星期三, 1月 03, 2024

Syllabus 科技英文與科普傳播 2024


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Tools: bard.google.com

課程內容 (14周)

Week 1,  2/21/2024

課程簡介 英語演進史 What's your name? 名前は何ですか?

Week 2-3, 3/6, 3/13

Lithium ion battery 19:00 transcript, NHK, expired Sep. 16, 2024

Dive in

Tips for conversational English

Week 4 3/27

Defense technology 

Week 5 4/3

Learning to use Image Creator 

Making of blue LED

Week 6 4/10

solar flares 15:00 transcript, credit by NHK, expired Dec. 9, 2024

00:00-6:34 introduction, what are solar flares 

6:34-9:48 impact of Solar flares 

9:48-15:00 predictions of solar flares 

Dive in

Common English tips for daily conversation 

Week 7 4/24

詹姆士·黃是一名在英國工作的人氣植物學家。 15:00 transcripts, NHK, expired May 13, 2025

Dive in

Week 8 5/1

black holes 15:00 transcript, NHK,  Oct 3, 2025

Dive in

Week 9 5/8

Walking Again With Robotic Rehabilitation 17:00 transcript, NHK

Dive in

Week 10 5/15

Exercise: Writing a report/paper/thesis with COT (Chain of Thought) based on minimal prompts

Week 11 5/22

Week 12 5/29

Exercise: Improve writings based on multiple criticism using Chain of Thought (COT)

Week 13 6/5

Work smart, AI for all

Week 14 6/12

Work smart 2 AI for students


Week xx 

身心障礙活動家 15:00 video NHK, transcript

Dive in

Week xx

血氧機 transcript 18:29 transcript, NHK

Further materials