星期三, 9月 18, 2024

Lecture 3: Learning Evolution of Technical English 2/2


Laser weapons protect aircraft from surface- and air-launched threats. (Video Credit: Lockheed Martin)

Quiz (F16 with laser weapons)

Words in the episode. Select one word in each item.

1. Unprecedented, unparalleled, unequaled 

2. Infrared, ultraviolet, visible 

3. Shipborne, airborne, carrier 

4. Hospitable, hostile, friendly 

5. Acquisition, relinquishing, abandoning 

Word anatomy:

Infra: infrared, infrastructure

Infrared: infra + red, below (La.) + red (Proto Indo-European)
Ultra: ultralight, ultraviolet

ultraviolet: ultra + violet, beyond + violet (from flower), La. + La.

Shipborne: Ship + borne (from bear)
Airborne: air + borne

Proceed: Pro (forward) + ceed (from La. cedere)
Precedent: Pre (before) + cedent (From La. cedere)
Prehistoric: pre + historic
President: pre + sident ( from La. sedere, sit) 

Algorithm: al-Khwarizmi

viper, La.
serpent, La, - Gr. (creep, from herpein)
snake, old Eng. - Proto Germanic

Herpetology, Herpet + ology, Gr.
Reptile, La.  

protect, pro+tect, forward+ cover(shield), Latin

detect: de +tect, off/away, cover, La.

defeat: de + feat, away + make, undo, unmake,  La.

Fact, something done, deed, La. 



AD, Anno Domini

What's your name?
