星期五, 12月 22, 2006

Recent Trends

  • Point-Topic:光纖降價有取代Cable modem之勢 (2006/12/14)
802.11 a/b/g -> 802.11n
3G -> HSDPA (3.5G) -> 4G, WiMax
CD -> Paid Music Download

Wireline Phone -> VoIP or VoWiFi
Mobile Phone->VoIP over HSDPA

Spread Spectrum -> OFDM -> OFDM + MIMO

12-23-2006 Class

Student Presentation (schedule)

Service model: 台北市政府的VOIP公務服務系統

Web 2.0 BBS: Gaaan

Web 2.0 Personal Portal:
Wi-Fi Community Network and Business Model <fon>

12/30 連假日停課ㄧ次

星期一, 12月 18, 2006

Homework 12/16/2006

For housing services, compare the three websites

List the differences in the user interface design and usability. Make comments
by your use experiences.

星期日, 12月 17, 2006

Web 2.0 for NPO (Nonprofit organization)

Web 2.0 is absolutely a trend that NPO should pursue.
I have a study as posted in the following.
Web 2.0 also has some problems that people start to notice. First of all, sharing is limited and diverse.
Various tools exist: Blogs, Flickr, BT, …. It is not uncommon
that one has to combine several services in order to make things done.
For example, save the documents in Google Docs, store the photos on Clickr,
and write blogs on SixApart.
Second, existing Web 2.0 service providers give limited storage and functions.
There is no roadmap about the new features people
are looking for. Change of the platform is not straightforward, either. For example,
people better not decide to move from Blogger to Xuite, because there is no import
Nonetheless, I think one can still leverage the existing nice services such as Flickr, Google Docs, and Blogger that
are already popular. These services seem generic and have uses in many ways.
As to the mission critical applications that NPO want to build, Web 2.0 essentials can be built into these systems
from scratch. For example, we can do AJAX programming to make the GUI more usable and friendly.
We can also let users contribute and share their data, and even enable them to mash services up, just to name a few.
A far dream may be a Web 2.0 platform that NPO can host their mission critical applications.
In that case, all they need is learn how to use the systems without the bothering IT maintenance problems.

星期六, 12月 16, 2006

Web 2.0

Web 2.0
  • WYSWYG (What you see is what you get.)
  • Personalization
  • Mashup
  • Sharing
  • Feedback
If Web 1.0 is read only, then Web 2.0 is Read-Write.

Web 1.0 is for the user.
Web 2.0 is for the user and by the user.
Web 3.0 is for the user, by the user, and of the user.




Google News

Software as a Service: Wriely

Panorama Explorer

Mashup examples:

What is Web 2.0? By Andy Budd of Clearleft Ltd

What Is Web 2.0 by Tim O'Reilly

星期六, 12月 09, 2006

Unlicensed Mobile Access

UMA Technology
  • seamless handoff from WiFi to cellular networks,
  • converging the fixed and mobile worlds
  • under the control and billing of the mobile operator
UMA Architecture
  • a new network element (the UMA Network Controller, UNC)
  • UNC interfaces into the core network via existing 3GPP specified A/Gb interfaces.
  • protocols for the secure transport of GSM/GPRS signalling and user plane traffic over IP.
in contrast, uses the Internet for routing

  • WLAN couldn’t really support it due to the hand-off issues among APs.
  • Extricom selling 8 and 24-port WLAN switches
  • client on the network associates to the switch, not the radio/AP
  • No de-association or re-association
UMA in the office

星期日, 11月 26, 2006

Homework 11-25-2006

1. In an era of Web 2.0, Software as a Service is becoming popular.
Google Docs is one of the famous examples. In the followling lab, let's give Google Docs a try.
  • Go to Google Docs. Google Docs lets you write Word documents through an online web service.
  • Write some words in a Word format.
  • Publish the Word document.
  • What's the URL of your document.
Hint: This is a sample Word document.

