星期日, 12月 17, 2023

Science in Conflict Zones


Ella Al-Shamahi / Paleoanthropologist & Comedian video 15:00 transcript, NHK


biodiverse: 生物多樣性

territory: 領土

interdisciplinary: 跨學科

paleoanthropologist: 古人類學家

Paleoanthropological Field Site

Stratigraphy 地層學

archaeology: 考古學

relic: 遺跡

species: 物種

extinct: 已絕種

evolution: 進化

expedition: 遠征

artifact: 文物

discovery: 發現

ancient: 古代

frontier: 前沿

lineage: 血統

ancestor: 祖先

fossil: 化石

civilization: 文明


星期三, 12月 06, 2023

Walking Again With Robotic Rehabilitation

Walking Again With Robotic Rehabilitation 17:00 transcript, NHK


Spinal cord - 脊髓

Neural - 神經的

Rehabilitation - 復健

Paralysis - 癱瘓

Exoskeleton - 外骨骼 (例如昆蟲,蜘蛛,甲殼類動物)

Myoelectric - 肌電的

Sensors - 感測器

Hydraulic - 液壓的

Cylinder - 氣缸

Prosthesis - 義肢

Exoskeleton: exo + skeleton, outside + skeleton

Exodus 大批離去,大逃亡

Exit 出口

Hydraulic, Hydrogen

Hydor: "water" in Greek

aqua: "water" in Latin

aquarium 水族館

aquatic 水生的

  1. Exoskeleton:

    • Origin: "Exo-" originates from the Greek word "exō," meaning "outside" or "external," while "skeleton" is derived from the Greek word "skeletos," which means "dried up" or "to make hard."
    • Breakdown: "Exo-" as a prefix denotes something external, and "skeleton" refers to the structural framework of the body.
  2. Myoelectric:

    • Origin: "Myo-" comes from the Greek "mys," meaning "muscle," and "electric" is derived from the Latin "electricus," referring to electricity or electrical phenomena.
    • Breakdown: "Myo-" indicates a connection to muscles, while "electric" refers to electrical properties or phenomena.
  3. Sensors:

    • Origin: The term "sensor" originates from the Latin word "sentire," meaning "to feel" or "perceive."
    • Breakdown: "Sensor" refers to devices capable of detecting or perceiving physical stimuli or inputs.
  4. Hydraulic:

    • Origin: "Hydrau-" comes from the Greek "hydraulikos," which means "water organ" or "hydraulic." The term is linked to water and "hydor," which means "water" in Greek.
    • Breakdown: "Hydraulic" refers to systems or mechanisms powered by liquids, especially water.
  5. Cylinder:

    • Origin: "Cylinder" comes from the Latin word "cylindrus," which originated from the Greek word "kulindros," referring to a roller or cylinder.
    • Breakdown: The term "cylinder" denotes a geometric shape that's shaped like a tube or roller.
  6. Prosthesis:

    • Origin: "Prosthesis" is derived from the Greek word "prosthesis," meaning "an addition" or "attachment."
    • Breakdown: "Prosthesis" refers to an artificial device that serves as an addition or replacement for a missing body part.
  7. Rehabilitation:

    • Origin: "Rehabilitation" has its roots in the Latin word "rehabilitare," which means "to restore to a former capacity or position."
    • Breakdown: "Rehabilitation" involves treatments and therapies aimed at restoring previous capabilities or functions.
  8. Paralysis:

    • Origin: "Paralysis" originates from the Greek word "paralusis," which means "loosening" or "disabling."
    • Breakdown: "Paralysis" signifies the loss of muscle function or movement due to injury or disease.

星期五, 11月 24, 2023

Capturing a black hole

black holes 15:00 video with transcript, NHK

預告: 學習成效自我檢測 

We love astronomy.

Vocabulary 字彙 (vocabulary prepared with  hand pick, origins prepared with ChatGPT)

absorb 吸收

distort 扭曲

astronomical 天文的

telescope 望遠鏡

resolution 解析度 

supermassive 超大質量的

mysterious 神秘的

  • (Greek) "of secret rite or secret worship."

desperate 絕望的

prestigious 聲望極高的

  • (Latin) "illusion" or "dazzling."

collaborate 合作

phenomenon 現象

  • (Greek) "thing appearing to view"

synthesize 合成

  • (Greek) "putting together"

significant 極重要的

  • (Latin) to "signify"

fundamental 基本的

  • (Latin) foundation


Part 1 listening quiz 

  1. absent, abduct, absorb 

  2. resolution, evolution, dissolution

  3. television, telescope, telestar

  4. astrology, astronomical, asteroid

  5. distort, displace, dismiss

  • absorb, ab+sorb, away+ suck in
  • absent, ab+sent, ab+esse, away+ to be

  • distort, dis+tort (torque), away+twist 
  • displace, dis+place, away+please (to upset)

  • astronomy, astro+nomy, star+ law
  • astrology, astro+logy, star+ study

  • telescope, tele+scope, far+ to see
  • television, tele+vision, far+ sight

  • resolution, re + solution, back/again, to loosen/ to solve
  • dissolve, dis+solve,  apart+ to loosen 

  • supermassive, super+massive, above+mass
  • superhero, super+hero
  • superman, super+man

  • mysterious, mysteri+ous (full of), close (eyes)+ ous
  • generous, gener+ous, (nobel) birth + full of

  • desperate, de + sper, without + hope

Part 2 listening quiz

  1. collaborate, elaborate, deliberate 
  2. momentum, metaphysics, phenomenon
  3. analysis, synthesize, energize
  4. significant, magnificent, wonderful
  5. elementary, basic, fundamental 
  • collaborate, com + laborate, together + work 
  • elaborate, e+laborate, out+ work (work out)


