black holes 15:00 video with transcript, NHK
預告: 學習成效自我檢測
We love astronomy.
Vocabulary 字彙 (vocabulary prepared with hand pick, origins prepared with ChatGPT)
absorb 吸收
distort 扭曲
astronomical 天文的
telescope 望遠鏡
resolution 解析度
supermassive 超大質量的mysterious 神秘的
- (Greek) "of secret rite or secret worship."
desperate 絕望的
prestigious 聲望極高的
- (Latin) "illusion" or "dazzling."
collaborate 合作
phenomenon 現象
- (Greek) "thing appearing to view"
synthesize 合成
- (Greek) "putting together"
significant 極重要的
- (Latin) to "signify"
fundamental 基本的
- (Latin) foundation
Part 1 listening quiz
absent, abduct, absorb
resolution, evolution, dissolution
television, telescope, telestar
astrology, astronomical, asteroid
distort, displace, dismiss
- absorb, ab+sorb, away+ suck in
- absent, ab+sent, ab+esse, away+ to be
- distort, dis+tort (torque), away+twist
- displace, dis+place, away+please (to upset)
- astronomy, astro+nomy, star+ law
- astrology, astro+logy, star+ study
- telescope, tele+scope, far+ to see
- television, tele+vision, far+ sight
- resolution, re + solution, back/again, to loosen/ to solve
- dissolve, dis+solve, apart+ to loosen
- supermassive, super+massive, above+mass
- superhero, super+hero
- superman, super+man
- mysterious, mysteri+ous (full of), close (eyes)+ ous
- generous, gener+ous, (nobel) birth + full of
- desperate, de + sper, without + hope
- collaborate, elaborate, deliberate
- momentum, metaphysics, phenomenon
- analysis, synthesize, energize
- significant, magnificent, wonderful
- elementary, basic, fundamental
- collaborate, com + laborate, together + work
- elaborate, e+laborate, out+ work (work out)