星期二, 4月 23, 2024

Class exercise: the power of plants


1. Self test of vocabulary

2. Self test of comprehension 

3. 在同一個ChatGPT 對話中,繼續試著回答以下五個簡答問題。

1. What role do plants play in addressing major challenges facing humanity, according to the text?

2. Explain the evolutionary strategy of plants in dealing with external threats.

3. How has the internet, particularly social media, contributed to the growing interest in plants, as mentioned in the text?

4. Describe the power of plants in COVID 19 period according to the text.

5. What are some reasons the host  provides for the recent surge in interest in houseplants globally?

4. 使用 Image Creator 將上述問題與你的回答逐一圖像化,請以分享圖片的連結作答。

星期二, 4月 16, 2024


分享者: 中原大學電子工程學系 張耀仁 特聘教授


CS (Computer Science)


1990- 網際網路

2000- 搜尋引擎

2010- 社群網站

2020- 人工智慧

What is CS?

  • CS is coding. (寫程式)
  • CS is compiler. 
  • CS is AI. (史丹佛/麻省理工,nVidia)

CS 趨勢
  • 自駕
  • 無人機
  • 機器人
  • 虛擬實境
  • 人工智慧

















IC 設計

網路設備 (衛星電話)






海外 IT


  • Line 工程師
  • 電信工程師
  • 網路工程師
  • 電子商務工程師
  • 雲端服務工程師
  • 網站工程師
  • IC 設計工程師
  • App 程式設計師
  • 人工智慧工程師
  • 資訊安全工程師

  • 人類社會衝擊(資料,隱私,倫理,法律)
  • 民主制度 (資訊戰,認知戰)
  • 天文數字的算力
  • BigTech 凌駕政府 

  • 模仿遊戲
  • 駭客任務
  • 太空漫遊 2001
  • 社群網戰
  • 戰爭遊戲

星期二, 4月 09, 2024

Self test of vocabulary: Solar Flares

   Using ChatGPT 3.5 

1.  Enter the prompt: 

Based on the vocabulary: (solar flares, sunspot, corona, hydrogen, cosmic radiation, magnetic storm, ionosphere, ultraviolet, disasters, launch, accident, astronomy, eject, infrastructure), randomize the order of these words and then prepare 10 fill the blank quiz questions. Each question has only one missing word. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.

2. Answer each question. ChatGPT will grade it and generate the next question until 5 questions are generated.

Caution: ChatGPT is not always reliable. Use your discernment.

Share your chat using the built-in share function of ChatGPT. Mail to g11278507@cycu.edu.tw,chang212@gmail.com

Self test of comprehension: Solar flares

 Using ChatGPT 3.5 

1. Copy the transcript of the video clip Solar Flares and paste it on ChatGPT 

2. Enter the prompt: 

Prepare 10 multiple choice problems from the paste text above to test comprehension. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.

3. Answer each question. ChatGPT will grade it and generate the next question until 10 questions are generated.

Share your chat using the built-in share function of ChatGPT. Mail to g11278507@cycu.edu.tw,chang212@gmail.com

How to share your chat in ChatGPT:

Select the chat to share from your chat history

Select “share chat” then copy the link

星期三, 4月 03, 2024

Showcasing Taiwan's formidable air defense capabilities

Using Microsoft Image Creator (with built-in GPT 4 image generation capabilities)


1. Showcase Taiwan's formidable air defense capabilities, featuring F16 fighters alongside cutting-edge air-to-surface and air-to-air missiles. 

2. Showcase Taiwan's formidable surface defense capabilities, featuring destroyers loaded with surface-to-surface missiles and advanced anti-submarine weapons.

3. Close up. Sharp. The saxophonist  of the jazz band performs a solo in the concert, the atmosphere is warm, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

4. 自由創作一幅

1-3 三題務必修改提示直到符合台灣國情與社會觀感


1. 台灣黑熊

2. 台灣青年

3. 台灣國旗

Please turn in your homework assignment using the SHARE function of Image Creator. See the video if you don't know how. How to share your creation.

due 4/3/2024 at 11:59 pm. Before the end of the day, you can try as many times as you wish. Please use the built-in share and do not dump your screen.

