星期五, 5月 31, 2024

English for fun: Listening to online news and more

 Listening to online news

1. tap in your favorite article such as https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2024/05/31/2003818650

2. convert it to pdf, as most AI accepts only pdf as document format.

3. upload your pdf to ChatGPT 4o

4. Type prompt "Please show the entire original article."

5. Illustration. Type prompt "Draw a picture to illustrate"

6. Check the option "Read aloud"

7. According to your TOEIC level, extract vocabulary. For example, your score is 500.

星期二, 5月 28, 2024

Exercise: Preparing a presentation based on a paper.

 Download the paper from https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/cyber.2023.29303.editorial

Upload the pdf to Claude.ai, Prompt it to generate a 20-minutue presentation.


Switch to Tradition Chinese 

Generate slide one at a time 

Prepare the presentation using Keynote or PowerPoint
使用 Apple Keynote 或 Microsoft PowerPoint 製作成一份完整投影片

If you use ChatGPT Plus, it is much easier.

星期二, 5月 21, 2024

Exercise: Refine your prompt in Writing a report/paper/thesis with COT (Chain of Thought) based on minimal prompts


How to prepare the refined prompt


method 1 one shot, generate according to well defined guidelines

method 2, Use COT

星期五, 5月 17, 2024

RAG: Retrieval-Augmented Generation


 In the context of large language models (LLMs), "rag" or "RAG" typically refers to "Retrieval-Augmented Generation." RAG is a technique that combines traditional language modeling with information retrieval to improve the performance and accuracy of LLMs in various natural language processing tasks, such as question answering, document summarization, and dialogue systems.

Key components and concepts of RAG in LLMs:

1. Retrieval: RAG models use an information retrieval system to find relevant documents or passages from a large external knowledge base based on the input query or context.

2. Augmentation: The retrieved information is then used to augment the input to the language model, providing additional context to help generate more accurate and informative responses.

3. Generation: The augmented input is passed through the language model, which generates the final output based on both the original input and the retrieved information.

4. Knowledge base: RAG models rely on a large external knowledge base, such as Wikipedia or custom-built domain-specific databases, to retrieve relevant information for augmenting the input.

5. Improved performance: By incorporating retrieved information, RAG models can generate more accurate, specific, and factually grounded responses compared to traditional language models that rely solely on their training data.

Some notable examples of RAG models include Dense Passage Retrieval (DPR) and RAG-Token, both developed by Facebook AI Research. These models have achieved state-of-the-art performance on various question-answering benchmarks, showcasing the effectiveness of the retrieval-augmented generation approach in LLMs.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

在大型語言模型(LLMs)的背景下,「rag」或「RAG」通常指的是「檢索增強生成」(Retrieval-Augmented Generation)。RAG 是一種結合傳統語言建模和資訊檢索的技術,用於改善 LLMs 在各種自然語言處理任務中的性能和準確性,例如問答、文件摘要和對話系統。

RAG 在 LLMs 中的關鍵組成部分和概念:

1. 檢索:RAG 模型使用資訊檢索系統根據輸入查詢或上下文從大型外部知識庫中找出相關的文件或段落。

2. 增強:檢索到的資訊然後用於增強語言模型的輸入,提供額外的上下文以幫助生成更準確和資訊豐富的回應。

3. 生成:增強的輸入被傳遞到語言模型中,語言模型根據原始輸入和檢索到的資訊生成最終輸出。

4. 知識庫:RAG 模型依賴於大型外部知識庫,例如維基百科或自定義建立的特定領域資料庫,以檢索相關資訊來增強輸入。

5. 改善性能:通過結合檢索到的資訊,與僅依賴其訓練資料的傳統語言模型相比,RAG 模型可以生成更準確、具體和事實基礎的回應。

一些著名的 RAG 模型包括 Facebook AI Research 開發的 Dense Passage Retrieval(DPR)和 RAG-Token。這些模型在各種問答基準測試中達到了最先進的性能,展示了檢索增強生成方法在 LLMs 中的有效性。​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

星期三, 5月 15, 2024

Exercise: Writing a report/paper/thesis with COT (Chain of Thought) by rewriting and restyling

1. Based on a short report to a conference paper

2. Based on a master thesis to a journal

Exercise: Writing a report/paper/thesis with COT (Chain of Thought) based on incomplete data

Based on a ppt to write a master thesis in English.

