星期三, 12月 14, 2005



星際小孩 http://astrokid.blogspot.com/
芳鄰成長園 http://chang212.blogspot.com/
Reflection http://www.chieftain.idv.tw/archives/category/education/

思考如何以部落格小眾媒體的特性, 提出一個具有小眾或大眾社會影響力的部落格經營提案,
這當中包含閱讀對象選定, 主題設定, 內容與架構規劃, 常態性經營, 預計達成指標值與影響力預估,

題目可以環繞你所參加的社團, 你的家鄉或社區, 你的分享與關心, 你的朋友, 高中同學, 電影, 音樂, 學業, 生涯,
試著以部落格創造凝聚力, 進而引起注意或發揮影響力.

實際建構此部落格, 並且提出或實際展現你的經營之道.

1. 實作不限於 www.blogger.com 你可以自由挑選部落格, 但是請勿
2. 請於此公佈你的成果網址.
3. 成果繳交日期: 1/17/2006

12-10-2005 Homework Assignments

Reading Assignments:
The Internet Value Network (p.17~p.28, Chap 2.)
Properties of the Internet (p. 32~p.38, Chap 3.)
Impacts of the Internet on 5-CS (p.38~p.46 Chap. 3)
A Taxonomy of Business Models (Chap. 6)

星期六, 12月 10, 2005

12-17-2005 Internet Business Models (2)

Components of Business Models

Profit Model (How to make money)
Customer Value (why)
Scope (to whom, what to offer)
Pricing model
Internet activities
Implementation (organization, people, …)
Sustainability (competitive advantage)
Cost Structure

Case Studies
1. Software business models: Skype, Firefox
2. eLearning Business Models: CyberMBA, Credu, SCU

The Internet Value Network (p.17~p.28, Chap 2.)
Properties of the Internet (p. 32~p.38, Chap 3.)
Impacts of the Internet on 5-CS (p.38~p.46 Chap. 3)
A Taxonomy of Business Models (Chap. 6)

Portal's Business Models

"Great ideas come from relaxed minds."

* (綠色採購網 http://green.yam.com)

Search Engine
Sponsorship (Paid listing) *
AdSense * * (business stream for news, blog)

內容共享, 廣告拆分 *
廣告曝光, 流量導入 *
Co-branding *
Text ad *
Paid registration*

11-19 Homework

1. Reading Assignments
Chap. 1~3 of Textbook (A. Afuah and C. Tucci)

2. Summary writing of Chap. 4. Briefly outline the points of this chapter in your own words.

3. Regarding wireless services, list 3 business models that you think can make money.

星期五, 11月 18, 2005

11-26-2005 停課一次


星期一, 11月 14, 2005

Mobile commerce

Business models of Wi-Fi, Mesh, WiMAX enabled services.


1. Test equipment

2. AP sales

3. Wi-Fi Skype phones, VoIP over wireless

4. WiMAX cellular for vocal, multimedia

Focal point: Competitive advantage, unfair advantage


5. Global/National Roaming

Examples: Boingo, iPass, GRIC

Focal point: fragmented markets

6. Access Service Operators (Chain stores, café, hotel, …)

NB maybe wrong target; WiMAX WiFi Handset better


7. Game over Wireless

8. Content over Wireless

Business models of mobile commerce.

星期六, 11月 12, 2005

History of media evolution


  • 唐三藏西天取經
  • 古騰堡聖經
  • 進口西書
  • 電子郵件(Bitnet), 進口 CD
  • MIME, 進口 DVD
  • ftp for multimedia download (mp3, mpeg)
  • Streaming video and audio, Real Networks
  • BT

Business impact

translation issues (text needs mass translation; pictures and videos do not.)
market globalization
real time, anytime

星期六, 11月 05, 2005

11-05-2005 Homework

1. Name a leading USA, Japanese, and Korean VoIP operator company. List their market shares, revenues, and profits in recnt years.

2. List 3 cities that have deployed large scale Wi-Fi, Mesh, or WiMAX networks. What are the purposes, applications, user populations, respectively?

3. Reading Assignments:

Smartphones: Symbian vs. Win CE

4. 預習 11-19 課堂討論題目, 蒐集相關資料, 以及於你的Blog記下發言草稿

星期六, 10月 29, 2005

IP Networks

Special topics

1. What drives wireless broadband and makes it fly? What does it mean in terms of industries and business?

2. What are the technological and business impacts and implications of emergence of digital camera, IP Phone, digital TV, & digital broadcast?

