星期三, 9月 18, 2024

Shortest Path Algorithm

 產生 Shortest path algorithm 使用 JavaScript 語言




 產生 QuickSort 程式,使用 JavaScript 語言

[AI 可以產生 C 程式,或 Python 程式...,但如果要直接在瀏覽器執行,須改為JavaScript 程式,然後告訴 AI 一併生成 REACT 元件以產生輸出輸入介面,就可以在瀏覽器上直接執行看到結果或是偵錯。]


EX#2 Classic Games

 如何繳交作業 How to turn in your homework exercise.


Deadline: This Saturday at 23:59

Send all the links to TA victorhuang111013@gmail.com and me chang212@gmail.com by email with subject EX#2 Classic Games[your ID, your name]

練習: 製作旋轉木馬動畫


練習: 製做一支打地鼠遊戲 


練習: 製作河內塔解題動畫

Tower of Hanoi

Lecture 3: Learning Evolution of Technical English 2/2


Laser weapons protect aircraft from surface- and air-launched threats. (Video Credit: Lockheed Martin)

Quiz (F16 with laser weapons)

Words in the episode. Select one word in each item.

1. Unprecedented, unparalleled, unequaled 

2. Infrared, ultraviolet, visible 

3. Shipborne, airborne, carrier 

4. Hospitable, hostile, friendly 

5. Acquisition, relinquishing, abandoning 

Word anatomy:

Infra: infrared, infrastructure

Infrared: infra + red, below (La.) + red (Proto Indo-European)
Ultra: ultralight, ultraviolet

ultraviolet: ultra + violet, beyond + violet (from flower), La. + La.

Shipborne: Ship + borne (from bear)
Airborne: air + borne

Proceed: Pro (forward) + ceed (from La. cedere)
Precedent: Pre (before) + cedent (From La. cedere)
Prehistoric: pre + historic
President: pre + sident ( from La. sedere, sit) 

Algorithm: al-Khwarizmi

viper, La.
serpent, La, - Gr. (creep, from herpein)
snake, old Eng. - Proto Germanic

Herpetology, Herpet + ology, Gr.
Reptile, La.  

protect, pro+tect, forward+ cover(shield), Latin

detect: de +tect, off/away, cover, La.

defeat: de + feat, away + make, undo, unmake,  La.

Fact, something done, deed, La. 



AD, Anno Domini

What's your name?

星期日, 9月 15, 2024



AI 可以產生 C 程式,或 Python 程式...,但如果要直接在瀏覽器執行,須改為JavaScript 程式,然後告訴 AI 一併生成 REACT 元件以產生輸出輸入介面,就可以在瀏覽器上直接執行看到結果或是偵錯。

Hanoi Problem


Hint 1:

Tower of hanoi

Incorrect sequence


Algorithm in C

自由探索 Hanoi 主題: 程式設計,程式執行,動畫,遊戲,...

Hint 2: 其他作法






打地鼠, Whack-a-Mole Game








自由探索打地鼠主題: 程式設計,程式執行,動畫,遊戲,...,或是其他遊戲


Opening Remarks:

運算思維 - 演算法 CPU
人類行為 - 類神經網路 - GPU/NPU

智慧 - 智人  


魚 400,000,000 年
兩棲 300,000,000
恐龍 200,000,000
哺乳類  56,000,000
直立人 2,000,000
智人 200,000

LLM (大型語言模型) - AI - Future


星期二, 9月 03, 2024

EX#1 科技英文的歷史與演進

如何繳交作業 How to turn in your homework exercise.


Deadline: This Saturday at 23:59

Send all the links to TA victorhuang111013@gmail.com and me chang212@gmail.com by email with subject EX#1 English Evolution [your ID, your name]

Greek Influence on the English Language

1. Press Remix Artifact and then explore one of the options Claude.ai suggests. Or explore as you like.
    For example, you may create Flippable Info Cards.

2. comprehension test: (your prompt to AI, just copy and paste it)

Prepare 10 multiple choice problems from the paste text above to test comprehension. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered. 

3. Make your answers and scores an artifact. Example 

4. Make your quiz an artifact. Example

5. Publish each artifact and copy its link. Send all the links to TA victorhuang111013@gmail.com and me chang212@gmail.com by email with subject EX#1 English Evolution.

Share your chat in GPT or share your artifact in Claude

 Using ChatGPT or Claude


Make your answers and scores an artifact. Example 

Make your quiz an artifact. Example

Publish each artifact and copy its link. Send all the links to TA and me by email.


Share your chat using the built-in share function of ChatGPT. Send  the link to TA and me by email.

