星期四, 10月 26, 2023

Summary of Yoshino’s story and the battery he invented

 ( by Bard)

The video you linked to is an episode of the NHK WORLD TV program "Japan's Top Inventions." This episode focuses on the invention of the lithium-ion battery by Yoshino Akira.

Yoshino was a researcher at a major chemical company in Japan. He was struggling to develop a new product when he came across polyacetylene, a new material with unique properties. Yoshino realized that polyacetylene could be used to create a rechargeable battery that was smaller and lighter than existing batteries.

Yoshino spent several years researching and developing the lithium-ion battery. He faced many challenges, including finding a suitable material for the cathode and ensuring that the battery was safe. In 1985, Yoshino finally developed a lithium-ion battery that was both small and safe.

Yoshino's invention revolutionized the battery industry. Lithium-ion batteries are now used in a wide range of products, including smartphones, laptops, and electric cars. Yoshino's work has had a major impact on our lives and has helped to make the world a more sustainable place.

The video also includes an interview with Yoshino, in which he talks about his work on the lithium-ion battery. He also talks about his inspiration for the invention and the challenges he faced.

Here is a summary of the video:

  • Yoshino Akira was a researcher at a major chemical company in Japan.
  • He was struggling to develop a new product when he came across polyacetylene, a new material with unique properties.
  • Yoshino realized that polyacetylene could be used to create a rechargeable battery that was smaller and lighter than existing batteries.
  • Yoshino spent several years researching and developing the lithium-ion battery.
  • He faced many challenges, including finding a suitable material for the cathode and ensuring that the battery was safe.
  • In 1985, Yoshino finally developed a lithium-ion battery that was both small and safe.
  • Yoshino's invention revolutionized the battery industry.
  • Lithium-ion batteries are now used in a wide range of products, including smartphones, laptops, and electric cars.
  • Yoshino's work has had a major impact on our lives and has helped to make the world a more sustainable place.

這部影片是NHK WORLD TV節目《日本最棒的發明》的一集。這一集的重點是吉野彰發明的鋰離子電池。






  • 吉野彰是一位日本大型化學公司的研究員。
  • 當他遇到一種具有獨特性能的新材料聚乙炔時,他正在努力開發一種新產品。
  • 吉野意識到,聚乙炔可以用來製造一種比現有電池更小更輕的充電電池。
  • 吉野花了幾年的時間研究和開發鋰離子電池。
  • 他面臨許多挑戰,包括找到合適的陰極材料和確保電池的安全。
  • 1985年,吉野終於開發出既小又安全的鋰離子電池。
  • 吉野的發明徹底改變了電池行業。
  • 鋰離子電池現在被廣泛用於各種產品中,包括智慧型手機、筆記本電腦和電動汽車。
  • 吉野的工作對我們的日常生活產生了重大影響,並幫助世界變得更加可持續。

星期二, 10月 24, 2023

預告 學習成效自我檢測 Solar flare 10/25

測試範圍 solar flares 

課程網站 http://minstral.blogspot.com/2023/10/solar-flares.html?m=1



  • 注意影片中出現的關鍵字和術語,並查找其單字與意思。
  • 嘗試理解太陽閃焰的形成過程和影響。
  • 思考太陽閃焰對地球可能的影響。



  • 影片中可能出現一些你不熟悉的單字或術語。
  • 太陽閃焰的形成過程可能比較複雜,需要花費一些時間才能理解。


星期三, 10月 18, 2023

Lithium ion batteries

Watch the video Lithium ion battery 19:00 with transcript, by NHK, starting from 1:13

Summary of the story 

學習成效自我檢測 Self Evaluation

Vocabulary 字彙

Anode 陽極

The word "anode" comes from the Greek words "ana" (up) and "hodos" (way). First used by Michael Faraday in 19th century.

Cathode 陰極

The word "cathode" comes from the Greek words "kata" (down) and "hodos" (way).

