Solar flares 15:00 video clip w/ transcript, credit by NHK
Vocabulary 字彙
Solar flares 太陽閃焰
Sunspot 太陽黑子
Corona 日冕
Hydrogen 氫
Cosmic radiation 宇宙輻射
Solar wind, magnetic storm 太陽風
Ionosphere 電離層
Magnetic line 磁力線
X ray X光
Ultraviolet 紫外線
Radio waves 無線電波
- Disaster, catastrophe, devastation
- Shell, facade, surface
- Launch, initiation, commence
- Glitch, breakdown, malfunction
- Accident, incident, coincidence
Disaster, dis + astro, ill + star (Greek)
Malevolent astral influence
Accident, a+ cident, to+ fall
Incident, in+ cident, into+ fall
Mal: bad, unpleasant , unsuccessful, imperfect
Tremendously, tremere (Latin), tremble, terrible
Forty percent of the population is suffering from malnutrition.
The animals were seriously maltreated.
Part 2
- Enigma, mysterious, intriguing
- Enormously, exceptionally, tremendously
- Astrology, astronomy, asteroid
- Oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen
Astronomy, Astro + nomos, star + law/arrangement
autonomy, auto + nomos, self + law/arrangement
Astrology, astro + logos, star + study
biology, bio + logos, life + study
Geology, geo + logos, earth + study
Tremendous, tremere (to quake) + ous
(Something) that is to be trembled at.
Hydrogen, hydro + gen, water + gen
Part 3
- Ionosphere, stratosphere, troposphere
- Reject, inject, eject
- Corona, aurora, crown
- Outage, breakout, breakdown
- Infrastructure, facilities, civil
Ionosphere , 60-1000 km above earth, free electrons and charged particles
Eject, e + ject , out + throw
Reject, back + ject, back + throw
Subject, sub + ject, under + throw
Inject, in + ject, in + throw
Project, pro+ ject, forward+ throw
Trajectory, trans + ject+ ory , across + throw
IV injection, intravenous injection
E as a prefix
Paralyze, para+ lysis, besides+ loosening (Greek)
Analyze, ana + lysis, throughout + loosening (Greek)
Infrastructure, infra+ structure, under+ structure
Destroy, de+ stroy, de+ structure
Part 4
Predict, pre + dict, before+ say
Dictate, say repeatedly
Disrupt, dis+ rupt, apart+ rumpere (break)
Interrupt, inter + rupt, between + rumpere ( break)
Erupt , e + rupt, out+ rumpere (burst)