Laser weapons protect aircraft from surface- and air-launched threats. (Video Credit: Lockheed Martin)
Laser= light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
weapon, old English, German
protect, pro+tect, forward+ cover(shield), Latin
aircraft, craft, Old English, skill or ability
air, old English, Proto-German, Proto-Indo-European
surface, sur+face, upon+face, Latin
launch, throw, Latin
threat, Old English
- 科學學術傳統,使用拉丁文與希臘語,都保留在英文當中 (拉丁文,Ficus Microcarpa,希臘文,Psychology)
- 增加精確性
- Let's take a walk.
- Let me walk you out.
- I got to walk my dog.
- "People from all walks of life gathered here."
- 中文,沒有詞類,沒有時態,(常)沒有主詞,沒有介系詞,沒有關係子句,描述科學不夠精確
- 住宅,宅在家,你很宅
- 我去希臘,天空很希臘
- 你很美,美白,美學
電子 Electron (Gr.) amber
電子學 Electronics (Gr.)
電磁學 Electromagnetic Theory (Gr. Gr.)
電路學 Electrical Circuit (Gr. La.)
量子力學 Quantum Mechanics (La. Gr.)
機器人 Robot (Cz.)
人工智慧 Artificial Intelligence (La. La.)
科學 Science (La.)
技術 Technology (Gr.)
Gr. Greek 希臘文
La. Latin 拉丁文
科技英文單字的本質, 從字根與字首談起
- Unit
- Unify
- Universe
- University
- Unicorn
- Uniqlo
- Monologue (a long speech by one person)
- Monopoly (exclusive control by one entity)
- Monochromatic (having one color)
- Monocle (a single eyeglass)
- Monoxide (CO)
Uni-, from Latin
Mono-, from Greek