Lithium 鋰

Cobalt 鈷

Polyacetylene 聚乙炔

Carbon fiber 碳纖維

Alma mater 母校

The word "alma mater" comes from the Latin words "alma," meaning "nourishing," and "mater," meaning "mother."

Nobel prize 若貝爾獎

Kyoto university 京都大學

Prototype 雛形,原型


Here are fill-in-the-blank quiz questions and answers based on the vocabulary words:


  1. The ________ is the positively charged electrode in a battery.
  2. The ________ is the negatively charged electrode in a battery.
  3. ________ is a soft, silvery-white metallic element used in lithium-ion batteries.
  4. ________ is a hard lustrous gray metal found in lithium-ion batteries.
  5. Your ________ is the university where you obtained your highest degree.
  6. The ________ Prize is one of the most prestigious awards given for outstanding contributions in chemistry, physics, medicine, literature, peace, and economics.
  7. ________ University is one of the oldest universities in Kansai, Japan.
  8. Before mass production, companies will often test a ________, which is an early sample or model of a product.


Answers: anode, cathode, lithium, cobalt, alma mater, Nobel, Kyoto, prototype

Part 1

選擇影片中的用字 Select  words used in the video clip. 

  1. Innovative, novel, unseen
  2. Pressure, oppressed, impressionable 
  3. Dependable, accountable, responsible 
  4. Difficult, demanding, challenging 
  5. Discover, uncover, reveal

Word root analysis:

Portable, port + able, carry + able

Import, im + port, in + port

Export, ex + port

Transport, trans + port, across + carry

Cathode, kata + hodos, down + ways


Catalyst, kata + lysis, down + loosening/dissolution


Analysis, ana + lysis, up + loosening


Paralysis, para + lysis, beside + loosening 


Paralympics, para + olympics 


Parachute, para + chute, beside + fall



Part 2

選擇影片中的用字 Select  words used in the video clip.

  1. Susceptible, suspicious, surrendered 
  2. Aspire, perspire, inspire 
  3. Portable, export, transport 
  4. Soak, submerge, immerse
  5. Engage, commit, devote

Aspiration, a + spire, on + breathe, desire (desire to achieve something great or important)

Perspiration, per+ spire, through + breathe ( breathe through the pores), sweat 

Inspiration, in + spire, in + breathe

Intercept, inter + cept, between + take

Susceptible, sub + cept, under + take

Concept, con+ cept, in + take

AI Assisted Self Test

Self test of vocabulary: Lithium ion battery

Self test of comprehension: Lithium Ion Battery

Solid state lithium battery

   source: SCIENCE ADVANCES 27 Jul 2022 Vol 8, Issue 30 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abq0153

星期一, 10月 16, 2023


 以下ChatGPT 的回答是否正確

英文屬於日耳曼語系,但是有大量單字來自拉丁文和希臘文,我很好奇為什麼,於是我問了 ChatGPT, 它給了我以下答案,請問這些答案錯在哪裡?






星期二, 10月 10, 2023

Solar flares

Solar flares 15:00 video clip w/ transcript, credit by NHK

Vocabulary 字彙

Solar flares 太陽閃焰

Sunspot 太陽黑子

Corona 日冕

Hydrogen 氫

Cosmic radiation 宇宙輻射

Solar wind, magnetic storm 太陽風

Ionosphere 電離層

Magnetic line 磁力線

X ray X光

Ultraviolet 紫外線

Radio waves 無線電波


Part 1 (introduction) 

Quiz (introduction)

Words in the episode. Select one word in each item.
  1. Disaster, catastrophe, devastation 
  2. Shell, facade, surface 
  3. Launch, initiation, commence 
  4. Glitch, breakdown, malfunction 
  5. Accident, incident, coincidence 

Disaster, dis + astro, ill + star (Greek)

Malevolent astral influence 

Accident, a+ cident, to+ fall

Incident, in+ cident, into+ fall


Mal: bad, unpleasant , unsuccessful, imperfect 

Tremendously, tremere (Latin), tremble, terrible 

Forty percent of the population is suffering from malnutrition.

The animals were seriously maltreated.