星期四, 3月 28, 2024

How to read a technical paper with AI





星期三, 3月 27, 2024

Making of Blue LED

Why It Was Almost Impossible to Make the Blue LED? on FB,11:58, by Veritasium

due 4/7/2024 at 11:59 pm.

Using ChatGPT 3.5 

1. Enter the prompt:

Tell me the physics of blue LED in 1000 words. 

2. Enter the prompt: 

Tell me the story of the making of blue LED.

3. Enter the prompt:

Prepare 10 multiple choice problems from the paste text above to test comprehension. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.

4. Enter the prompt:

Extract 20 words important to LED.

5. Enter the prompt:

Based on the vocabulary above, prepare 10 multiple choice problems to test word use. Pick one word from the given vocabulary for each problem. In each problem, one of the choices is the word picked, and the other three words are of the same part of speech as the word picked but not in the vocabulary. In each problem, the four choices should be one space from each other. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.

6. Share your chat using the built-in share function of ChatGPT. Mail to g11278507@cycu.edu.tw,chang212@gmail.com

How to share your chat in ChatGPT:

Select the chat to share from your chat history

Select “share chat” then copy the link

*Before the end of the day, you can try as many times as you wish. Please use the built-in share and do not dump your screen.

繳交作業時,務必同時而不是分開寄給老師和助教。這樣我才能與助教共改你的作業。老師與助教email 分別為  chang212@gmail.com, g11278507@cycu.edu.tw

星期二, 3月 26, 2024

Self test of vocabulary: Defense technology

due 3/27/2024 at 11:59 pm. Before the end of the day, you can try as many times as you wish. Please use the built-in share and do not dump your screen.

LLM 工具,善用與負責任地使用
LLM tools, use wisely and responsibly.

f  注意 不要將個人資料(例如個人財務,健康狀況),隱私或不可告知他人的資料(例如他人的研究資料)輸入給ChatGPT,以免危害自己或他人的利益。

   Please do not input personal information (such as personal finances, health conditions), private, or confidential information (such as someone else's research data) to ChatGPT to avoid endangering your own or others' interests.

Using ChatGPT 3.5 

    1.  Enter the prompt: 

    Based on the vocabulary: (detect, deployment, transmit, infrared, autonomous, protect, threat, surveillance, destroy, unprecedented, hostile), prepare 10 multiple choice problems to test word use. Pick one word from the given vocabulary for each problem. In each problem, one of the choices is the word picked, and the other three words are of the same part of speech as the word picked but not in the vocabulary. In each problem, the four choices should be one space from each other. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.

    2. Enter the prompt: 

    Based on the vocabulary: (detect, deployment, transmit, infrared, autonomous, protect, threat, surveillance, destroy, unprecedented, hostile), randomize the order of these words and then prepare 10 fill the blank quiz questions. Each question has only one missing word. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.

    Caution: ChatGPT is not always reliable. Use your discernment.

    Share your chat using the built-in share function of ChatGPT. Mail to g11278507@cycu.edu.tw,chang212@gmail.com

    Sure, here's the translation of the provided text:

    中譯 in Chinese

    1. 基於詞彙:(detect, deployment, transmit, infrared, autonomous, protect, threat, surveillance, destroy, unprecedented, hostile),準備10個多選題,以測試詞彙使用。從給定的詞彙中選擇一個詞彙,每個問題中,其中一個選擇是所選的詞彙,另外三個選擇是與所選詞彙相同詞性但不在詞彙表中的詞彙。每個問題,四個選擇應該相隔一個空格。逐個生成問題。然後要求答案。收到答案後進行評分。然後生成下一個問題。最後告訴我有多少正確答案。

    2. 基於詞彙:(detect, deployment, transmit, infrared, autonomous, protect, threat, surveillance, destroy, unprecedented, hostile),將這些詞彙的順序隨機排列,然後準備10個填空測驗問題。每個問題僅缺少一個單詞。逐個生成問題。然後要求答案。收到答案後進行評分。然後生成下一個問題。最後告訴我有多少正確答案。

    星期三, 3月 13, 2024

    Use of ChatGPT / 活用 ChatGPT 提升科技英文能力

    due 3/13/2024 at 11:59 pm.

