星期五, 11月 24, 2023

Capturing a black hole

black holes 15:00 video with transcript, NHK

預告: 學習成效自我檢測 

We love astronomy.

Vocabulary 字彙 (vocabulary prepared with  hand pick, origins prepared with ChatGPT)

absorb 吸收

distort 扭曲

astronomical 天文的

telescope 望遠鏡

resolution 解析度 

supermassive 超大質量的

mysterious 神秘的

  • (Greek) "of secret rite or secret worship."

desperate 絕望的

prestigious 聲望極高的

  • (Latin) "illusion" or "dazzling."

collaborate 合作

phenomenon 現象

  • (Greek) "thing appearing to view"

synthesize 合成

  • (Greek) "putting together"

significant 極重要的

  • (Latin) to "signify"

fundamental 基本的

  • (Latin) foundation


Part 1 listening quiz 

  1. absent, abduct, absorb 

  2. resolution, evolution, dissolution

  3. television, telescope, telestar

  4. astrology, astronomical, asteroid

  5. distort, displace, dismiss

  • absorb, ab+sorb, away+ suck in
  • absent, ab+sent, ab+esse, away+ to be

  • distort, dis+tort (torque), away+twist 
  • displace, dis+place, away+please (to upset)

  • astronomy, astro+nomy, star+ law
  • astrology, astro+logy, star+ study

  • telescope, tele+scope, far+ to see
  • television, tele+vision, far+ sight

  • resolution, re + solution, back/again, to loosen/ to solve
  • dissolve, dis+solve,  apart+ to loosen 

  • supermassive, super+massive, above+mass
  • superhero, super+hero
  • superman, super+man

  • mysterious, mysteri+ous (full of), close (eyes)+ ous
  • generous, gener+ous, (nobel) birth + full of

  • desperate, de + sper, without + hope

Part 2 listening quiz

  1. collaborate, elaborate, deliberate 
  2. momentum, metaphysics, phenomenon
  3. analysis, synthesize, energize
  4. significant, magnificent, wonderful
  5. elementary, basic, fundamental 
  • collaborate, com + laborate, together + work 
  • elaborate, e+laborate, out+ work (work out)


Taiwan in EHT

星期三, 11月 08, 2023

The Power of Plants

The power of plants 15:00 transcript, NHK

20 slides for the story 

預告: 學習成效自我檢測

Vocabulary 字彙 (vocabulary prepared with Claude and hand pick, origins prepared with ChatGPT)

Pandemic 大規模流行的(疾病)

Botany 植物學
  • Botany, Greek, pasture, herb or grass. Safe for livestock to eat?
Horticulture 農藝學
  • horticulture, horti + culture, garden + cultivate (Latin)
  • agriculture, ager + culture, field + cultivate (Latin)
Aesthetic 審美的,美學的
  • The word “aesthetic” has its origin in the Greek word “aisthesis,” which means “perception” or “sensation.”
Biology 生物學
  • Biology, bio + logy, life + study
Billion 十億

Therapeutic 療癒的
  • The word “therapy” comes from the Greek word “therapeia,” meaning “healing” or “medical treatment.”
Asymmetrical 不對稱的

Co-evolution 共同演化

Ecosystem 生態系統

Miniaturize 微小化

Transformative 變革性的,徹底改變的

Leveller 人人平等的事情,人人都要面對的事物;(尤指)死亡。

Commune 共同生活;共享
  • The word “commune” has its origin in the Latin word “communis,” meaning common or public.


Part 1 listening quiz 

  1. Destiny, botany, ebony 
  2. Pandemic, mimic, algorithmic 
  3. Trillion, billion, million 
  4. Heaven, paradise, resort 
  5. Agriculture, horticulture, permaculture 

  • "Ebony and Ivory" 和諧共處

  • Pandemic, pan + demos, all + people (Greek)
  • Democracy
  • Demographic 

  • Transform, trans + form , across + form
  • Transport, trans + port, across + carry 
  • Reform, re+ form, again + form

Part 2 listening quiz

  1. Comparative, transformative, relative
  2. Terrain, territory, terrarium 
  3. Leverage , leveller, levels
  4. Resonate, designate, detonate 
  5. Co-evolution, evolution, revolution 

  • Asymmetric: a + symmetric, not + symmetric (Greek)
  • Symmetry : sym+ metry, same + measure
  • Geometry: It is derived from the combination of two Greek words: “geo,” meaning “earth,” and “metron,” meaning “measure.” 
  • Econometric: econo+ metric, economy + measure

  • Terrarium: terra+ arium, earth+place
  • Aquarium: aqua+ arium, water+place
  • Terrain: terra 
  • terrestrial: adj.
  • Territory