星期二, 4月 23, 2024

Exercise: the power of plants


1. Self test of vocabulary

2. Self test of comprehension 

3. 在同一個ChatGPT 對話中,繼續試著回答以下五個簡答問題。

1. What role do plants play in addressing major challenges facing humanity, according to the text?

2. Explain the evolutionary strategy of plants in dealing with external threats.

3. How has the internet, particularly social media, contributed to the growing interest in plants, as mentioned in the text?

4. Describe the power of plants in COVID 19 period according to the text.

5. What are some reasons the host  provides for the recent surge in interest in houseplants globally?

4. 使用 Image Creator 將上述問題與你的回答逐一圖像化,請以分享圖片的連結作答。
