星期二, 5月 07, 2024

Exercise: Walking again

 Deadline 5/11 11:59 pm

自我檢視你對Walking again with robotic Rehabilitation 紀錄片的理解與科技英文的掌握能力。請同學檢定你的學習成效,有疑問可以向我反應。

Using ChatGPT to assist you in self-assessing your understanding of the documentary 'Walking again with robotic rehabilitation' and your mastery of technical English. Students, please assess your learning outcomes. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me for assistance. 

1. Self test of vocabulary

2. Self test of comprehension 

以下問題請皆使用 Claude.ai

Using Claude.ai for the following problems.

3. 在同一個對話中,繼續解釋以下七個重點。

Continuing within the same conversation, please attempt to extend  the following 7 key points."


  1. Robotic Rehabilitation:

    • Spinal cord injuries affect 20 million people globally. Robots have improved rehab effectiveness but pose challenges like patients discontinuing therapy prematurely.
    • A team seeks reliable, patient-centered rehab methods aligning with feelings and needs.
    • Patient Otsuka Hiroyuki suffered incomplete paralysis after a spinal cord injury, regained some function but still struggled to walk.
    • He underwent rehab using a Japanese robotic device helping patients remember how to walk by assisting leg movements. This increased his walking speed.
    • He then tried a German robotic knee brace supporting stable walking by preventing the knee from buckling.
    • Combining both devices, Otsuka can now walk independently, dramatically changing his life. Two other patients showed similar recovery.
    • The team provides support to enable continued device use despite high costs. Their goal is rehab allowing independent daily living.


    * 脊髓損傷全球影響2千萬人。機器人雖然提高了復健的效果,但也帶來像是病患過早停止治療等挑戰。

    * 一組團隊在尋找可靠的,以病人為中心的復健療法,以符合病人的感受和需求。

    * 病患大塚博之在脊髓損傷後出現不完全癱瘓,部分功能恢復但仍難以行走。

    * 他接受一種日本機器人裝置的復健治療,透過協助腿部運動幫助病患重新學走。這提高了他的行走速度。

    * 之後他試用一種德國機器人膝蓋支架,透過防止膝蓋發軟來維持穩定行走。

    * 結合使用兩種裝置後,大塚現在可以獨立行走,他的生活發生了巨大變化。另外兩名病患也見到相似的康復進度。

    * 儘管使用這些裝置的費用高昂,該團隊提供支持以確保病患可以繼續使用。他們的目標是使病患能夠在日常生活中獨立行動。

4. 依據上題中的七個解釋作為科幻小說架構,以及以下有關一位女主角「愛莎」的人設,撰寫一篇2000字的繁體中文短篇科幻小說。依據中文版小說,再生成一篇英文版小說。(請使用 Claude.ai)

Based on the 7 key points from the  question above as the framework for a sci-fi novel, and the character setting of a female protagonist named 'Elsa' provided below, write a 2000-word sci-fi short story in Traditional Chinese. Based on the Chinese version of the novel, generate an English version of the novel again. (If the result generated by ChatGPT is not satisfactory, you can try using Claude.ai)."



Elsa is a physical therapist with a degree from the University of California, Berkeley. She is sweet and kind to her patients, empathetically interacting with them and understanding their pain. She also shows kindness to her neighbors. She believes that our inner passions are the source of our resilience.


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