星期六, 9月 28, 2024

Black hole-star binary system simulation


simulate a binary star system with perspective the small star is a blackhole, sucking particles from its companion. particle flux from the companion star to blackhole.

結果 得到


simulate a binary star system with perspective the small star is a blackhole, sucking particles from its companion. particle flux from the companion star to blackhole. Particles flow obeys Hamilton dynamics.


星期三, 9月 25, 2024

Simulate Photosynthesis Process at Quantum Level


Change to JS (瀏覽器環境), add REACT ( (製作UI介面)



Simulate a steam engine

 Simulate s steam engine

Change to JS


星期五, 9月 20, 2024

Theme Game Design: StarTrek

 使用 Claude Sonnet 3.5 

"Starbase Navigation" is a simple Star Trek-themed web game. The main features are as follows:



  1. The player controls the Enterprise spaceship.
  2. Use the arrow keys to navigate through space.
  3. The goal is to reach the starbase.
  4. You must avoid the constantly appearing Klingon enemy ships.
  5. Colliding with a Klingon ship results in a loss, while reaching the starbase means victory.

1. The player controls the Enterprise spaceship.
2. Use the arrow keys to move through space.
3. The goal is to reach the starbase.
4. You must avoid the constantly appearing Klingon enemy ships.
5. Colliding with a Klingon ship results in a loss, while reaching the starbase means victory.
6. The game screen features an 800x600 pixel space background.
7. Simplified spaceship graphics are drawn using SVG.
8. A timer records survival time.
9. There are start instructions and an end dialog box.

使用 SVG 繪製企業號太空船, 星際基地, 克林貢敵船

星期四, 9月 19, 2024

主題遊戲製作: 星戰

使用 Claude Sonnet 3.5 



  1. 玩家控制企業號太空船。
  2. 使用方向鍵在太空中移動。 
  3. 目標是到達星際基地。 
  4. 需避開不斷出現的克林貢敵船。 
  5. 碰到克林貢船會輸,到達基地則贏。

1. 玩家控制企業號太空船。
2. 使用方向鍵在太空中移動。
3. 目標是到達星際基地。
4. 需避開不斷出現的克林貢敵船。
5. 碰到克林貢船會輸,到達基地則贏。
6. 遊戲畫面為800x600像素的太空背景。
7. 使用SVG繪製簡化的飛船圖形。
8. 計時器記錄生存時間。
9. 有開始指示和結束對話框。

使用 SVG 繪製企業號太空船, 星際基地, 克林貢敵船

Animate Photosynthesis Process


Enhanced details

星期三, 9月 18, 2024

Shortest Path Algorithm

 產生 Shortest path algorithm 使用 JavaScript 語言




 產生 QuickSort 程式,使用 JavaScript 語言

[AI 可以產生 C 程式,或 Python 程式...,但如果要直接在瀏覽器執行,須改為JavaScript 程式,然後告訴 AI 一併生成 REACT 元件以產生輸出輸入介面,就可以在瀏覽器上直接執行看到結果或是偵錯。]


Lecture 3: Learning Evolution of Technical English 2/2


Laser weapons protect aircraft from surface- and air-launched threats. (Video Credit: Lockheed Martin)

Quiz (F16 with laser weapons)

Words in the episode. Select one word in each item.

1. Unprecedented, unparalleled, unequaled 

2. Infrared, ultraviolet, visible 

3. Shipborne, airborne, carrier 

4. Hospitable, hostile, friendly 

5. Acquisition, relinquishing, abandoning 

Word anatomy:

Infra: infrared, infrastructure

Infrared: infra + red, below (La.) + red (Proto Indo-European)
Ultra: ultralight, ultraviolet

ultraviolet: ultra + violet, beyond + violet (from flower), La. + La.

Shipborne: Ship + borne (from bear)
Airborne: air + borne

Proceed: Pro (forward) + ceed (from La. cedere)
Precedent: Pre (before) + cedent (From La. cedere)
Prehistoric: pre + historic
President: pre + sident ( from La. sedere, sit) 

Algorithm: al-Khwarizmi

viper, La.
serpent, La, - Gr. (creep, from herpein)
snake, old Eng. - Proto Germanic

Herpetology, Herpet + ology, Gr.
Reptile, La.  

protect, pro+tect, forward+ cover(shield), Latin

detect: de +tect, off/away, cover, La.

defeat: de + feat, away + make, undo, unmake,  La.

Fact, something done, deed, La. 

Anatomy, Compared to Analysis


AD, Anno Domini

What's your name?