Part 2

Quiz (observatory)

Words in the episode. Select one word in each item.

  1. Enigma, mysterious, intriguing 
  2. Enormously, exceptionally, tremendously
  3. Astrology, astronomy, asteroid 
  4. Oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen 

Astronomy, Astro + nomos, star + law/arrangement 

autonomy, auto + nomos, self +  law/arrangement

Astrology, astro + logos, star + study

biology, bio + logos, life + study

Geology, geo + logos, earth + study

Tremendous, tremere (to quake) + ous

(Something) that is to be trembled at.

Hydrogen, hydro + gen, water + gen

Part 3

Quiz (monitoring)

Words in the episode. Select one word in each item.

    1. Ionosphere, stratosphere, troposphere
    2. Reject, inject, eject 
    3. Corona, aurora, crown 
    4. Outage, breakout, breakdown 
    5. Infrastructure, facilities, civil

    Ionosphere , 60-1000 km above earth, free electrons and charged particles 

    Eject, e + ject , out + throw

    Reject, back + ject, back + throw 

    Subject, sub + ject, under + throw

    Inject, in + ject, in + throw

    Project, pro+ ject, forward+ throw

    Trajectory, trans + ject+ ory , across + throw

    IV injection, intravenous injection 

    E as a prefix 




    Paralyze, para+ lysis, besides+ loosening (Greek)

    Analyze, ana + lysis, throughout + loosening (Greek)

    Infrastructure, infra+ structure, under+ structure 

    Destroy, de+ stroy, de+ structure 

    Part 4

    Quiz (physics)

    Words in the episode. Select one word in each item.

    1. Interrupt, disrupt, abrupt
    2. Resolutions, reconnection, reconciliation 
    3. Massive, huge, paramount
    4. Correct, exact, accurate 
    5. Vigilant, watchful, alert

    Predict, pre + dict, before+ say

    Dictate, say repeatedly 



    Disrupt, dis+ rupt, apart+ rumpere (break)

    Interrupt, inter + rupt, between + rumpere ( break)

    Erupt , e + rupt, out+ rumpere (burst)

    The volcano erupted, sending ash and lava into the air.

    星期日, 10月 08, 2023

    Tips for English conversation 2

    我的母校是中原大學 英文怎麼說

    My mother school is CYCU. 

    Alma Mater

    你做到了 英文怎麼說

    You succeeded.

    You did it.
    You made it.

    你辛苦了 英文怎麼說

    You worked so hard.

    Thanks for your great efforts. I really appreciate.


    這門課很好玩 英文怎麼說

    The class is funny.

    This class is interesting.

    This class is fantastic.

    This class is fun.

    我對鋼彈有興趣 英文怎麼說

    I take interest in gundam.

    I am interested in gundam.

    I am a fan of gundam.

    演唱會票賣完了 英文怎麼說

    No concert tickets any more. 對嗎

    The concert is sold out.

    The opera is fantastic. We have a full house tonight.

    這款筆電賣完了 英文怎麼說

    We did not this model any more. 

    This model is out of stock.

    This model is sold out.

    台灣之光  英文應該怎麼說

    Chien Ming Wang is a light oh Taiwan. 對嗎?

    • Taiwanese athletes are the pride of Taiwan. 台灣運動員是台灣之光。
    • The Taiwan High Speed Rail is the pride of Taiwan. 台灣高鐵是台灣的榮光。

    在正式場合,建議使用「the pride of Taiwan」。



    • 錯誤使用 "I am sorry" 來表達輕微的歉意,而不是更合適的 "Excuse me"


    • 錯誤使用 "No problem" 來回應 "Thank you",而不是更常見的 "You're welcome."

    小菜一碟 英文怎麼說

    • **錯誤句子:** a small dish
    • **正確句子:**a piece of cake

    喝湯 英文怎麼說

    • **錯誤句子:**I drink soup.
    • **正確句子:**I eat soup.

    開燈 英文怎麼說
    • **錯誤句子:**Open the light.
    • **正確句子:**Turn on the light.