星期三, 2月 15, 2023

Defense technology


F16 with laser

Long range anti ship missile


Raytheon Laser


Quiz (F16 with laser weapons)

Words in the episode. Select one word in each item.

1. Unprecedented, unparalleled, unequaled 

2. Infrared, ultraviolet, visible 

3. Shipborne, airborne, carrier 

4. Hospitable, hostile, friendly 

5. Acquisition, relinquishing, abandoning 

Word anatomy:
Infra: infrared, infrastructure 
Ultra: ultralight, ultraviolet 

Quiz (long range anti-ship missile)
Words in the episode. Select one word in each item.

6. Detect, perceive, recognize 

7. Active, passive, neutral

8. Employment, deployment, ploy

9. Trajectory, transform, transmit 

10. Dependent, independent, autonomous 

Word anatomy:

Detect: de + tect, un + cover
Protect: pro + tect, forward + cover
Protégés, genius, favorite pupil or student 

Deployment: de+ ploy, un+ fold
Employ: em+ ploy, en+ fold (involve)

Transmit: trans + mit, across + send
Admit: ad+ mit, to + send
Remit: re + mit, back + send


Destroy: de + structure 







Autonomous: Greek





Astronomy, star + law

Astrology, star + study

Astronaut, star + navigator 

Disaster, away + star (Latin)


Routing: Latin

Threat: old English 

Reduce: re + duce, back+ lead
Induce: in+ duce, into+ lead
Deduce: de+ duce

Descend:de+scend, down+ climb
Ascend: a+ scend, to+ climb

Quiz (IAMD)

Words in the episode. Select one word in each item.

6. Ballistic, cruise, guided

7. Individual, multiple, singularly

8. Supervise, scan, surveillance 

9. Cuing, interlink, data link

10. Terminate, take off, intercept 

ball, round object (proto-Germanic), bubble, (proto-Indo-European )

Intercept, inter + cept, between + take

Susceptible, sub + cept, under + take

Concept, con+ cept, in + take

Self test of vocabulary: Defense technology

Here are some examples of how the word "unprecedented" can be used:

  • The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented event that has had a major impact on the world.
  • The war in Ukraine is an unprecedented humanitarian crisis.
  • The climate crisis is an unprecedented threat to the planet.
  • The rise of artificial intelligence is an unprecedented technological development.
  • The discovery of a new planet outside our solar system is an unprecedented astronomical event.

Here are some examples of how the word "airborne" can be used:

  • The plane was airborne within minutes of takeoff.
  • The virus is airborne and can be spread through coughing or sneezing.
  • The doctor advised the patient to stay home until the infection was no longer airborne.

Here are some examples of how the word "hostile" can be used in a sentence:

  • The hostile crowd booed and jeered the visiting team.
  • The hostile environment made it difficult for the new employee to feel comfortable.
  • The hostile takeover of the company was met with resistance from shareholders.
  • The hostile customer demanded to speak to the manager.
  • The hostile dog barked and snarled at the stranger.

C15: from Latin dētectus uncovered, from dētegere to uncover, from de- + tegere to cover


SAR 17:38-21:52