Use Claude.ai sonnet (free, 免費) Opus (fee, 付費)or ChatGPT plus (fee, 需付費)

Upload a ppt from the lecture pool.

Start your prompt. Must be in English.

For Chapter 2 and the other sections of the thesis writing, follow the procedure as in Exercise: Writing a report/paper/thesis with COT (...

    Exercise: Writing a report/paper/thesis with COT (Chain of Thought) based on minimal prompts

     1. Minimal prompts, using Claude.ai

    Generate Chapter 1 Introduction 

    Generate Chapter 2 Previous work

    Generate Chapter 3 Methods

    Generate Chapter 4 Results (hallucination ,幻覺,Do not take it and use. )

    Generate Chapter 5 Discussions

    Generate Chapter 6 Conclusion 

    Generate Keywords

    Generate Section 3.2 Materials

    Generate again using new information

    Switch back to Traditional Chinese

    Use proper wording

    Generate References

    Generate the entire thesis

    Update new methods

    2. Repeat the process using ChatGPT

    Exercise: AI for taking Quick notes and more





    Exercise: Quick notes

    1. enter the following webpage.

    2. Download the PDF

    3. Use Claude.ai to takes notes for you.

    4. Show the results in Traditional Chinese

    5. Comprehension.
    Prepare 10 multiple choice problems from the paste text above to test comprehension. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.

    星期一, 5月 13, 2024

    [Example] The Rabbit's Endless Journey, the Ant's Steady Progress







    Once upon a time, there was a rabbit and an ant who both lived in northern Taiwan. One day, they decided to travel to Tainan to experience the southern charm.

    The rabbit confidently said, "I can run very fast, so I'll definitely reach Tainan before the ant!" With that, the rabbit dashed forward without looking back. However, because the rabbit was always impatient and unwilling to ask for directions, it kept running northward, getting farther and farther away from Tainan.

    On the other hand, the ant, although slow, was very smart and always carefully checked the direction. The ant moved forward step by step, heading southward. Despite the long journey, the ant never gave up.

    A few days later, the ant finally arrived in Tainan and excitedly explored the ancient temples and savored the delicious local snacks. And what about the rabbit? It was still lost in the northern mountains, getting farther and farther away from its destination.

    Finally, the rabbit realized its mistake and decided to ask passersby for directions. With everyone's guidance, the rabbit finally made it to Tainan and reunited with the ant. The rabbit said to the ant, "I understand now that direction is more important than speed. As long as the goal is correct, even if you walk slowly, you will eventually reach your destination."

    From then on, the rabbit and the ant became good friends. They explored Tainan's food and attractions together and had a wonderful time. This story teaches us that by choosing the right direction and persevering in our efforts, we can surely achieve our goals.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

    Exercise: Writing a picture book for children.



    Hints: You can use ChatGPT or Claude.ai for creating the story. For the illustrations, you can try Microsoft Image Creator.

    星期四, 5月 09, 2024

    What is Chain of thought (COT) vs. One Shot

     Chain of thought is a problem-solving technique where a series of intermediate reasoning steps are explicitly stated before arriving at the final answer. This approach has been shown to improve the performance of language models on complex reasoning tasks.

    Here's how the chain of thought process works:

    1. Problem decomposition: Break down the complex problem into smaller, more manageable sub-problems or steps.

    2. Step-by-step reasoning: Solve each sub-problem or step sequentially, clearly stating the thought process and intermediate results.

    3. Combining results: Integrate the solutions to the sub-problems to arrive at the final answer.

    4. Verification: Review the chain of thought to ensure logical consistency and correctness.

    The main advantage of using chain of thought is that it allows the model to demonstrate its reasoning process, making the solution more transparent and interpretable. It also helps the model keep track of its progress and maintain focus on the relevant information needed to solve the problem.

    Here's a simple example of chain of thought for a math word problem:

    Question: John has 5 apples. He gives 2 apples to Mary. How many apples does John have now?

    Chain of thought:

    - John initially has 5 apples

    - He gives 2 apples to Mary

    - So, the number of apples John has now is: 5 - 2 = 3

    Therefore, John now has 3 apples.