Taiwan in EHT

星期三, 11月 08, 2023

The Power of Plants

The power of plants 15:00 transcript, NHK

20 slides for the story 

預告: 學習成效自我檢測

Vocabulary 字彙 (vocabulary prepared with Claude and hand pick, origins prepared with ChatGPT)

Pandemic 大規模流行的(疾病)

Botany 植物學
  • Botany, Greek, pasture, herb or grass. Safe for livestock to eat?
Horticulture 農藝學
  • horticulture, horti + culture, garden + cultivate (Latin)
  • agriculture, ager + culture, field + cultivate (Latin)
Aesthetic 審美的,美學的
  • The word “aesthetic” has its origin in the Greek word “aisthesis,” which means “perception” or “sensation.”
Biology 生物學
  • Biology, bio + logy, life + study
Billion 十億

Therapeutic 療癒的
  • The word “therapy” comes from the Greek word “therapeia,” meaning “healing” or “medical treatment.”
Asymmetrical 不對稱的

Co-evolution 共同演化

Ecosystem 生態系統

Miniaturize 微小化

Transformative 變革性的,徹底改變的

Leveller 人人平等的事情,人人都要面對的事物;(尤指)死亡。

Commune 共同生活;共享
  • The word “commune” has its origin in the Latin word “communis,” meaning common or public.


Part 1 listening quiz 

  1. Destiny, botany, ebony 
  2. Pandemic, mimic, algorithmic 
  3. Trillion, billion, million 
  4. Heaven, paradise, resort 
  5. Agriculture, horticulture, permaculture 

  • "Ebony and Ivory" 和諧共處

  • Pandemic, pan + demos, all + people (Greek)
  • Democracy
  • Demographic 

  • Transform, trans + form , across + form
  • Transport, trans + port, across + carry 
  • Reform, re+ form, again + form

Part 2 listening quiz

  1. Comparative, transformative, relative
  2. Terrain, territory, terrarium 
  3. Leverage , leveller, levels
  4. Resonate, designate, detonate 
  5. Co-evolution, evolution, revolution 

  • Asymmetric: a + symmetric, not + symmetric (Greek)
  • Symmetry : sym+ metry, same + measure
  • Geometry: It is derived from the combination of two Greek words: “geo,” meaning “earth,” and “metron,” meaning “measure.” 
  • Econometric: econo+ metric, economy + measure

  • Terrarium: terra+ arium, earth+place
  • Aquarium: aqua+ arium, water+place
  • Terrain: terra 
  • terrestrial: adj.
  • Territory 

星期二, 10月 10, 2023

Solar flares

Solar flares 15:00 video clip w/ transcript, credit by NHK

Vocabulary 字彙

Solar flares 太陽閃焰

Sunspot 太陽黑子

Corona 日冕

Hydrogen 氫

Cosmic radiation 宇宙輻射

Solar wind, magnetic storm 太陽風

Ionosphere 電離層

Magnetic line 磁力線

X ray X光

Ultraviolet 紫外線

Radio waves 無線電波


Part 1 (introduction) 

Quiz (introduction)

Words in the episode. Select one word in each item.
  1. Disaster, catastrophe, devastation 
  2. Shell, facade, surface 
  3. Launch, initiation, commence 
  4. Glitch, breakdown, malfunction 
  5. Accident, incident, coincidence 

Disaster, dis + astro, ill + star (Greek)

Malevolent astral influence 

Accident, a+ cident, to+ fall

Incident, in+ cident, into+ fall


Mal: bad, unpleasant , unsuccessful, imperfect 

Tremendously, tremere (Latin), tremble, terrible 

Forty percent of the population is suffering from malnutrition.

The animals were seriously maltreated.

Part 2

Quiz (observatory)

Words in the episode. Select one word in each item.

  1. Enigma, mysterious, intriguing 
  2. Enormously, exceptionally, tremendously
  3. Astrology, astronomy, asteroid 
  4. Oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen 

Astronomy, Astro + nomos, star + law/arrangement 

autonomy, auto + nomos, self +  law/arrangement

Astrology, astro + logos, star + study

biology, bio + logos, life + study

Geology, geo + logos, earth + study

Tremendous, tremere (to quake) + ous

(Something) that is to be trembled at.

Hydrogen, hydro + gen, water + gen

Part 3

Quiz (monitoring)

Words in the episode. Select one word in each item.

    1. Ionosphere, stratosphere, troposphere
    2. Reject, inject, eject 
    3. Corona, aurora, crown 
    4. Outage, breakout, breakdown 
    5. Infrastructure, facilities, civil

    Ionosphere , 60-1000 km above earth, free electrons and charged particles 

    Eject, e + ject , out + throw

    Reject, back + ject, back + throw 

    Subject, sub + ject, under + throw

    Inject, in + ject, in + throw

    Project, pro+ ject, forward+ throw

    Trajectory, trans + ject+ ory , across + throw

    IV injection, intravenous injection 

    E as a prefix 




    Paralyze, para+ lysis, besides+ loosening (Greek)

    Analyze, ana + lysis, throughout + loosening (Greek)

    Infrastructure, infra+ structure, under+ structure 

    Destroy, de+ stroy, de+ structure 

    Part 4

    Quiz (physics)

    Words in the episode. Select one word in each item.

    1. Interrupt, disrupt, abrupt
    2. Resolutions, reconnection, reconciliation 
    3. Massive, huge, paramount
    4. Correct, exact, accurate 
    5. Vigilant, watchful, alert

    Predict, pre + dict, before+ say

    Dictate, say repeatedly 



    Disrupt, dis+ rupt, apart+ rumpere (break)

    Interrupt, inter + rupt, between + rumpere ( break)

    Erupt , e + rupt, out+ rumpere (burst)

    The volcano erupted, sending ash and lava into the air.