observe black holes?
  4. What were some key challenges and setbacks Honma's team faced while trying to capture the first image of a black hole? How did they manage to persevere?
  5. In Honma's view, what is the significance or potential benefits to humanity of advancing our understanding of black holes through fundamental astrophysics research?
  6. What does Honma's quote "In the heavens, you see Earth's value and humanity's way" mean in regards to astronomical research showing humanity's path forward?



2.以前為何認為觀察黑洞是不可能的? 本間的團隊用什麼技術來解決這個障礙?






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 Key points of the documentary

  1. Professor Honma is an astronomer at Japan's national observatory. In 2019 and 2022, he was part of an international team that captured the first images of black holes.
  2. Black holes are mysterious, fascinating astronomical bodies that absorb anything near them, even light. Supermassive black holes have masses millions or billions of times that of the Sun.
  3. Seeing a black hole was thought to be impossible since they are invisible and incredibly far away. But Honma's team managed by capturing the outline and shadow around the black hole rather than seeing it directly.
  4. They used a coordinated network of radio telescopes around the world to create an Earth-sized virtual telescope capable of extremely high resolution, allowing them to capture the image of the black hole and its gas and light swirling around it.
  5. It took over a decade of preparation, failures, perseverance, and advancing the necessary technologies before they succeeded in getting the first images. It was a major breakthrough in fundamental astrophysics research.
  6. Honma believes black holes may have seeded early galaxies and are key to the universe and origins of life. So advancing knowledge here can show humanity our cosmic context and future path, even if applications are not immediate.
  7. In summary, through determination and breakthrough techniques like a planet-scale radio telescope network, Professor Honma's team achieved a major milestone in visually confirming the existence of supermassive black holes for the first time.






5.在成功捕捉首張黑洞影像之前,他們花了 10 年以上的籌備時間,歷經許多失敗和挫折,但仍然堅持不懈,並推動必要的技術突破。這是基礎天文物理學領域上的重要里程碑。2019 年,5500 萬光年, M87。 200+ 天文學家, 3個獨立團隊,各有其演算法,連續4天觀測,6處天文台,8支望遠鏡,相當於地球大小望遠鏡的解析度。