    Chain of thought has been successfully applied to various tasks, such as arithmetic reasoning, commonsense reasoning, and symbolic reasoning. It has the potential to improve the performance of language models on tasks that require multi-step reasoning and logical thinking.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

    星期三, 5月 08, 2024

    星空戀人 (初始版 作業練習)

















    Starry Romance  

    Reiko ascended the steps of the observatory at the University of Tokyo, greeted by a vast expanse of night sky adorned with twinkling stars like scattered pearls. She gazed at the distant Andromeda Galaxy, her thoughts wandering through the vastness of the cosmos.

    A graduate of the French department at the University of Tokyo, Reiko not only spoke fluent French but also possessed an exceptional talent for piano. Yet, within this remarkable young woman resided a peculiar penchant – she harbored a deep fondness for men enamored with stargazing.

    "Those who love the stars tend to be good people, don't they?" Reiko often mused.

    As she lost herself in reverie, a familiar figure came into view: Ogiri, a graduate student from the astronomy department, carrying a stack of observational data, his face alight with excitement.

    "Miss Reiko, it's incredible! We've finally captured an image of the black hole!" Ogiri excitedly recounted the team's journey, overcoming numerous obstacles. "We used very-long-baseline interferometry to simulate an Earth-sized virtual telescope...Despite the staggering amount of data, we eventually... Oh, can you understand all this?"

    Reiko smiled gently, in awe of his passion. "Please, continue. I'm very interested."

    Ogiri's eyes sparkled like the brightest star in the night sky. Reiko found herself captivated by his dedication, secretly grateful for this encounter. She yearned to share life's chapters with such a focused and fervent young man.

    As their conversation flowed, Reiko suddenly noticed the starlight accentuating Ogiri's chiseled jawline, resembling the prince of her dreams. An urge welled up within her – she longed to caress his face and reveal her true feelings.

    "Ogiri-kun, may I ask you to do something for me?" Reiko inhaled deeply, her tone calm yet resolute.

    "Of course, what is it?"

    "Please play the piano for me, here under the starry sky."

    Ogiri paused, momentarily taken aback, but without hesitation, he approached the old piano in the corner of the observatory, bathed in moonlight. His fingers danced nimbly across the brass keys, the melody flowing like a gentle stream beneath the night sky.

    Reiko lowered her eyelids, allowing silent tears to trickle down her cheeks. She wholeheartedly wished this moment could last eternally, until the end of the universe itself.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​










    Over the ensuing months, Reiko and Ogiri's relationship grew increasingly intimate. They would often stroll through the observatory, sharing their interests and passions. Ogiri enthusiastically explained various celestial phenomena, while Reiko savored the fervor in his words. Sometimes, he would bring his piano, serenading her with moving melodies.

    One deep night, as Ogiri recounted the arduous journey of capturing the black hole image, Reiko gazed into his impassioned eyes and finally mustered the courage to bare her heart: "Ogiri-kun, I feel fortunate to witness your pursuit of the stars. Your thirst for the unknown, your unwavering focus – it all captivates me deeply... I've fallen in love with you."

    Ogiri was taken aback by her candid confession, momentarily rendered speechless. But as he looked into Reiko's sincere eyes, a warmth surged within him, as if this woman had ignited the brightest star in his heart.

    "Miss Reiko... I'm delighted you feel this way. The truth is, I've been enamored by your virtues for a long time now." Ogiri spoke softly, slowly approaching Reiko. "Your kindness, your zest for life, your unique musical insights – everything about you entrances me. To explore the mysteries of the cosmos by your side is the greatest honor of my life."

    Reiko's cheeks flushed, her heart brimming with immense joy. She gently leaned into Ogiri's embrace, the two enveloped in a tender moment beneath the observatory's dome.

    It seemed as if a beam of light from a distant galaxy had pierced through the mists of space and time, illuminating this newly acquainted couple. Some say love is a trivial matter, but to the universe, every encounter between lives is a precious, extraordinary miracle.

    Amidst this vast celestial expanse, they had found each other.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​










    Years swiftly went by. Ogiri gradually rose to prominence in the astronomical community, becoming a celebrated young scientist. Meanwhile, Reiko taught piano and French courses at a renowned music academy in Geneva.  