3. Why all IP networks? Please explain briefly. What does it mean in terms of industries and business?

11/12 no class

no class due to the midterm week.

10/29 Homework

Compare 3 VoIP software- skype, Gizmo, & Google Talk

1. 如果你的作業引用他人文章, 務必註明出處或是網址, 以示尊重他人創作.
2. 引用以單句為限, 並且明確以引號標示, 切勿整段引用甚至全文引用.
3. 引用來源必須具備權威性, 建議使用學術或研究單位, 或是知名公司的資料, 不可使用報紙或一般性商業文章等二手傳播文字.

11/5 Class VoIP Business

VoIP Business

1. Business models of VoIP

2. Opportunities of Mobile VoIP

3. Automated self-service over VoIP

星期日, 10月 23, 2005

10/29 Class VoIP

VoIP Technology

Peer to peer
Features of Skype
Client-Server, Non SIP
Client-Server, SIP (references)
Softphones are not all the same.


VoIP Business

1. Business models of VoIP

2. Opportunities of Mobile VoIP

3. Automated self-service over VoIP

10/22 Homework

1. List 10 applications of WiMAX
2. Compare WiMAX 802.16e versus 3G and 4G.

Broadband wireless applications
WiMAX protocols

星期六, 10月 15, 2005

Homework 10/15

1 Take a look at the bird flu news report and the following labs.
i. Get the most from Google-1
ii. Get the most from Google-2

Then do a literature survey on the net about bird flu. Try to answer the question as described in
Get the most from Google-3

Hint: Please write on your own blog and post the link in the comment below.

2. Reading assignments: prepare yourself for 10/22 class. We will discuss the subjects next week.

10/22: WiMAX

WiMAX Business

1. WiMAX 802.16e is not substitute of 3G.
3G spans from physical layer to applications while 802.16e is MAC.

2. WiMAX is part of a bigger infrastructure.
Still needs networking and transport control to support applications.

3. WiMAX highlights state of the art of computer networking while 3G and beyond is state of the art of telecommunications.

4. WiMAX points a new direction of cost down and quality of service. Maybe it is time of paradigm shift from telecom (3G and B3G) to computer networking (IEEE802). Remember 802.16 is basically non contention-based while 802.3 and 802.11 are all contention-based.



10/15 class

大未必是美, 小兵能立大功

今日世界, 計畫常跟不上變化, 培養實力加上速度, 發揮勇氣與溫柔的力量, 成就大事業, 有為者亦若是

做十件不成功的事, 不如只做一件成功的事

沒有效益的事, 何必去做.


真功夫, 真本事, 切勿追求表面或只重形式

精益求精, 虛心接納, 止於至善

善用知識, 洞見細微, 講究自律, 重視細節


星期五, 9月 30, 2005

10/1 Class

1. business model of Wi-Fi City compared to GSM operation models.
2. business model of Skype
3. Special topics on Skype, VoIP, P2P

1. ROI
3. Customer value driven
4. Blue Ocean Strategy versus Competition Strategy

星期六, 9月 24, 2005

Homework 09/24/2005

1. What kind of broadband wireless services are needed in the city you live? Why?

2. Can Wi-Fi phones compete with 3G? Can WiMAX phones compete with 3G? Why?

3. Comment on Success of Handhelds.

Reading Assignments:

1. TW4G

2. WiMAX updates

3. Softphones are not all the same.

Success of Handhelds

Treo 600
1. Formfactor (User Interface and Human factors)
2. Right targetting (email & phone)
3. User experiences (QWERT)
4. Reliability (Hardware and software, battery power)
5. user value (User satisfaction is more important than differentiation)

星期六, 9月 17, 2005

請將作業寫在自己的 Blog

請將你的作業寫在你的 blog, 然後到
Homework 1 的Comment 登錄作業blog網址就可以了.
請勿將作業直接寫在 comment

可以參考陳一德, 謝鴻儒同學Homework 1 的方式.

另外, 謝鴻儒同學的 Homework 1 網址可以直接點選,
這是很好的做法, 更有利於前往閱讀.


