星期一, 5月 13, 2024

[Example] The Rabbit's Endless Journey, the Ant's Steady Progress







Once upon a time, there was a rabbit and an ant who both lived in northern Taiwan. One day, they decided to travel to Tainan to experience the southern charm.

The rabbit confidently said, "I can run very fast, so I'll definitely reach Tainan before the ant!" With that, the rabbit dashed forward without looking back. However, because the rabbit was always impatient and unwilling to ask for directions, it kept running northward, getting farther and farther away from Tainan.

On the other hand, the ant, although slow, was very smart and always carefully checked the direction. The ant moved forward step by step, heading southward. Despite the long journey, the ant never gave up.

A few days later, the ant finally arrived in Tainan and excitedly explored the ancient temples and savored the delicious local snacks. And what about the rabbit? It was still lost in the northern mountains, getting farther and farther away from its destination.

Finally, the rabbit realized its mistake and decided to ask passersby for directions. With everyone's guidance, the rabbit finally made it to Tainan and reunited with the ant. The rabbit said to the ant, "I understand now that direction is more important than speed. As long as the goal is correct, even if you walk slowly, you will eventually reach your destination."

From then on, the rabbit and the ant became good friends. They explored Tainan's food and attractions together and had a wonderful time. This story teaches us that by choosing the right direction and persevering in our efforts, we can surely achieve our goals.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