How to share your chat in ChatGPT:

Select the chat to share from your chat history

Select “share chat” then copy the link

星期二, 8月 27, 2024

Lecture 1: Learning Evolution of Technical English 1/2


  • 科學學術傳統,使用拉丁文與希臘語,都保留在英文當中 (拉丁文,Ficus Microcarpa,希臘文,Psychology)
  • 科技英文 vs. 國際邦交語文
  • 增加精確性 
    • Let's take a walk.
    • Let me walk you out.
    • I got to walk my dog.
    • "People from all walks of life gathered here."
  • 中文,沒有詞類,沒有時態,(常)沒有主詞,沒有介系詞,沒有關係子句,描述科學不夠精確
    1. 住宅,宅在家,你很宅
    2. 我去希臘,天空很希臘
    3. 你很美,美白,美學
  • 英文文法重要嗎? (想想法文,外商經驗)

English in the AI era


電子 Electron (Gr.) amber
電子學 Electronics (Gr.)
電磁學 Electromagnetic Theory (Gr. Gr.)
電路學 Electrical Circuit (Gr. La.)
量子力學 Quantum Mechanics (La. Gr.)
機器人 Robot (Cz.)
人工智慧 Artificial Intelligence (La. La.)
科學 Science (La.)
技術 Technology (Gr.)

Gr. Greek 希臘文
La. Latin 拉丁文


Laser weapons protect aircraft from surface- and air-launched threats. (Video Credit: Lockheed Martin)

Laser= light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

weapon, old English, German 

protect, pro+tect, forward+ cover(shield), Latin

aircraft, craft, Old English, skill or ability

air, old English, Proto-German, Proto-Indo-European

surface, sur+face, upon+face, Latin

launch, throw, Latin

threat, Old English

科技英文單字的本質, 從字根與字首談起


  • Unit
  • Unify
  • Universe
  • University
  • Unicorn
  • Uniqlo


  • Monologue (a long speech by one person)
  • Monopoly (exclusive control by one entity)
  • Monochromatic (having one color)
  • Monocle (a single eyeglass)
  • Monoxide (CO)

Uni-, from Latin

Mono-, from Greek


星期一, 6月 17, 2024

Syllabus 科技英文與科普傳播 2024 秋天



1. 了解英語的發展歷程及其在科學傳播中的關鍵角色。

2. 以英語理解並討論尖端科技主題,如鋰離子電池、國防科技、太陽閃焰和黑洞。

3. 熟悉運用人工智慧工具進行圖像創作和寫作優化。

4. 分析並詮釋各種來源的科學文本,提升英語聽力和閱讀理解能力。

5. 應用日常英語會話技巧,增進生活中的溝通能力。

6. 探索植物學和機器人復健等跨領域主題,擴充科學詞彙。

7. 運用思考鏈(Chain of Thought, COT)方法,根據最少提示和不完整資料撰寫報告、論文和專題。

8. 根據多方意見和AI輔助回饋,批判性評估並改進自身寫作。

9. 有效運用AI工具於學術和專業用途,提升工作效率和解決問題的能力。

10. 在各種場合中建立以英語傳達複雜科技概念的自信。







Week 1

Playground for Learning Evolution of Technical Eng... 1/2

 (英語演進史, 拉丁文,希臘文 )

Week 2

Classic Games Theme


Week 3

Playground for Learning Evolution of Technical Eng... 2/2

 (英語演進史, 拉丁文, What's your name? ... )

Week 4

Defense technology 

Week 5

Learning to use Image Creator 

Making of blue LED

Week 6

solar flares 15:00 transcript, credit by NHK, expired Dec. 9, 2024

00:00-6:34 introduction, what are solar flares 

6:34-9:48 impact of Solar flares 

9:48-15:00 predictions of solar flares 

Dive in

Common English tips for daily conversation 

Week 7

詹姆士·黃是一名在英國工作的人氣植物學家。 15:00 transcripts, NHK, expired May 13, 2025

Dive in

Week 8

black holes 15:00 transcript, NHK,  Oct 3, 2025

Dive in

Week 9

Walking Again With Robotic Rehabilitation 17:00 transcript, NHK

Dive in

Week 10

Exercise: Writing a report/paper/thesis with COT (Chain of Thought) based on minimal prompts

Week 11

Week 12

Exercise: Improve writings based on multiple criticism using Chain of Thought (COT)

Week 13

Build Games

Week 14

Work smart 2 AI for students

Week 15

身心障礙活動家 15:00 video NHK, transcript

Dive in

Week 16


血氧機 transcript 18:29 transcript, NHK

Further materials 

星期五, 5月 31, 2024

English for fun: Listening to online news and more

 Listening to online news

1. tap in your favorite article such as https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2024/05/31/2003818650

2. convert it to pdf, as most AI accepts only pdf as document format.

3. upload your pdf to ChatGPT 4o

4. Type prompt "Please show the entire original article."

5. Illustration. Type prompt "Draw a picture to illustrate"

6. Check the option "Read aloud"

7. According to your TOEIC level, extract vocabulary. For example, your score is 500.