    Though separated by oceans, their love only grew fonder with time. Whenever Ogiri published a new research paper, Reiko would read it intently, beaming with pride. During summer and winter breaks, they would set aside work to reunite in Tokyo or Geneva, reminiscing about cherished memories.

    One summer, they rendezvoused at a quaint town nestled in the Swiss mountains to savor the local wines. Ogiri gazed pensively at the dazzling starry sky through the window, glass in hand.

    "Darling, do you remember? It was under that very expanse of stars that we first met," Ogiri murmured. "The journey to unravel the cosmos was not a solitary one, for you walked alongside me. I realized then that discovering something far more precious than a black hole – was having you as my companion."

    Reiko smiled warmly, retrieving a small box from beside the piano. "It seems tonight is a fitting occasion." She recounted the details of their fateful encounter years ago and confessed a longstanding wish of hers. 

    "Let our child inherit your inquisitiveness, to explore this vast universe; and my passion for music and language, to extol life's beauty through art..."

    Tears streamed down Ogiri's face as he tightly embraced Reiko. On this tranquil summer night, their souls wandered amidst the myriad stars, experiencing love's eternity and the profound mysteries of the cosmos.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

    Exercise: Improve writings based on multiple criticism using Chain of Thought (COT)

    Chain of thoughts (思維鏈): Step by step makes it easy. For novels as well as reports and thesis

    Frame, story lines, Setting, characters

    Generate Draft v1

    Appreciate, criticize

    Apply criticism 1, generate draft v2.1

    Apply criticism 2, generate draft v2.2

    Apply criticism 3, generate draft v2.3

    Apply criticism 4, generate draft v2.4

    Apply criticism 5, generate draft v2.5



    Apply appreciation 1, generate draft v3.1

    Apply appreciation 1, generate draft v3.2

    Apply appreciation 1, generate draft v3.3

    Apply appreciation 1, generate draft v3.4

    Apply appreciation 1, generate draft v3.5


    Let the Criticism be as follows

    1. The story may benefit from more detailed descriptions of the characters' physical appearances and mannerisms to help readers better visualize them.
    2. The dialogue could be more dynamic and varied to reflect the characters' individual personalities and backgrounds.
    3. The novel could explore the challenges and conflicts the couple faces in their long-distance relationship to add more depth and realism to the story.
    4. The story may benefit from additional subplots or supporting characters to enrich the narrative and provide more context for Reiko and Ogiri's relationship.
    5. The ending feels somewhat abrupt and could be expanded to provide a more satisfying resolution to the couple's journey.

    1. 故事可以從更詳細描述角色的外表和舉止中獲益,以幫助讀者更好地想像他們。

    2. 對話可以更加生動多變,以反映角色各自的個性和背景。

    3. 小說可以探索這對情侶在異地戀中面臨的挑戰和衝突,為故事增添更多深度和真實感。

    4. 故事可以從添加更多子情節或配角中獲益,以豐富敘事內容,並為玲子和荻里的關係提供更多背景。

    5. 結尾感覺有些突兀,可以擴展以提供更令人滿意的解決方案,完善這對情侶的旅程。​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


    1. Load starry romance or use your own Class exercise: Capturing a black hole


    If the criticism is not itemized, make it so.

    3 According to criticism 1, improve the novel, then show me the improved novel​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, mark what is new, by labeling in bold

    4. According to criticism 2, further improve the novel, then show me the improved novel​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, mark what is new, by labeling in bold

    5. do the following steps, one at a time, 6. According to criticism 3, further improve the novel, then show me the improved novel​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, mark what is new, by labeling in bold 7. According to criticism 4, further improve the novel, then show me the improved novel​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, mark what is new, by labeling in bold 8. According to criticism 5, further improve the novel, then show me the improved novel​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, mark what is new, by labeling in bold 9. According to criticism 6, further improve the novel, then show me the improved novel​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, mark what is new, by labeling in bold 10.  According to criticism 7, further improve the novel, then show me the improved novel​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, mark what is new, by labeling in bold

    10. do the following steps, one at a time, with variable i running from 1 to N, N is the number of criticism: According to criticism i, further improve the novel, then show me the improved novel​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, mark what is new, by labeling in bold