Homework 1 09/17/2005

1. Create a blog to host your own leanring materials and homework.
Blog spaces can be found at http://www.blogger.com
2. Comment on eBay acquires Skype.
3. Study Lecture 1. 網際網路的趨勢, including but not limited to

Firefox, RSS, Blog, Google, Skype, VoIP, P2P, All IP Network

Due 9/24 at 1:00 P.M.


Time: Saturday 13:00-16:00

Place: 中原大學社區資源中心 芳鄰成長園

Grading Policy: Participation (Presence, Challenging and Answers, Proactiveness) 50%, Homework 50%, including Midterm Paper, Final Paper

Instructor: Associate Professor Yao-Jen Chang


yjchang at cycu dot edu dot tw

Teaching Assistant: 時定樑 g9376024@cycu.edu.tw

Hear how people who have taken the course said.


Internet Business Models and Strategies, 2nd ed., Allan Afuah and Christopher Tucci, McGraw-Hill 2003. (新月圖書東華書局代理進口)


1. 張耀仁,劉永信, 電子商務系統, 高立書局, 20011月三版.

Course Outline

1. 網際網路的趨勢

Firefox, RSS, Blog, Google, Skype, VoIP, P2P, All IP Network

2. Wi-Fi, WiMAX, 2G, 3G and mobile commerce

3. business models and operations

4. brand management

5. Competitive Strategies, Differentiation, Pricing, Niche. Implementation

Entry Barrier, Ecology, Business Opportunities, Best Practices

6. marketing at a digital age

星期二, 9月 13, 2005

IEEE 802.16 Session 39

Executive Summary of Things Leanred

* Protocols
1. 802.16e spec to be finalized in Oct. 2005. So the Session 39 I am in is the final meeting
to make last changes, if any. Every item of 16e spec was read thru one by one during the session.
2. 802.16-2004, also known as 802.16d, has obsoleted 802.16a.
3. 802.16-2004 is for fixed broadband wireless only.

* Cerification
4. Cetecom Espanol (Spain) has certified WiMAX products since July 2005. Redline, a Canada based
WiMAX vendor, has get certified with its RedMAX product line.

* reality check
5. 16e may have battery issues. This issue must be taken care of precautiously.
6. 16e will enable verious mobile scenarios up to 120km/h.
7. 16e will be backward compatible, which means it also supports 802.16-2004

* outlook
8. WiMAX phones may undermine the base of 3G. In fact, Korea calls WiMAX phones as 4G.
9. 3.4GHz-3.7GHz spectrum is occupied by CHT-Sintel satellite only. So this is not a global issue or difficult one.
DGT of Taiwan expects to resolve it very soon.

* Session visibility
10. IEEE 802.16 chair, 802.16 working group chairs all arrived in session.
This is a superb IEEE meeting full of celebrities that has ever seen in Taiwan.

* WiMAX-enabled Services
11. Deployment of WiMAX services by ISP are real, for example Sydney of Autrailia, and many cities in North America.

* Vendors
12. Gemtek (正文), CyberTAN are 2 existing 802.16 vendors located in Taiwan.
CyberTAN is the co-host of this IEEE Session, in fact. Dr. Stanly Wang of CyberTAN chaired a series of panals today.
13. Nortel focused on 802.11-based Wireless Mesh, no solution yet on WiMAX known to the market.
14. Redline is still the leading company in WiMAX. Intel has made every efforts to dominate chip markets of WiMAX.
15. Wavesat, Alvarion, Aperto, and Samsung show strong commitments on WiMAX product R&D.

* Predictions
16. The really juicy market is not the fixed broadband wireless (802.16-2004) but in-home multimedia distribution
and mobile users on the road (802.16e).
17. The WIrelessMAN-OFDMA technology will be the winning air interface for 802.16e.
18. Let's forget license exempt WiMAX. The protocal will disappear.
19. In the future, 802.11 may disappear and the function of WLAN is replaced by 802.16e.
So the broadband wireless future may be an all-IP, all-WiMAX wireless broadband world.
802.11 will eventually die because of no Quality of Service (QoS).
20. WiMAX supports email, http, VoIP, Video Conference, and even real time service and steaming services
as described by 3GPP. WiMAX does it robustly with less cost.