2. RSS is a tool to syndicate web publishing. Many blogs and news websites make use of RSS.
In the following lab, we will see how RSS is used for syndication and subscription.
New York Times
  • Subscribe to the RSS feeds one by one.
  • What is the RSS feed that Google Reader takes in? List the URL of these RSS feeds.
(Hint: Examine Yam's RSS feed. )

星期三, 11月 22, 2006

11-25-2006 上課內容

1. Student Presentation
簡報者請將簡報材料於上課前一天email寄給 yjchang at cycu.edu.tw

12-02-2006 停課一次

題目 :
Performance Evaluation of a Novel Distributed Algorithm for Car-to-Car
Communication Location Service over Street Environments


差別不是需不需去學, 而是你選擇今天就開始好好學,


星期六, 11月 04, 2006

Presentation Update

廖泰成 a new paper assigned
陳秋慧 a new paper assigned
陳建富 a new paper assigned
簡里安 rescheduled

請參閱 schedule

11-11-2006 上課內容

1. Paper presentation (schedule)
  • 簡報者請將簡報材料於上課前一天email寄給 yjchang at cycu.edu.tw

2. Software as a Service (SaaS).
3. Blogs in education

4. Marketing 2.0

5. Mobile Social Software
CHI 2006 Workshop on Mobile Social Software

11-18-2006 考試週停課一次

11-4-2006 Homework

繳交期限 11/11 下午 1:00 整
Submission due 11/11 at 1:00 p.m.

1. (Continued from the last homework) For the comments people left on your homework, give response that you think appropriate. You may want to say thanks to them in the first place.

2. Reading Assignments: (Next presentation)
Read the papers assigned to the following persons.
莊育嘉(Social Serendipity) ,徐欣佑(blog paper by hp), 建年(Wireless privacy), 陳秋慧(Web 2.0)

Dealing with Negative Comments


F: find. Look for negative events.
I: investigate. Invesitigate where the failure was.
N: neutralize. Solve the problem.
D: deliver. Deliver a positive experience.

星期六, 10月 28, 2006

10-28-2006 Homework

1. Reading Assignment:
Chap 9, 10, 11 of Textbook. (Next presentation)

2. Check into your classmates' last homework,
read some of them. Write your comments on at least 2 homework blogs.
Tell me where you leave your comments, namely the URL, so that I can follow you to review your comments.
When leaving comments, be fair, constructive, and straight to the blogs you read. Your comment writing should be
as concise, clear, and correct (C3) as possible.

11-4-2006 上課內容

1. Blog Marketing: Chap. 9, 10 & 11 (presenters)

星期六, 10月 21, 2006

10-21-2006 Homework

繳交期限 10/28 下午 1:00 整
Submission due 10/28 at 1:00 p.m.

1. Based on the discussion in class,
what kind of applications can be done using wireless positioning technology?

2. Reading Assignment:
Chap 6, 7, 8 of Textbook. (Next presentation)

3. Install Firefox. Use firefox to subscribe to the course blog.


如果你有事不能來上課, 請在該日上課內容下註明(Comment)就可以了.


10-21-2006 上課內容

1. 介紹無線定位技術
2. Blog Marketing: Chap. 4 & 5
3. Sensor + Interactive

10月21日 老師的學生結婚, 所以我們下午兩點開始上課, 五點結束.

星期六, 10月 14, 2006

Trends of Internet Business

Internet outgrows desktop, finally

Microsoft was king but Google is the new one.

Wireless and Web 2.0 will change the landscape

why bothers to use iPod, Kuro?
Wireless makes download clumsy.
Music blog such as MySpace makes pirating Kuro unnecessary.

Web 2.0

platform provider instead of content provider. Build the right platform and the right time and the content will come and rest upon.

the platform is the portal, the one stop shop for things that are one of a kind. Content cannot afford to be placed elsewhere because this is the only place most people go to.

Marketing with not to

content provided by users, promoted by users. It spreads like virus.