    11. criticize the final improved novel

    12. do the following steps, one at a time, with variable i running from 1 to N, N is the number of criticism: According to criticism i, further improve the novel, then show me the improved novel​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, mark what is new, by labeling in bold

    13. Generate the English version

    星期二, 5月 07, 2024

    Exercise: Walking again

     Deadline 5/11 11:59 pm

    自我檢視你對Walking again with robotic Rehabilitation 紀錄片的理解與科技英文的掌握能力。請同學檢定你的學習成效,有疑問可以向我反應。

    Using ChatGPT to assist you in self-assessing your understanding of the documentary 'Walking again with robotic rehabilitation' and your mastery of technical English. Students, please assess your learning outcomes. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me for assistance. 

    1. Self test of vocabulary

    2. Self test of comprehension 

    以下問題請皆使用 Claude.ai

    Using Claude.ai for the following problems.

    3. 在同一個對話中,繼續解釋以下七個重點。

    Continuing within the same conversation, please attempt to extend  the following 7 key points."


    1. Robotic Rehabilitation:

      • Spinal cord injuries affect 20 million people globally. Robots have improved rehab effectiveness but pose challenges like patients discontinuing therapy prematurely.
      • A team seeks reliable, patient-centered rehab methods aligning with feelings and needs.
      • Patient Otsuka Hiroyuki suffered incomplete paralysis after a spinal cord injury, regained some function but still struggled to walk.
      • He underwent rehab using a Japanese robotic device helping patients remember how to walk by assisting leg movements. This increased his walking speed.
      • He then tried a German robotic knee brace supporting stable walking by preventing the knee from buckling.
      • Combining both devices, Otsuka can now walk independently, dramatically changing his life. Two other patients showed similar recovery.
      • The team provides support to enable continued device use despite high costs. Their goal is rehab allowing independent daily living.


      * 脊髓損傷全球影響2千萬人。機器人雖然提高了復健的效果,但也帶來像是病患過早停止治療等挑戰。

      * 一組團隊在尋找可靠的,以病人為中心的復健療法,以符合病人的感受和需求。

      * 病患大塚博之在脊髓損傷後出現不完全癱瘓,部分功能恢復但仍難以行走。

      * 他接受一種日本機器人裝置的復健治療,透過協助腿部運動幫助病患重新學走。這提高了他的行走速度。

      * 之後他試用一種德國機器人膝蓋支架,透過防止膝蓋發軟來維持穩定行走。

      * 結合使用兩種裝置後,大塚現在可以獨立行走,他的生活發生了巨大變化。另外兩名病患也見到相似的康復進度。

      * 儘管使用這些裝置的費用高昂,該團隊提供支持以確保病患可以繼續使用。他們的目標是使病患能夠在日常生活中獨立行動。

    4. 依據上題中的七個解釋作為科幻小說架構,以及以下有關一位女主角「愛莎」的人設,撰寫一篇2000字的繁體中文短篇科幻小說。依據中文版小說,再生成一篇英文版小說。(請使用 Claude.ai)

    Based on the 7 key points from the  question above as the framework for a sci-fi novel, and the character setting of a female protagonist named 'Elsa' provided below, write a 2000-word sci-fi short story in Traditional Chinese. Based on the Chinese version of the novel, generate an English version of the novel again. (If the result generated by ChatGPT is not satisfactory, you can try using Claude.ai)."



    Elsa is a physical therapist with a degree from the University of California, Berkeley. She is sweet and kind to her patients, empathetically interacting with them and understanding their pain. She also shows kindness to her neighbors. She believes that our inner passions are the source of our resilience.


    Share your chat using the built-in share function of ChatGPT. Mail to g11278507@cycu.edu.tw,chang212@gmail.com

    How to share your chat in ChatGPT:

    Select the chat to share from your chat history

    Select “share chat” then copy the link

    星期一, 5月 06, 2024

    Self test of comprehension using Claude.ai

      Using Claude.ai and apply RAG

    1. Copy the transcript of the video clip  and paste it on Claude.ai 

    2. Enter the prompt: 

    Prepare 10 multiple choice problems from the paste text above to test comprehension. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.

    3. Answer each question. Claude.ai will grade it and generate the next question until 10 questions are generated.

     Caution: AI is not always reliable. Use your discernment.