星期三, 9月 07, 2005

wireless mesh to rescue flood in New Orleans

University of Illinois Urbana Champaign using in-house developed wireless mesh to rescue flood in New Orleans
related blog

softphones are not the same- skype, Gizmo, & Google Talk

agreed the following insights:

" Google 指出,未來他們的 Google Talk 將會相容於 SIP
這個影響是比較大的,且用 SIP 要跨平台互通語音也比較沒問題的
且 Gizmo Project (SIP-based)也已經跟 Google Talk 簽訂協議
在未來的版本, Gizmo Project 跟 Google Talk 的用戶彼此之間可以互通 IM 及 VoIP

如此一來,其他的 SIP 廠商應該也會陸續跟進
這樣一結合, Google Talk (or SIP) 的用戶市場就會迅速擴張很多倍
這是 Skype 專屬通訊協定比較不能做到的
VoIP 若是採用標準的 SIP, 那在市場上的競爭力會比 Skype 好很多
畢竟現在 SIP 的週邊設備很多,不是 Skype 專屬的設備可以比得上的"


For enterprises as well as governments, SIP-based softphones are obviously better:
1. on-net call is free (no inferior to Skype)
2. same rate for off-net calls (again no inferior to Skype)
3. SIP softphones are open standard versus Skype is propriatary. This means SIP
integrates more user devices (USB phones, IAD phones, Wi-Fi phones, softphones) and
encourages cross-operator roaming.
4. Gizmo (SIP-based softphone) is gaining momentum in north US. TelTel (SIP-based softphone and IM) inclusive
with Seednet has landed in Taiwan as Wagaly TelTel, a commercial VoIP service by Seednet.
5. Skype lacks manageable call logging/auditting and monitoring, which are necessary by IT policies at sectors like governments and larger enterprises.
However, Skype have gained mass and shall continue to dominate consumer markets in the coming years until SIP is capable of making

星期六, 5月 28, 2005

6/18 Class

Recent Research on Location Management

星期六, 5月 21, 2005

5/28 Class

location management and routing for applications of
ad hoc / infrastructure and low/high mobility

infrastructure, low mobility -> Mobile IP
infrastructure, high mobility -> Cellular, Thin AP
ad hoc, low mobility -> Routing tables
ad hoc, high mobility -> ?

Lessons learned from
1. location management in Skype (Global Index, GI)
2. location management in OceanStore

Requirements of location management mechanism
1. no exhaustive search
2. bounded time to store location information at node(s)
3. bounded time to retrieve location information from node(s)

Reading Assignments:
Chap. 4 for general wireless Internet and
Section 4.3 for Mobile IP

There is a paper about Skype which you can find by scholar.google.com. This paper authored by Columbia University researcher explains their experiments on Skype and the findouts.

New products about Thin AP can be found at www.wi-fiplanet.com.

星期六, 5月 14, 2005

5/14 Oral Presentation

Team presentation on Vision 2015

Introduction to WiMax

星期六, 5月 07, 2005

5/7 Oral Presentation

1. Conclude your team analytical reports
2. Oral presentation and defense

NTT DoCoMo Vison 2010
Grid Computing
Related report

星期六, 4月 16, 2005

4/16 Homework

Hit the net and go to the library to conduct research regarding the dimensions of wireless futures.
We have scheduled oral
presentations for each of you next time.

1. Compile your study at your own blog. However,
please post your titles of findings and links to your blog of search results
at the class agenda of 4/30.

2. As a backup plan, please keep your presentation materials in a storage media such as USB drive in case the radio signal is too weak to use in the classroom.

4/30 class

Use your blog to present the research you have done regarding the dimensions of wireless futures.

Second time of team meeting to conclude your team analytical reports and prepare for
the oral presentation and defense next week.

星期四, 4月 14, 2005

4/16 Class

2 video clips
NTT DoCoMo Vison 2010

class discussion-
DIY futures of wireless worlds and develop a personal
Scenarios in the mobile world in 2015

Form of brainstorming activities

1. Organize a 2-person team

2. Each team work on the defining dimensions sheets handed out in class and go through the 14 dimensions.
In case both of you in a team cannot reach a common ground on any of the dimensions, just average your opinions with equal weights on the disagreed dimensions.

3. Based on your team judgements on each of the dimensions, profile a personal life in a day of the mobile world in 2015. This John or Mary in your story could be you, your family, or a total stranger as you wish.

4. Oral presentation and defense: One member of the team plays the role of analyst and presents orally the opinions in each dimension. The other plays the role of creator and presents the scenario of the imaginary personal story of life in 2015.

If you ask the right questions, you will come up with the answers you really want.