Business Models

ads placed by the platform provider. ads most likely in text form, context matched with the user-provided content

Electronic Commerce (EC) and online services continue to expand

Mobile Commerce contines to find the way out

Student Presentation (New)


為了讓更多同學有機會上台, 我們將更動簡報時間表如下:
原先10/28以後簡報的同學提前. (原先時間表)

9/30 林志龍(PageRank) ,鄧富明(c1)
10/14 陳炯銘(c2) ,蕭燦良(c3)
10/21 廖泰成(c4) ,連家良(c5)
10/28 李杰修(c6) ,康盈堃 (c7),林志興(c8)
11/4 蔡奇峰(c9), 廖得佑(c10) ,余怡璇(c11)

Homework 10/14/2006

Read the article about Google Adsense
and watch the video of the talk given by the Adsense developer.
Summarize the talk and the things your learn.

10月21日 老師的學生結婚, 所以我們下午兩點開始上課, 五點結束.

星期五, 10月 13, 2006

10-14-2006 不能上課者請簽名

I know some of you have to work in the office and keep making money.
I can understand you will have to absent from the class.
Just leave your name here at the comment.

10/14/2006 上課內容,請自學.有問題可隨時提出.

Google Ad Business Models

10/14/2006 上課內容

1. 從Youtube 看未來寬頻影音的發展

2. 討論 Blog Marketing 第二與第三章

Google Services You Should Know (and Use)



在網路上直接編寫Word 和Excel
Docs and Spreadsheets

Google Reader

Google Maps
利用Google Maps作出的服務(Mash-Up Services)

星期三, 10月 11, 2006

WiMax 行動服務

1. vlog, 到處拍到處看
2. 有聲書 (e.g. Dopod)
3. 行動電視 (e.g. Sharp, Samsung)
4. U-Care (國家政策)

星期六, 9月 30, 2006

Homework 9-30-2006

繳交期限 10/14 下午 1:00 整

1. 安裝 PageRank , 然後使用 PageRank 量測以下網站的 PageRank (0~10分)
美國 FirstGov
英國 Direct Gov
日本 首相與內閣入口網
台灣 MyeGov
新加坡 SingGov
澳洲 Australia Government
中國 中央政府門戶網站
韓國 http://Korea.go.kr

Moodgrapher plots the mood levels reported by LiveJournal users in their posts.
  • Use Moodgrapher to compare the "happy" mood level versus "sad" during the period from 9/1/2006~9/30/2006.
  • Can we justify that people drink more during the weekends?
3. Read JONATHAN SCHWARTZ, Sun CTO's Blog. Do you think his blog is authentic, honest, and authoratative? Why?

使用 Firefox 瀏覽器

有同學反應使用 IE 6.0 進入課程部落格, 網頁呈現緩慢, 我測試後的確如此, 因此建議大家
使用 Firefox, 目前版本 1.5 版, 情況應該會大為改善.

Update 10-13-2006
Firefox 2 Release Candidate 2, released Oct. 7, 2006.
It is way faster. Looks nicer.

Student Presentation

本表已經更新, 前往新時間表

9/30 林志龍(PageRank) ,鄧富明(c1)
10/14 陳炯銘(c2) ,蕭燦良(c3)
10/21 廖泰成(c4) ,連家良(c5)
10/28 李杰修(c6) ,康盈堃 (c7)
11/4 林志興(c8) ,蔡奇峰(c9)
11/18 廖得佑(c10) ,余怡璇(c11)
11/25 莊育嘉 ,徐欣佑, 建年
12/2 陳秋慧 ,蔡士楷
12/9 黃鈞蔚 ,朱衍印
12/16 簡里安,黃仁昆
12/23 陳建富 ,陳昶豪
12/30 宋懷遠 ,Hanks
1/6 洪孟揚, 黃兆平

Each presentation is 15 minutes plus 15 minutes Q&A, a total of 30 minutes.

星期六, 9月 23, 2006

Homework 9/23

1. Watch the 10 minute video clip Beyond the Mobile Frontier by NTT DoCoMo. List, from your point of view, 10 scenarios of what's next technology come into our life.