    Part 1

    1. Translate articles. Translate the Project Syndicate Article about US CHIPS ACT

    2. Takes notes for an article. Extract essence of the article above

    3. Comprehension of an article**. 

    4. Criticize an article. Criticize the Project Syndicate article above. 

    5. Merits of an article. Merits of the Project Syndicate article above.


    Part 2

    Prompting as a process


    Write a prompt to test the following vocabulary with fill-the-blank items.

    anode, cathode, Lithium, Alma mater, prototype, battery, portable, susceptible, inspiration, innovative, immerse

    It can grade the answer immediately. If incorrect, it explains.

    After grading, it generates the next quiz item.

    After all the items are finished, it should tally up.

    Part 3

     Create a story

    *Before the end of the day, you can try as many times as you wish. Please use the built-in share and do not dump your screen.

    繳交作業時,務必同時而不是分開寄給老師和助教。這樣我才能與助教共改你的作業。老師與助教email 分別為  chang212@gmail.com, g11278507@cycu.edu.tw

    ** How to enable ChatGPT to test your comprehension of an article you read.

    Prepare 10 multiple choice problems from [your article name] to test comprehension. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.

    星期三, 3月 06, 2024

    Please be notified. 請修課同學協助


    2.繳交作業時,務必同時而不是分開寄給老師和助教。這樣我才能與助教共改你的作業。老師與助教email 分別為  chang212@gmail.com, g11278507@cycu.edu.tw

    1. Because Suar TA is an international graduate student, please make sure to provide your student ID when submitting assignments. Avoid using only your Chinese name to facilitate score registration.

    2. When submitting assignments, be sure to send them simultaneously, not separately, to both the teacher and the TA. This way, I can collaborate with the TA in grading your assignments. The email addresses for the teacher and TA are chang212@gmail.com and g11278507@cycu.edu.tw, respectively.

    Homework Assignment # 2 作業 due 3/06/2024

    Before the end of the day, you can try as many times as you wish. Please use the built-in share and do not dump your screen.

    星期五, 3月 01, 2024

    Self test of comprehension: Lithium Ion Battery

    Using ChatGPT 3.5 


    1. Copy the transcript of the video clip Lithium ion battery and paste it on ChatGPT 

    2. Enter the prompt: 

    Prepare 10 multiple choice problems from the paste text above to test comprehension. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.

    3. Answer each question. ChatGPT will grade it and generate the next question until 10 questions are generated.

    4. Share your chat using the built-in share function of ChatGPT. Mail to g11278507@cycu.edu.tw,chang212@gmail.com

    How to share your chat in ChatGPT:

    Select the chat to share from your chat history

    Select “share chat” then copy the link

    Self test of vocabulary: Lithium ion battery

      Using ChatGPT 3.5 

    1.  Enter the prompt: 

    Based on the vocabulary: (anode, cathode, Lithium, Alma mater, prototype, battery, portable, susceptible, inspiration, innovative, immerse), randomize the order of these words and then prepare 10 fill the blank quiz questions. Each question has only one missing word. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.

    2. Answer each question. ChatGPT will grade it and generate the next question until 5 questions are generated.

    Caution: ChatGPT is not always reliable. Use your discernment.

    Share your chat using the built-in share function of ChatGPT. Mail to g11278507@cycu.edu.tw,chang212@gmail.com

    星期四, 2月 22, 2024

    Homework Assignment # 1 作業 due 2/27/2024


    Please look up your English in the context of history and the personal trait it stands for.

    期限 2/27/2024

    Due 2/27/2024

    Bonus # 1 加分題 due 2/27/2024

    Regarding the linguistic history of English, identify the statements which are inaccurate in the following narrative.

    關於英文的語言史,請指出以下敘述那些有錯誤? 請解釋出錯的地方。可使用中文或英文回答。

    "English belongs to the Germanic language family, but it incorporates a significant number of words from Latin and Greek, primarily due to the historical interactions of the UK with the Roman Empire and Greek culture.

    Between 55 BC and 410 AD, the Roman Empire ruled over much of the British Isles. During this period, Britain came into contact with Latin and Roman culture, acquiring numerous words and vocabulary. For example, words like 'doctor,' 'hospital,' and 'library' in English have their roots in Latin.

