星期一, 5月 08, 2017

CV: Yao-Jen Chang

Professor Yao-Jen Chang, PhD
Phone: +886 3 265 4630
Office: 512, Electronic Hall
Lab: 517, Electronic Hall
email: yjchang at cycu dot edu dot tw
Google Scholar

Professor Chang's research areas include motion controlled technology, learning technology, and social inclusion. In recent years, his main research contributions are in applying motion controlled technology/augmented reality to support employment for people with disabilities, and assisting social workers to improve employment services for people with disabilities. Professor Chang has published his research in prestigious academic journals including IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Research in Developmental Disabilities, and Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. To date, he has published over 39 journal papers, of which 35 are SSCI/SCI journal papers. Professor Chang has over 3000 citations on Google Scholar, especially for his papers on Kinect (motion controlled technology) which are ranked first in the world by citation count. 

Professor Chang is dedicated to assistive technologies for people with disabilities, and pioneered the application of haptic technologies for people with disabilities. Since the paper was published in Research in Developmental Disabilities in 2011, it has been cited over 1200 times. In 2010, Professor Chang was invited by ACM SIGACCESS to write an article, the first and only scholar from Taiwan to receive this honor since SIGACCESS was founded in 1994. In 2009 and 2012, Professor Chang led students to participate in the ACM Student Research Competition on Accessible Computing, winning third place worldwide honors twice. In the past decade, he has led 12 Ministry of Science and Technology projects, and served as the lead investigator for an integrated sensing technologies project.

Internationally active, he  served as an editor for the International Journal of Distributed Sensor Network, program committee member for 7 international conferences including ACM and IEEE, and reviewer for 20 SSCI/SCI journals including Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. From 2009-2012, he served as the director of the Computer Center at CYCU for 3 consecutive years, promoting many innovative information services on campus including the 1999 customer service hotline, introduced CMMI ML2, led the Computer Center to pass ISO27001 international information security certification with zero deficiencies for 6 consecutive assessments by SGS, earned accolades from TANet for outstanding leadership and coordination abilities. In November 2011, he was honored with the TANet Outstanding Individual Award. In 2017, he won the Best Paper Award at TANET2017 with his paper on image recognition technology, and again in 2018 for his work on assistive technologies for people with disabilities. Because of his achievements in helping technologies, Professor Chang was appointed Distinguished Professor at CYCU in 2015, 2012, and 2024.

Academic Appointments
2015- Distinguished Professor, Chung Yuan Christian University
2014-2020 Chair, Department of Electronic Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University
2010- Professor, Chung Yuan Christian University
2009-2012 Director of Campus Computing, Chung Yuan Christian University
1995-2010 Associate Professor, Chung Yuan Christian University (on leave 1997-1999, 2000-2004)

Educational Background
1982~1986 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
1988~1992 Ph.D. of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
1992~1995 Visiting Research Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Industrial Experiences
1997~1999 EC Technical Consultant for Asaa-Pacific, IBM
2000~2004 Chief Scientist, Yam Digital

Publications and Citations to my publications (Google Scholar)

Courses offered
  1. Assistive Technology
  2. Service Learning
Research Interests
  1. Assistive Technology for Cognition
  2. Software-based rehabilitation
  3. Games for Children with Autism

International Academic Activities

Journal Editorial Board and Program Committee

Journal Review

星期三, 3月 29, 2017

健康照護科技專題 (一,二)Healthcare Technology (I,II)



1. scratch 程式語言

2. 融入生命教育的工程教育

3. 生命力新聞報導張耀仁老師十年來帶領同學走入場域,服務與學習,研發身心障礙科技。 報導全文


星期六, 3月 18, 2017

桃園蜂巢公益合作社 參訪與對談


星期三, 3月 08, 2017

阿宅變暖男 中原電子創造二手電腦奇蹟









星期一, 3月 06, 2017

使用Kinect 結合雷射視覺導引改善帕金森症行走能力 (Brunel University)

Brain Power 自閉症兒童的輔助科技

Brain Power 公司運用Google智慧型眼鏡開發出自閉症兒童的輔助科技,不僅可以辨識對方的情緒,甚至當媽媽叫小孩的時候,如果小孩不去看媽媽的臉,程式會把媽媽的臉畫成喜愛的卡通人物(例如比卡丘),吸引小孩子的目光,當小孩子把臉對準媽媽時,媽媽的臉就會重現,用這種誘導的方式訓練小孩子表現出正向的社會行為,用遊戲的方式協助兒童融入社會。