2. Read Chapter 1 of Blog Marketing.


文字式作業原則上使用 Blog: 請至 http://www.blogger.com 申請, 請以你的學號 (s/g開頭) 申請免費帳號。主旨欄請用格式 "作業一" 以加速助教登錄作業成績。

請將你的作業寫在你的 blog, 然後到
Homework 1 的Comment 登錄作業blog網址就可以了.請參考範例.
請勿將作業直接寫在 comment

  • 留言顯示驗證詞
  • 正確設定時區顯示時間
  • 測試他人可否留言(comment)

Andy Lark's "The Web vs. Blogging"

Andy Lark's "The Web vs. Blogging"
that contrasts the world of blogs with the traditional websites. He compiled the following comparison list to show the deifferences.

Web= Organized Blog=Chaotic
Web=Predictable Blog=Unpredictable
Web=Find Blog=Browse
Web=Comprehensively Blog=Imcompletely Deep
Web=Broad Blog=Niche
Web=Slow Blog=Instant
Web=Cold Blog=Warm
Web=Transmission Blog=Conversation
Web=Place Blog=Community
Web=Annonymous Blog=Personal
Web=Company Blog=People
Web=Content Blog=Expression
Web=Cookie Cutter Blog=Individual
Web=Closed Blog=Participatory
Web=Unresponsive Blog=Give Thanks

星期六, 9月 09, 2006


(最近更新 05/31/2013)

我編輯了一些給研究生看的資料,要是我是一個研究生, 我大概也會希望我的指導教授可以早些告訴我這些事.


  • 參加生活體驗營,進行精障工作者田野活動
  • 練程式
  • 閱讀研究文獻
  • 投稿TANET會議
  • (開學)後參加TANET會議
  • (期中考後)有興趣者,挑選下學期要帶的大三專題生
  • 年底協助老師撰寫國科會計畫
  • (寒假)前帶領新進專題生
  • 協助大三新專題生申請大專生國科會計畫
  • 參加生活體驗營,進行身心障礙工作者田野活動
  • (第二學期)五月參加本校三創比賽
  • 六月參加本校服務學習比賽
  • 六月確認研究題目
  • 七月投稿ACM SRC競賽
  • 七月~ 九月 進行初步研究
  • 八月投稿初步成果,確立實驗計畫
  • 十月發表研究成果TANET/NST
  • 十月參與ACM SRC競賽
  • 十一月參加全國競賽
  • 有興趣者,挑選下學期要帶的大三專題生
  • 年底協助老師撰寫國科會計畫
  • (隔年)三月前完成所有實驗
  • 四月提論文口試申請,*必須有公開發表論文才可以提出申請*
  • 五月撰寫論文
  • 六月口試
  • 七月修改論文,畢業離校
與指導老師 meeting
  • 論文閱讀心得
  • 近日研究進度與遭遇問題
  • 創新創意點子
  • 其他需要老師指導事宜
  • meeting前先將你的研究記錄,資料,讀過論文,記事,實驗數據...寄給老師預習一下

  • 自閉症的研究是目前很需要有人去做的領域,因為自閉症盛行率近年來變得太高了,已經超出既有障別(智能,認知,唐氏,肢體),所以我很鼓勵各位選修林初穗老師的自閉症專題研究。  
  • 研一下林初穗老師會開單一個案研究設計(Single Case Design),也是對我們非常重要的一門課,對特教與身心障礙研究是不可或缺的。

  • 研究所期間至少閱讀30篇英文論文,並且寫入碩士論文reference 算起來一個月閱讀1.25篇,很低的門檻。 老師每個月至少閱讀10篇論文。
  • 整體來說,研究生論文常見問題是學術性與技術性仍嫌不足,看起來像大學生的報告。
  • 具體改善建議
    1. 能否以演算法角度描述

    2. 能否使用科學流程圖(注意: 系統示意圖並非流程圖)

    3. 能否引用與該論文密切相關的文獻
  • 其他常見問題
  1. 結論不可引用文獻,如果有文獻要介紹給讀者,應該要在論文結束以前。結論應該就只是總結,把一篇文章的重點與貢獻做個結語,不應該再引入新文獻。
  2. 結論到底你該寫些甚麼呢



