星期三, 2月 19, 2025


 如何繳交作業 How to turn in your homework exercise.


使用 Claude Sonnet 3.5 

使用 ChatGPT 4o, o1

使用 Gemini 2.0 Flash


Deadline: 1. end of session 2. This Saturday at 23:59


Send all the links to TA victorhuang111013@gmail.com and me chang212@gmail.com by email with subject EX#1  [your ID, your name]

1. According to video clip Laser weapons protect aircraft from surface- and air-launched threats. (Video Credit: Lockheed Martin), write a 3000 word report that surveys the latest technology about laser weapons on drone and aircraft defense.

Method 1: Give AI prompts and directly generate. Citations needed. Compile references in the end.
Method 2: How AI can assist quality report writing. Generate outline first. Then generate one section at a time according to the outline. Citations needed. Compile references in the end.

Prepare reports in English.
Using AI-assisted translation, prepare reports in 繁體中文(台灣學術用字)。 

2. comprehension test: (your prompt to AI, just copy and paste it)

Prepare 10 multiple choice problems from your report to test comprehension. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered. 

3. If you use ChatGPT, share your entire chat including questions and answers.

If you use CLaude, make your answers and scores an artifact and
make your quiz into another artifact. 



AI 輔助期刊閱讀

Part 1. Abstract only





Part 3. 筆記長篇英文,檢查筆記可靠性

Part 5. 檢查作業(優點,待改進,錯別字,結構)

Illustrate in SVG for your programs, excerpts, poems, and so on

 Illustrations **



程式 -- 插圖 (3.2.7)

What AI can do for students like you

 English in the AI era

在未來AI 世代,在張老師的課程中,我們會一起來學

AI 輔助期刊閱讀

如何使用AI 協助撰寫文獻整理報告*

如何使用AI 協助撰寫小論文

如何使用AI 繪製工程圖,為你的程式,論文,報告加分

如何使用AI 尋找研究新點子 (demo)

如何使用 AI 協助開發並且優化軟體程式引言*

星期四, 2月 13, 2025

Syllabus 科技英文與科普傳播 2025 春天

上課方式 本課程以AI為核心,從實做AI 學習科技英文與科普




Week 1 

AI 可以為學生做甚麼

Playground for Learning Evolution of Technical Eng... 1/2

 (希臘文 )

Week 2

Classic Games Theme


Week 3

Playground for Learning Evolution of Technical Eng... 2/2

 (科技英語演進史 )

Week 4

Scientific Visualization

Week 5

Engineering Simulation


Week 6  

Algorithm Visualization

  (拉丁文 )

Week 7

Defense technology 

(英語演進史 ) interactive

Week 8 

Defense technology 

Week 9 

AI for academic works

Week 10

詹姆士·黃是一名在英國工作的人氣植物學家。 15:00 transcripts, NHK, expired May 13, 2025

Week 11

Astronomy and Universe

Week 12 

solar flares 15:00 transcript, credit by NHK, expired Dec. 9, 2024

00:00-6:34 introduction, what are solar flares 

6:34-9:48 impact of Solar flares 

9:48-15:00 predictions of solar flares 

Dive in

Week 13

Week 14

Walking Again With Robotic Rehabilitation 17:00 transcript, credit: NHK

Dive in



Course Title: Technological Evolution and Scientific Frontiers Duration: 14 Weeks Course Overview: This interdisciplinary course explores the intersection of technology, language, and scientific advancement through historical and modern perspectives.

Week 1-2: Foundations of Technical Communication Building from ancient Greek linguistic foundations, we examine how technical language evolved to describe emerging technologies. The classic games theme serves as an engaging practical laboratory, demonstrating how scientific computing visualization and animation techniques developed alongside gaming technology. Students will explore how mathematical concepts transform into interactive visual experiences.

Week 3-5: Engineering Language Evolution This segment creates a bridge between historical and modern engineering communication. Starting with the evolution of technical English, we progress through scientific visualization methods to engineering simulations. The course examines how language adapts to describe increasingly complex engineering concepts, with practical examples drawn from current engineering practices.

Week 6-8: Advanced Technical Applications Beginning with algorithm visualization rooted in Latin terminology, this section progresses into defense technology applications. Students will engage with interactive elements to understand how classical language structures influence modern technical documentation. The interconnection between historical scientific communication and contemporary defense systems provides a unique perspective on technical evolution.

Week 9-11: Modern Scientific Communication This segment focuses on artificial intelligence in academic work, botanical research (featuring James Huang's work), and astronomical studies. Students learn how modern scientific communication adapts to describe phenomena across scales, from molecular botany to universal structures. The section includes analysis of current research methodologies and communication strategies in different scientific fields.

Week 12-14: Applied Scientific Innovation The final segment examines three crucial areas of modern science:

  • Solar flare research and prediction (structured analysis of formation, impact, and forecasting)
  • Science in conflict zones (examining how research continues under challenging conditions)
  • Robotic rehabilitation engineering (exploring the intersection of medical science and robotics)

Teaching Methodology: Each week integrates multiple learning approaches:

  1. Historical context and language evolution
  2. Contemporary scientific applications
  3. Practical demonstrations and visualizations
  4. Interactive engagement with scientific concepts
  5. Analysis of current research through NHK transcripts and other materials

Assessment Structure:

  • Continuous evaluation through practical projects
  • Language integration assignments
  • Technical documentation exercises
  • Research analysis presentations
  • Final interdisciplinary project

星期日, 2月 09, 2025



「我正在寫一篇名為『Investing ~ The Future is Female』的部落格文章,主題是女性在美國及全球層面上,財務趨勢正在改變,女性擁有越來越多資金,且越來越多地進入投資領域。人們猜測女性會以不同的方式投資,並且更具有道德目標。你可以幫我寫一篇長度大約能閱讀 5 分鐘的文章嗎?內容需要數據支撐,如果可能的話也需要附上數據視覺化。」

使用 Claude 產生 blog article

練習: 我想寫一份專題報告:「外媒眼中的台灣」。請搜集過去10年以來,台灣出㺺在來自歐、美、日等國的國際新聞或頭條新聞版面,是因為何種事件?要根據事件種類做統計,並做逐年比較,做跨國比較。(資料來源: 王立介醫師)

Use AI for report writing


  • Claude Sonnet 3.5 優於 ChatGPT 4o 


  • 簡要版
  • 撰寫每一節(為什麼一次一節)



星期五, 1月 17, 2025

evolution of "hundred" across Indo-European languages


Evolution of the word "hundred" in Indo-European languages *ḱm̥tóm Proto-Indo-European *hundaredą Proto-Germanic *sъto Proto-Slavic *kantom Proto-Celtic *ćatám Proto-Indo-Iranian hundred English Hundert German hundra Swedish сто (sto) Russian sto Polish céad Irish cant Welsh शत (śata) Sanskrit صد (sad) Persian सौ (sau) Hindi centum Latin cent French ciento Spanish Major sound changes: Germanic: *ḱ → h (Grimm's Law) Slavic: *ḱ → s (RUKI rule) Celtic: *ḱ → k diagram by Assistant

星期五, 1月 10, 2025


A Attention R Relevance C Confidence S Satisfaction ARCS ARCS Motivation Model Attention 注意力 • 感知激發 • 探究激發 • 變化性 Relevance 相關性 • 目標導向 • 動機匹配 • 情境連結 Confidence 自信心 • 學習要求 • 成功機會 • 個人掌控 Satisfaction 滿意度 • 內在強化 • 外在獎勵 • 公平性 ARCS Model 動機設計模型 Keller's ARCS Model of Motivational Design 應用於教學設計與學習策略發展