星期二, 3月 26, 2024

Self test of vocabulary: Defense technology

due 3/27/2024 at 11:59 pm. Before the end of the day, you can try as many times as you wish. Please use the built-in share and do not dump your screen.

LLM 工具,善用與負責任地使用
LLM tools, use wisely and responsibly.

f  注意 不要將個人資料(例如個人財務,健康狀況),隱私或不可告知他人的資料(例如他人的研究資料)輸入給ChatGPT,以免危害自己或他人的利益。

   Please do not input personal information (such as personal finances, health conditions), private, or confidential information (such as someone else's research data) to ChatGPT to avoid endangering your own or others' interests.

Using ChatGPT 3.5 

    1.  Enter the prompt: 

    Based on the vocabulary: (detect, deployment, transmit, infrared, autonomous, protect, threat, surveillance, destroy, unprecedented, hostile), prepare 10 multiple choice problems to test word use. Pick one word from the given vocabulary for each problem. In each problem, one of the choices is the word picked, and the other three words are of the same part of speech as the word picked but not in the vocabulary. In each problem, the four choices should be one space from each other. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.

    Caution: ChatGPT is not always reliable. Use your discernment.

    Share your chat using the built-in share function of ChatGPT. Mail to g11278507@cycu.edu.tw,chang212@gmail.com

    Sure, here's the translation of the provided text:

    中譯 in Chinese

    1. 基於詞彙:(detect, deployment, transmit, infrared, autonomous, protect, threat, surveillance, destroy, unprecedented, hostile),準備10個多選題,以測試詞彙使用。從給定的詞彙中選擇一個詞彙,每個問題中,其中一個選擇是所選的詞彙,另外三個選擇是與所選詞彙相同詞性但不在詞彙表中的詞彙。每個問題,四個選擇應該相隔一個空格。逐個生成問題。然後要求答案。收到答案後進行評分。然後生成下一個問題。最後告訴我有多少正確答案。