    1. 扯一些跟論文無關的事
    2. 過度誇大療效
    3. 炒冷飯(前面講過得又講了一次)
    4. 出現新的名詞,新的概念,出現前面沒有提過的東西






A List of Some Mobile Social Software

sites that use google maps

Positioning Software

Papers about wireless networks applications on social network services

WiFi/Cellular Roaming

Syllabus of Advanced Internet Applications 2006

About Professor YJ Chang and Applied Networking Lab

Grading Policy
Participation (Presence, Challenging and Answers, & Oral Presentations) 60%,
Homework 40%

Our class is more of a conversation and dialogue than a lecture.


  • Jeremy Wright, Blog Marketing, McGraw Hill, 2006

  • Y. J. Chang, Handouts of Advanced Internet Applications. Unpublished, 2006
  • Social Capital and Information Technology

1. Trends of Internet Applications and Business models

Trends of Networking
Beyond the Mobile Frontier by NTT DoCoMo
Blogging, Search Engine, Broadband Video, Peer to peer,

2. Search Engine

PageRank, Personalization
Business Models

3. Blogging

Blog vs. Web
Why Blog?
Things to learn with Blog
XML, RSS, Syndication
Blogging for Business Marketing
Blogging for Internal Communication
Blogging for Project Coordination, Basecamp
Blogging for Learning

4. Mobile Social Software

A List of Some Mobile Social Software

Tracking methods: Dodgeball and Navizon

Friends finding friends
: Dodgeball.com

The Buddy Tracker in Navizon


文字式作業原則上使用 Blog: 請至 http://www.blogger.com 申請, 請以你的學號 (s/g開頭) 申請免費帳號。主旨欄請用格式 "作業一" 以加速助教登錄作業成績。

請將你的作業寫在你的 blog, 然後到
Homework 1 的Comment 登錄作業blog網址就可以了.
請勿將作業直接寫在 comment


* 留言顯示驗證詞
* 正確設定時區顯示時間
* 測試他人可否留言(comment)


如果你的作業引用他人文章, 務必註明出處或是網址, 以示尊重他人創作.


Scholar Google is one of the best tools for searching academic papers.
You can find a lot of good references in the areas that you feel interested.


如何做好一個簡報投影片, 請參看簡報製作原則

How to do research, by Tzi-cker Chiueh



星期二, 9月 05, 2006


2013. 1. 7



  • 邱俊嘉
  • 阮筱琪
  • 陳聖融
  • 呂紹廷
  • 呂坤隆
  • 高嘉駿
2013 級
2012 級
2011 級
2010 級
2009 級
2008 級
2007 級
  • Fisher 
  • 善堯
2006 級
  • 時定樑 


2012 夏天

2010 秋天

更新日期: 2014,3

星期六, 8月 26, 2006

How blogs are Changing the Way Teachers talk with their Students

One of the teaching challenges in computer-based laboratory is tracking student progress and giving assistance on an individual basis in the lab classroom. Designing specific systems to serve this purpose can be tedious and take great efforts. In addition, traditional web-based tools that help administer a course often store student works in a class-centric fashion. Once the class is closed, student materials may not be accessible to the students themselves any more.

Blogs have been used on campus for vastly diverse purposes. They are often seen as web publishing tools and social networking vehicles. Postings, tracebacks, and comments in the blog computing model usually happen without timelines in mind. Blogs interact with each other in a loosely coupled fashion as relations among blogs are usually nothing more than URL links or RSS subscriptions.

As a solution to the teaching challenge that the author has been wrestling with for years, blogs have been used in a novel fashion for three consecutive semesters at two hands-on computer lab classes, namely Java and Internet Applications, respectively. Our approach sees blogs from a more responsive point of view, and has them serve as catalysts for in-classroom student-instructor interactions.