    Furthermore, in the medieval period, Christianity spread in Britain, and Latin became the language of the church. Many religious-related words and terms entered English from Latin. For instance, 'baptism,' 'faith,' and 'priest' are derived from Latin.

    Greek has also influenced the English language. During the Renaissance, the UK began engaging with Greek culture, and many literary and scientific works were translated from Greek into English. Words like 'democracy,' 'philosophy,' and 'geography' have their origins in Greek.

    In summary, English contains a substantial number of words from Latin and Greek due to historical interactions with the Roman Empire and Greek culture, leading to the incorporation of vocabulary and terms into the language." (source: ChatGPT )

    「英文屬於日耳曼語系,但是有大量單字來自拉丁文和希臘文,主要是因為英國在歷史上接觸過羅馬帝國和希臘文化。 在公元前55年至公元410年間,羅馬帝國統治了大部分英國地區,這段時期英國接觸到了拉丁文和羅馬文化,並從中學習了許多單詞和詞彙。例如,英文中的“doctor”、“hospital”、“library”等單詞就是源自拉丁文。 此外,在中世紀時期,基督教在英國逐漸傳播,拉丁文也成為教會語言,許多宗教相關的單詞和詞彙也隨之進入英文。例如,“baptism”、“faith”和“priest”等單詞就是源自拉丁文。 希臘文也對英文有影響。在文藝復興時期,英國開始接觸希臘文化,許多文學和科學著作也是由希臘語翻譯成英語。例如,“democracy”、“philosophy”和“geography”等單詞就是源自希臘文。 總之,英文中有大量來自拉丁文和希臘文的單詞,主要是因為英國在歷史上與羅馬帝國和希臘文化有接觸,並從中學習了許多詞彙和單詞。」

    星期日, 2月 11, 2024

    科技英文與科普傳播 評分方式




    假如 A>B , 你的分數就是 B

    假如 A<B, 妳的分數是 B+(B-A), 其中B-A是進步獎勵

    假如 A=B,妳的分數就是 B


    注意: 小考分數包含出席頻率與上課提問踴躍性,非僅是測驗本身。



    Google Scholar 

    星期三, 1月 03, 2024

    Syllabus 科技英文與科普傳播 2024


    •   增進閱讀能力
    •   聽力練習 
    •   掌握更多科技單字


    •    寫作能力提升
    •    口說能力


    Tools: bard.google.com

    課程內容 (14周)

    Week 1,  2/21/2024

    課程簡介 英語演進史 What's your name? 名前は何ですか?

    Week 2-3, 3/6, 3/13

    Lithium ion battery 19:00 transcript, NHK

    Dive in

    Tips for conversational English

    Week 4 3/27

    Defense technology 

    Week 5 4/3

    Learning to use Image Creator 

    Making of blue LED

    Week 6 4/10

    solar flares 15:00 transcript, credit by NHK

    00:00-6:34 introduction, what are solar flares 

    6:34-9:48 impact of Solar flares 

    9:48-15:00 predictions of solar flares 

    Dive in

    Common English tips for daily conversation 

    Week 7 4/24

    詹姆士·黃是一名在英國工作的人氣植物學家。 15:00 transcripts, NHK

    Dive in

    Week 8

    black holes 15:00 transcript, NHK

    Dive in

    Week 13

    Walking Again With Robotic Rehabilitation 17:00 transcript, NHK

    Dive in

    Week 14 

    Programing in a natural language 

    Week 15 

    身心障礙活動家 15:00 video NHK, transcript

    Dive in

    Week 16 


    Further materials 



    在這個課程中,我們旨在探索科技英文和科普傳播相關內容。課程內容涵蓋了各種主題,從英語演進史到太陽耀斑,從身心障礙活動家到黑洞,以及自然語言程式設計到 手機/電腦工作坊,讓你們得以涉獵不同領域的知識和技能。

    課程目標包括增進閱讀能力、聽力訓練、掌握科技相關詞彙等,同時也注重提升你們的寫作和口說能力,以及利用 bard.google.com 以及ChatGPT等人工智慧工具來協助科技英語學習。




