Walking Again With Robotic Rehabilitation 17:00 transcript, NHK
Spinal cord - 脊髓
Neural - 神經的
Rehabilitation - 復健
Paralysis - 癱瘓
Exoskeleton - 外骨骼 (例如昆蟲,蜘蛛,甲殼類動物)Myoelectric - 肌電的
Sensors - 感測器
Hydraulic - 液壓的
Cylinder - 氣缸
Prosthesis - 義肢
Exoskeleton: exo + skeleton, outside + skeleton
Exodus 大批離去,大逃亡
Exit 出口
Hydraulic, Hydrogen
Hydor: "water" in Greek
aqua: "water" in Latin
aquarium 水族館
aquatic 水生的
- Origin: "Exo-" originates from the Greek word "exō," meaning "outside" or "external," while "skeleton" is derived from the Greek word "skeletos," which means "dried up" or "to make hard."
- Breakdown: "Exo-" as a prefix denotes something external, and "skeleton" refers to the structural framework of the body.
- Origin: "Myo-" comes from the Greek "mys," meaning "muscle," and "electric" is derived from the Latin "electricus," referring to electricity or electrical phenomena.
- Breakdown: "Myo-" indicates a connection to muscles, while "electric" refers to electrical properties or phenomena.
- Origin: The term "sensor" originates from the Latin word "sentire," meaning "to feel" or "perceive."
- Breakdown: "Sensor" refers to devices capable of detecting or perceiving physical stimuli or inputs.
- Origin: "Hydrau-" comes from the Greek "hydraulikos," which means "water organ" or "hydraulic." The term is linked to water and "hydor," which means "water" in Greek.
- Breakdown: "Hydraulic" refers to systems or mechanisms powered by liquids, especially water.
- Origin: "Cylinder" comes from the Latin word "cylindrus," which originated from the Greek word "kulindros," referring to a roller or cylinder.
- Breakdown: The term "cylinder" denotes a geometric shape that's shaped like a tube or roller.
- Origin: "Prosthesis" is derived from the Greek word "prosthesis," meaning "an addition" or "attachment."
- Breakdown: "Prosthesis" refers to an artificial device that serves as an addition or replacement for a missing body part.
- Origin: "Rehabilitation" has its roots in the Latin word "rehabilitare," which means "to restore to a former capacity or position."
- Breakdown: "Rehabilitation" involves treatments and therapies aimed at restoring previous capabilities or functions.
- Origin: "Paralysis" originates from the Greek word "paralusis," which means "loosening" or "disabling."
- Breakdown: "Paralysis" signifies the loss of muscle function or movement due to injury or disease.