First of all, the instructor creates a blog for the lab class at the outset. Every student of the class is required to create a blog for the lab when the semester begins. Instructor blogs are for posting lab materials in the curriculum and making announcements to the class. So they deliver lab sheets and hand-outs in electronic version. When finishing a lab, students are asked to submit their results at their own blogs and make a notice by placing a link at the instructor's blog right under the lab. Pursuing the links and checking out students' blogs, the instructor can grasp better immediate understanding of student progress such as how many have finished labs, how good the quality of the results is and what problems may have occurred. The blog is so responsive that instructors can make quick judgments on which students to walk by and initiate further interactions with. Through blogs, this can be done without students leaving their seats or even raising their hands, reducing interferences to others who may be still busy working on the lab. Reading the student blogs, the instructor has better chances to get better prepared before approaching them.

In this study, student feedback is collected and behavior patterns analyzed. Using blogs is found to simplify the tasks of reducing piracy. The tactics to prevent students from pirating in our study is by time stamping the lab works and making them public on the web as soon as possible. Blogs by design serve such a purpose. Anyone that pirates risks being caught by the instructor as well as virtually every other student in the class. We also have success with seeing students learning from peers through blogs. Traditionally, students turn in their works to instructors and have no easy way to learn how their peers achieve on the same assignments. By browsing the comments made by instructors on students’ blogs and the selected peer works, students have better chances to stimulate new ideas to be different from each other. The study shows students who took the lab courses are satisfied with turning in lab results through blog posting, getting instructor's walk-by interactions, piracy reduction, and learning from peers.

Keywords: Teaching with Technology, Blog.

How Blogs are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers



Less Subtle

王心凌部落格 Cyndi With U




星期三, 8月 16, 2006

國科會計畫: 結合無線定位技術之行動義工社會網路

社會網絡是由個別的人或專業群集間的關係連結而成,社會網絡也代表著這些連結的集合與彼此連結的強度。過去社會網絡研究通常在少許的參與者中進行,然而透過人手一機的手持裝置,加以位置資訊的應用,使得大範圍的社會網路研究可以實現。 應用此項技術於社會網絡上,求助者可以獲得及時且就近能夠提供幫助的人的位置資訊並請求協助。

結合資訊、電機、心理、社會福利政策、職能治療、管理等專業人才,本團隊致力於可應用在精神障礙者與成長遲緩兒之行動式關懷與非營利科技。近ㄧ年的努力,跨領域研究團隊於精障者就業輔導系統、認知障礙者導航、無線行動等技術已累積多項國際頂尖的研究成果,並於2007年獲得ACM SIGACESS 研究競賽獎項。本計劃網站請參閱計畫部落格


星期六, 8月 12, 2006

歡迎研究生使用 Applied Networking Lab

歡迎研究生使用 Lab 517, 目前空間仍多, 請多加利用.
上網方式可分為有線與無線. 如使用有線, 目前 Lab 517 已經有
switching hub, 但須自行設定 IP.
如使用無線, 目前已經架設 EDIMAX 無線 AP, 速度為 54 Mbps,
因為內建 DHCP, 連線時無須設定電腦 IP, 即插即用.

星期四, 7月 27, 2006

Students, skype me

我的帳號是 chang212
歡迎與我 Skype, 建議你先 email 跟我約時間, 這樣我可以
先準備一下, 例如看看你給我的資料.
當然, 如果你要試運氣, 也歡迎直接 Skype 我.
我星期一晚上有課, 其餘晚上都可以約看看. 星期天白天也可以.