The difficulty does not lie in thinking out the great answers but in coming up with the good questions.

Analyzing is great but works best with creations.

星期六, 3月 26, 2005

4/2 Class Agenda

802.11 PCF & DCF
802.11 RTS & CTS
802.11 QoS

3/26 Homework

Take a close look at the two Applets about CSMA/CA Simulations

Reading Assignments:
Handout (G) Chapter 4.
(M) 2.1~2.3
(M) 2.5
(M) 2.6

星期六, 3月 19, 2005

3/26 Class Agenda

Fundamentals of WLANS
CSMA/CA & 802.11

星期六, 3月 12, 2005

3/19 Class Agenda

Syllabus 7. Media Access Control

CSMA/CD & 802.3

3/12 Homework

1. Why is CSMA/CD not applicable in Aloha?
2. Briefly describe functions of Layer 1 to layer 4 of Network Architecture in OSI Reference Model. (Lecture 1 in Ref.)
3. List some of the major milestones of Internet history from 1960 to 2000.

Reading Assignments
Please read the following sections before we meet next time.
1. packet radio with Aloha in Lectures 13 & 14 of MIT Data Communication Networks Course
2. M1.12, M2.1~M2.5

星期六, 3月 05, 2005

3/5 Homework

1. Problem 1.12
2. Problem 1.14
3. Problem 1.15
4. What applications use spread spectrum as moldulation scheme?

Reading Assignments
1. Please read the following sections before we meet next time.
M1.6~ M1.12, M1.12, M3.8, F3.1~F3.3

3/5 Class agenda

Syllabus 3. A Perspective of Wired & Wireless Broadband Networks


Point to Point WAN
ADSL, Cable Modem, T Lines, SONET,

Switched WAN
Frame Relay, ATM, FTTx,

802.11 a/b/g, Wireless Mesh,

Syllabus 6. Underlying Technology at Physical Layers

Introduction to Spread Spectrum (J. Meel)
and applications

星期日, 2月 27, 2005

請將作業寫在自己的 Blog

沒有按照此格式寫的, 內容將由老師保管, 原文將被刪除.

2/26 Homework

1. What drives wireless broadband and makes it fly?
2. What are the impacts and implications of emergence of digital camera, IP Phone, digital TV, & digital broadcast?
3. Why all IP networks? Please explain briefly.

Reading Assignments
1. Multimedia Wireless Networks: 3 demo from Phillips and 4 articles from WiFiplanet
2. Please read the following sections before we meet next time.
M1.6~ M1.8, M1.12, F3.1~F3.3, G1

星期五, 2月 25, 2005


如果你的作業引用他人文章, 務必註明出處或是網址, 以示尊重他人創作.

The State of Handhelds & VoIP

The State of Handhelds & VoIP, reprint from

Issues: Should the user be aware of the switch from Wi-Fi to GSM or vice versa?

Observation: Motorola and Skype work together.

請將你的作業寫在你的 blog

請將你的作業寫在你的 blog, 然後到
Homework 1 的Comment 登錄作業blog網址就可以了.
請勿將作業直接寫在 comment

可以參考陳一德, 謝鴻儒同學Homework 1 的方式.

另外, 謝鴻儒同學的 Homework 1 網址可以直接點選,
這是很好的做法, 更有利於前往閱讀.

星期六, 2月 19, 2005

2/19 Homework

1. business model of Wi-Fi City compared to GSM operation models.
2. business model of Skype

Due next Saturday 11:00 a.m.

Please write your homework at your own blog. Then post your blog URL here using
Post a comment so that your submission can be timemarked and your classmates can take a look of your work.

25 million downloads of Firefox

On February 15th, exactly 99 days after it was released, Firefox 1.0 smashed through the 25 million download milestone.


2/19 Reading Assignments and topics for 2/26

Please read the following sections before we meet next time.
M1.1~ M1.8, M1.12, F3.1~F3.3, G1

For meeting Agenda of 2/26, please refer to the syllabus.
3. A Perspective of Wired & Wireless Broadband Networks

Reading Assignments


(M) C. Siva Ram Murthy, B. S. Manoj Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols Prentice Hall, 2004. 全華圖書代理進口


(G) Aura Ganz, Zvi Ganz, Kitti Wongthavarawat Multimedia Wireless Networks, Prentice Hall, 2004.
Behrouz Forouzan TCP/IP Protocol Suite McGraw-Hill,
全華圖書代理進口, 2003.

