星期四, 10月 10, 2024



Space time in string theory 



String theory 

EX#5 Engineering Simulation

如何繳交作業 How to turn in your homework exercise.


使用 Claude Sonnet 3.5 

ChatGPT 4o

Deadline: This Saturday at 23:59

Send all the links to TA victorhuang111013@gmail.com and me chang212@gmail.com by email with subject EX#5 Engineering Simulation [your ID, your name]

1. 練習:  remix 課堂上的工程系統,例如自行車自動變速系統,汽車自動排檔系統,蒸氣引擎賽道賽車四衝程引擎。 建議加入創造性的差異,而不僅止於些微的變更。 

(Bonus 加分題) 2. 練習: 模擬一個工程或科學系統,可任選一個你喜歡的主題。 

3. Remix The Evolution of Engineering Vocabulary in English  (Interactive version). Explore more engineering advancements in Victoria Era (1837-1901).

4. Comprehension test

Use ChatGPT for comprehension test: (your prompt to AI, just copy and paste it)

Prepare 10 multiple choice problems from the paste text above to test comprehension. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered. 

星期二, 10月 08, 2024

Scientific Visualization

Animate Photosynthesis Process (credit: 班上同學)

Simulate Solar System

Simulate Photosynthesis Process at Quantum Level

Black hole-star binary system simulation 

EX#4: Scientific Visulization

如何繳交作業 How to turn in your homework exercise.



計次的單位一般稱為 token,以英文字來看,100 個token 大約 60個單字。


Deadline: This Saturday at 23:59

Send all the links to TA victorhuang111013@gmail.com and me chang212@gmail.com by email with subject EX#4 Scientific Visualization [your ID, your name]

1. Visualize and simulate one of the fractals  

2. Simulation of Photosynthesis Process at Quantum Level and remix it your way

3. Remix Quantum Olfaction Simulation your way

4. (Bonus 加分題) If you are familiar with Python, you can do quantum olfaction simulation using the code.