星期三, 7月 08, 2009

361 schools open for the summer need our help

Make a Difference This Summer
become a supporter of year-round schools today

Across the country, thousands of teachers and students in year-round schools are still hard at work in the classroom, hoping for your support.

To make a difference this summer:
  1. Browse project requests at year-round schools.

  2. Give to one that inspires you. Checksummer service off of your to-do list!

2 則留言:

  1. 疑,
    這個做法及想法粉讚勒, 在台灣怎沒這樣的機制?畢竟捐贈者很多對英文感冒吧。這個跟一般性捐贈比起來, 比較讓一班人覺得不會肉包子打狗。

  2. 在美國,每個小學老師平均一年自掏腰包2000美金,幫小孩子買文具或準備教具,因為教育系統還是很官僚,而且補助項目很有限,時效也來不及,好的老師自掏腰包很普遍。