(F) Behrouz Forouzan (
陳中和、吳秀峰翻譯) TCP/IP 協定精要 (TCP/IP Protocol Suite, 2/e) 2004

(W) Wireless Business News Updates: http://www.wifiplanet.com


M2.1 表示 Murthy的書第2.1節


1. Trends of Internet Applications and Business models

Peer to peer, Overlay Network, Google, VoIP, Skype, All IP Network, Wi-Fi, WiMax, M-Commerce

Reading Assignments: handout at Wireless Blog

2. Multimedia Applications

Video & Audio Streaming, Peer-to-Peer, Digital Money Transactions, Entertainment, File & Picture Sharing, Wireless Gaming, Voice and Telephony, Location Based Services, Telemedicine, Telematics, Car-to-Car Wireless Communications

Reading Assignments: G1

3. A Perspective of Wired & Wireless Broadband Networks

802.3, ADSL, Cable Modem, T Lines, SONET, Frame Relay, ATM, FTTx, 802.11 a/b/g, Wireless Mesh, 802.16, 802.16a, 802.15, GPRS, 3G, DTV, DAB, GPS, RFID, Ad Hoc Wireless Network, Wireless Sensor Network

Reading Assignments: M1.1~ M1.8, M1.12, F 3.1~F3.3,

4. Underlying Technology at Physical Layers

Reading Assignments: M1.1~ M1.8, Handout to announce

5. OSI Model and TCP/IP Protocol Suite

Layers in the OSI model, TCP/IP protocol suite, addressing

Reading Assignments: M1.9~ M1.12, F2.1~F2.3, F2.5

6. QoS Fundamentals

Throughtput, Delay, Delay Variations, Loss or error Rate

Reading Assignments: G3

7. Media Access Control

FDMA/TDMA /CDMA, 802.11, 802.16, 802.15

Reading Assignments: M1.12, M2.1 ~ M2.3, M2.5, M3.9,

8. Wireless WAN, 2.5G and 3G

GPRS, UMTS, cdma2000, WAP

Reading Assignments: M3.1~ M3.6, M4.5

9. Internet Protocol

Fragmentation, Options, Checksum, IP Package

Reading Assignments: M4.1 ~ M 4.3, F8.1~F8.2

10. Transmission Control Protocol

TCP Services, Flow Control, Error Control, Congestion Control, Segment, Connection, TCP Operation, TCP Package

Reading Assignments: M4.4, F12.1~F12.14

11. Routing Protocols


Reading Assignments: F13.1~F13.4

12. Mobile IP

Reading Assignments: M4.1~ M4.3, F27.1~F27.7

13. TCP in Wireless Domains

Reading Assignments: M4.4

14. Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

Issues, MAC & Routing

Reading Assignments: M5.1~M5.3, M6.1~M6.9, M7.1~M7.9

15. Wireless Sensor Neiworks

Reading Assignments: M12

16. Internet Security

Public Key Infrastructure, Digital Signature, SSL, Firewall, NAT, Watermark

Reading Assignments: F29.1~F29.8


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  • 中原大學電子工程學系研究所專任副教授(9)
  • IBM 亞太區電子商務顧問 (3)
  • 蕃薯藤(Yam.com)數位科技協理 (5)
  1. 我國網路安全伺服器數量調查委託研究案 2006, 2007
  2. 綠色採購網建置與維運 共同主持人 6/2005~12/2005 行政院環保署 已結案 720,000
  3. 衛生保健便民網站維運 主持人 1/2005~12/2005 行政院衛生署 已結案 5,940,000
  4. 無線寬頻示範應用計畫(台南縣) 主持人 11/2004~12/2004 經濟部工業局 已結案 2,750,000
  5. 無障礙服務入口網站委外建置案 主持人 6/2004~11/2005 僑委會 已結案 4,000,000
  6. 政府入口網"我的e政府"計畫 共同主持人 5/2004~12/2004 行政院研考會 已結案 2,933,000
  7. 電視妙管家網站計畫 主持人 12/2003~6/2004 行政院新聞局 已結案 1,260,000
  8. 衛生保健便民網站建置 主持人 11/2003~12/2004 行政院衛生署 已結案 9,900,000
  9. 無線寬頻示範應用計畫(台北縣) 主持人 9/2003~2/2004 經濟部工業局 已結案 10,780,000
  10. 多媒體資料中心建置計畫 共同主持人 7/2003~11/2003 國民健康局 已結案 4,118,000
  11. 兒童環保教育網站 主持人 3/2003~9/2003 行政院環保署 已結案 1,380,000
  12. 教育入口網 共同主持人 3/2003~7/2003 台北市教育局 已結案 9,190,000
  13. 整合型運動入口網計畫 共同主持人 10/2002~12/2005 行政院體委會 已結案 21,000,000