Assistive Technology for Blind People

NVIDIA Jetson Partner Stories: Horus

Microsoft Seeing AI

Seeing AI download

Google VPS 藉由室內環境的特徵,手機可以精準定位自身的位置,可以協助盲人在室內定位與導航

Lookout: an app to help blind and visually impaired people learn about their surroundings

Microsoft 創意總監新發明!解決柏金遜症人士手震難寫字問題

Facebook's blind engineer: 'Your life matters'

星期三, 2月 22, 2017


課程規定 計劃書格式

AR demo by the Weather Channel

擴增實境 AR 發展趨勢

張老師在AR的研究 擴增實境(AR)復健的研究與實證

張老師在 Kinect 的研究

Kinect 身心障礙研究成果
International recognition
  • Serving as Editor for Scientific World Journal
  • ACM 2012 Student Research Award based on work using Kinect for children with problem behavior, Third Place
  • Microsoft Taiwan 2011 Kinect Innovation Award, Second Place
  • Research In Developmental Disabilities Top 2, 3 Most Downloaded Articles in 2011, 2012, respectively for work using Kinect for physical rehabilitation 
Domestic recognition
  • 以「科技尬服務,蹦出心滋味」Kinect遊戲帶領,獲教育部102年區域和平志工團績優團隊「科技服務類」全國第一名
  • 魏子崴以【結合Kinect語音與影像處理技術協助精障者備餐工作之可行性研究】榮獲資訊學會2013碩博士最佳論文獎佳作獎。
  • 以Kinect職能復健系統獲得2011第十六屆全國大專校院資訊服務創新競賽全國第二名
Research partnership
  • Department of Physical Therapy, University of Nevada
  • 榮總桃園分院
  • 國立台南啟智學校
  • 中原大學特殊教育學系附設兒童早期療育中心
  • 中原大學居家醫療器材研發中心
Iih (xt)

VR 在矯正酒精濫用,心理創傷,精神疾病,社交障礙改善的應用


星期三, 2月 15, 2017

專題研究: 課程大綱



  1. *Yao-Jen Chang, Shu-Fang Chen, Jun-Da Huang A Kinect-based system for physical rehabilitation: a pilot study for young adults with motor disabilitiesResearch in Developmental Disabilities, Vol. 32, Iss. 6, 2011. pp. 2566-2570 (SSCI)
  2. *Yao-Jen Chang, Wen-Ying Han, Yu-Chi Tsai, A Kinect-based upper limb rehabilitation system to assist people with cerebral palsyResearch in Developmental Disabilities, Vol. 34, Iss. 11, Nov. 2013, pp. 3654–3659 (SSCI)

randomized controlled trial
case control
single case research

helsinki, informed consent, privacy, human rights

IRB institutional review board


  1. *Yao-Jen Chang, Li-Der Chou, Tsen-Yung Wang, Shu-Fang Chen, A Kinect-based Vocational Task Prompting System for Individuals with Cognitive ImpairmentsPersonal and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2013. pp. 351-358.  (SCI)
  2. *Yao-Jen Chang, Shu-Fang Chen, Li-Der Chou, A Feasibility Study of Enhancing Independent Task Performance for People with Cognitive Impairments Through Use of a Handheld Location-Based Prompting SystemIEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 16, No. 6, 2012. pp. 1157-1163. (SCI)


  1. *Yao-Jen Chang, Ya-Shu Kang, Po-Chiao Huang, An Augmented Reality (AR)-based vocational task prompting system for peoplewith cognitive impairmentsResearch in Developmental Disabilities, Vol. 34, Iss. 10, Oct. 2013, pp. 3049–3056 (SSCI)
  1. *Yao-Jen Chang, Tsen-Yung Wang, Shu-Fang Chen, Tien-Shyan Ma, Anomaly Detection to Increase Commuter Safety for Individuals with Cognitive ImpairmentsJournal of Developmental and Physical DisabilitiesVolume 24, Issue 1 (2012), Page 9-17 (SSCI)

Iih (xt)