星期二, 4月 30, 2024

Exercise: Capturing a black hole

 使用ChatGPT協助你自我檢視你對Capturing a black hole紀錄片的理解與科技英文的掌握能力。請同學檢定你的學習成效,有疑問可以向我反應。 黑洞主題科技英文

Using ChatGPT  to assist you in self-assessing your understanding of the documentary 'Capturing a black hole' and your mastery of technical English. Students, please assess your learning outcomes. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me for assistance. Technical English on the topic of black holes.

1. Self test of vocabulary

2. Self test of comprehension 

3. 在同一個ChatGPT 對話中,繼續試著回答以下六個簡答問題。

Continuing within the same ChatGPT conversation, please attempt to answer the following six short-answer questions."

  1. What astronomical body was the Japanese team trying to capture images of? What makes this astronomical body unusual?
  2. Why was seeing a black hole previously thought to be impossible? What technique did Japanese team use to overcome this obstacle?
  3. How does the Event Horizon Telescope allow scientists to simulate an extremely large telescope on Earth? What is the benefit of having a large telescope to observe black holes?
  4. What were some key challenges and setbacks Japanese team faced while trying to capture the first image of a black hole? How did they manage to persevere?
  5. In Japanese team's view, what is the significance or potential benefits to humanity of advancing our understanding of black holes through fundamental astrophysics research?
  6. What does the quote "In the heavens, you see Earth's value and humanity's way" mean in regards to astronomical research showing humanity's path forward?

4. 使用 Image Creator 將上述問題與你的回答逐一圖像化,請以分享圖片的連結作答(生成六張問題圖片,六張答案圖片)。

Please use Image Creator to visualize the above questions and your answers one by one, and provide the links to the images for each question and answer (generate six images for questions and six images for answers).

5. 依據第三題中的六個問題作為小說架構,以及以下有關一位女主角「麗子」的人設,撰寫一篇2000字的繁體中文短篇浪漫小說。依據中文版小說,再生成一篇英文版小說。(如果 ChatGPT 產生的結果不太滿意,可以試著改用 Claude.ai)

Based on the six questions from the third question as the framework for a novel, and the character setting of a female protagonist named 'Reiko' provided below, write a 2000-word romantic short story in Traditional Chinese. Based on the Chinese version of the novel, generate an English version of the novel again. (If the result generated by ChatGPT is not satisfactory, you can try using Claude.ai)."



Miss Reiko is the female protagonist. She graduated from the French department at the University of Tokyo. She plays the piano, speaks with gentle and captivating words, adores children, and harbors a fondness for male astronomy enthusiasts. She believes that those who love the stars are mostly good people.

7. 將你的小說,以村上春樹風格改寫一次。


Transcript 在哪裡


Taiwan in EHT

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