Features of Skype

1. peer to peer, no server required, therefore, no operation cost like cellular communications
2. overlay, not relying on existing Internet protocols beyond Layer 4, resilient to malfunctions of Internet services
3. scalable, using supernodes among every 500 nodes, adaptive to constant configuration changes
4. high quality codec for crystal voice
5. strong penetration to NAT and firewalls
6. free for now and maybe forever for on-net calls
7. implementation of packet voice
8. consumes reasonable bandwidth, consumes significant CPU
9 . teleconference, voice communications for 5 parties at most
10. millions people online all the times, number keep rising.
11. provide presence like messengers, great feature compared to old phones

星期五, 2月 18, 2005

mobile Internet

cellular handsets:
PHY: All digital
SMS, Short Message Service, up to 160 bytes
SMS, EMS use control channels while MMS use regular channels shared by data and voice.

Media Access: TDMA for multiplexing, using one of 8 time slots repeatedly

GSM, Circuit Switching, 9.6 (*2), 12.4(*2, HSCSD)
GPRS, General Packet Radio Services, Packet Switching, 9.05 kbps/13.4 kbps (*1,2,3,4)
WAP, content bearer protocol, certificate, cookies
WML, wireless markup language (or HTML-C as in i-Mode, XHTML)
MMS, Multimedia Messaging Service

pricing based on data volume or air time

Business Issues:
Will MMS make a hit?-
Function Integration
1. Fundamental questions: Do people like Swiss Army Knife? Video phone,
British Royal Navy Sea Harrier (http://www.targetlock.org.uk/seaharrier/)
Format convergence products
2. DVD-Combo, DVD/VCD/CD
3. Card Reader, SD/SMC/MMC/CF

Advanced Applications
Positioning, LBS, GPS required for high precision

Security features
WIM: A Wireless Identity Module (WIM) can contain
both trusted and client certificates, private keys
and algorithms needed for WTLS handshaking,
encryption/decryption and signature generation.
The WIM module can be placed on a SIM card
and is then referred to as a SWIM card.

Social Issues:
base stations in communities
Near Fields

3G Technology Trends
Spread Spectrum: CDMA vs. TDMA (so called 3G)

MMS business issues
1. archiecture of MMS delivery systems
2. comparison to Internet

Principles of SS
1. from FDMA, TDMA to CDMA
2. related applications: IS-95, W-CDMA, 802.11

authentication and billing of wlan with SIM card

1. authentication
2. billing
3. coverage of both 802.11 & GPRS/3G
4. roaming across APs and WISPs
5. user base

Ask the right questions. Or simply ask questions no matter what

1. What drives wireless broadband and makes it fly?
2. Explain paradigm shift: from server-centric to peer to peer, from infrastructure to ad hoc
3. What are the impacts of emergence of digital camera, IP Phone, digital TV, & digital broadcast?
4. Why all IP networks?
5. Comment on the opinion of control transfer from teleco to datacom.

Syllabus: Broadband Wireless Networking Architectures and Applications

Time: 1:10 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Saturday


Grading Policy: Participation (Presence, Challenging and Answers, & 2 Oral Presentations) 60%, Homework 40%,

Instructor: Associate Professor Yao-Jen Chang

Email:yjchang at cycu dot edu dot tw

C. Siva Ram Murthy, B. S. Manoj Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols Prentice Hall, 2004. 全華圖書代理進口

Aura Ganz, Zvi Ganz, Kitti Wongthavarawat Multimedia Wireless Networks, Prentice Hall, 2004.
Behrouz Forouzan TCP/IP Protocol Suite McGraw-Hill, 全華圖書代理進口, 2003.

Behrouz Forouzan (陳中和、吳秀峰翻譯) TCP/IP 協定精要 (TCP/IP Protocol Suite, 2/e) 2004

Wireless Business News Updates: http://www.wifiplanet.com

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