Journal Info: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications


Journal Info: International Journal of Electronic Business





  • International Journal of Electronic Commerce,
  • Electronic Commerce Research;
  • Journal of Electronic Commerce Research,
  • Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce

星期日, 6月 25, 2006

張耀仁簡歷 Yao-Jen Chang

連絡電話 (03) 265 4630
辦公室 教學大樓 512
實驗室 電學大樓 517
電子郵件 yjchang at cycu dot edu dot tw


張教授研究發表於IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Research in Developmental Disabilities, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 等重要學術期刊,至今已發表超過39篇期刊論文,其中35篇為SSCI、SCI期刊論文。

張耀仁老師在Google scholar的統計上已經超過3600次的論文引用,特別是在主要研究領域 Kinect (體感科技)的論文引用次數世界排名第一

張耀仁教授致力於身心障礙輔助科技,開創了體感科技在身心障礙的運用,該篇論文自2011年在Research in Developmental Disabilities 發表以來,至今已獲得1200次以上的引用。張教授於 2010年獲得ACM無障礙科技小組SIGACCESS邀請撰寫專文,為ACM自1994年成立SIGACCESS以來第一位也是唯一獲邀的台灣學者,張教授並於2009年與2012年帶領研究生前往美國參加ACM無障礙科技競賽,兩次獲得全世界第三名殊榮。 近十年主持國科會計畫17件,並曾擔任感測科技整合型計畫總主持人。在國際學界表現活躍,曾擔任International Journal of Distributed Sensor Network編輯,ACM/IEEE等七個國際會議議程委員,同時審查Personal and Ubiquitous Computing等二十個SSCI/SCI期刊。2025年獲得美國 ACM 主辦無障礙科技會議ASSETS邀請擔任議程委員,這是27年來第一次有台灣人進入這個全世界最大的身心障礙科技組織委員會。

2009~2012連續三年擔任中原大學電算中心主任,推動校內多項創新資訊服務,包含客服中心1999專線,導入國際軟體成熟度規範(CMMI ML2),帶領電算中心通過ISO27001國際資訊安全驗證,連續六次獲瑞士商SGS評定為零缺失通過,領導卓著獲得台灣學術網路管理委員會肯定,於2011年十一月甫獲得TANET傑出人員,協調能力與執行力俱佳。2017年以影像辨識技術應用論文獲得教育部主辦的TANET2017會議最佳論文獎,2018年再次以身心障礙科技研究成果獲得TANET2018最佳論文獎。

張耀仁因為在助人科技專業上的表現, 分別於2015,2021,2024 獲選為中原大學特聘教授。

  • 中原大學特聘教授(2015/8~2018/7,2021/8~2024/7,2024/8~2027/7)
  • 中原大學電子系主任(2014/8~2020/7)
  • 中原大學電子工程學系教授(2010~)
  • 中原大學計算機中心主任(2009~2012)
  • 蕃薯藤(Yam.com)數位科技協理 (2000~2002, 2002~2004 中原大學借調)
  • IBM 亞太區電子商務顧問 (1997~1999)
  • 中原大學電子工程學系研究所專任副教授(1995~2010)
  • 美國伊利諾大學香檳校區電機與電腦工程系客座助理教授(1993~1995), supervised by Professor Benjamin Wah
  • 美國伊利諾大學香檳校區電機與電腦工程系訪問學者(1992~1993), supervised by Professor Benjamin Wah
  • 台灣大學電機博士班 1989~1993
  • 台灣大學電機碩士班 1988~1989
  • 台灣大學電機系 1982~1986
  • 身心障礙者科技輔助科技
  • 教育部 服務學習全國績優教案(2017)
  • 教育部 第一屆 服務學習全國績優教師(2014)
  • 中原大學101, 102, 103, 104年度教學特殊優秀教師獎勵
  • 國科會100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106年度優秀人才獎勵
  • 中原大學101, 102, 103,104, 105, 106年度服務特殊優秀教師獎勵
  • 中原大學 服務學習特優教師 (三次獲獎最高榮譽, 2009, 2012, 2015)
  • 指導學生團隊榮獲教育部101年,102年度區域和平志工團績優團隊競賽「科技服務類」全國第一名
  • 指導研究生魏子崴參加由ACM主辦的2012無障礙科技大賽,獲得世界第三名
  • 帶領學生參加2010第15屆大專校院資訊服務創新競賽,以身心障礙者福祉科技獲得整合應用組全國第一名。(2010)
  • 教育部特優社團指導老師獎 (中原登山社)。
