星期日, 12月 17, 2023

Self test of vocabulary: Science in Conflict Zones


Using ChatGPT 3.5 Caution: ChatGPT is not always reliable. Use your discernment.

Enter the following prompt: 

biodiverse: 生物多樣性

territory: 領土

interdisciplinary: 跨學科

paleoanthropologist: 古人類學家

archaeology: 考古學

relic: 遺跡

species: 物種

biodiversity: 生物多樣性

extinct: 已絕種

evolution: 進化

expedition: 遠征

artifact: 文物

discovery: 發現

ancient: 古代

frontier: 前沿

lineage: 血統

ancestor: 祖先

fossil: 化石

artifact: 文物

civilization: 文明

Based on the vocabulary in the above, randomize the order of these words and then prepare 10 fill multiple choice questions. Each question has only one missing word. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. After grading, tell me how many are correctly answered so far. Then generate next problem.

Science in Conflict Zones


Ella Al-Shamahi / Paleoanthropologist & Comedian video 15:00 transcript, NHK


biodiverse: 生物多樣性

territory: 領土

interdisciplinary: 跨學科

paleoanthropologist: 古人類學家

Paleoanthropological Field Site

Stratigraphy 地層學

archaeology: 考古學

relic: 遺跡

species: 物種

extinct: 已絕種

evolution: 進化

expedition: 遠征

artifact: 文物

discovery: 發現

ancient: 古代

frontier: 前沿

lineage: 血統

ancestor: 祖先

fossil: 化石

civilization: 文明


星期四, 12月 14, 2023

學習自我檢視 Breaking Barriers for Accessible Society(複習指引)


使用ChatGPT設計了10個簡短的選擇題,協助你自我檢視你對Breaking Barriers for Accessible Society紀錄片的理解與科技英文的掌握能力。有興趣的同學可以自行使用,檢定你的學習成效,有疑問可以向我反應。


Self test of comprehension 

注意: ChatGPT 有時會出錯 ,請明智判斷。

星期三, 12月 13, 2023

Self test of vocabulary: breaking barriers for accessible society

Using ChatGPT 3.5 Caution: ChatGPT is not always reliable. Use your discernment.

Email to chang212@gmail.com

Enter the following prompt: 

1. Representation - 代表、表徵

2. Activism - 行動主義

3. Advocate - 提倡者、擁護者

4. Disability - 身心障礙

5. Incidental - 偶然的、附帶的

6. Stigma - 汙名、恥辱

7. Taboo - 禁忌

8. Genetic - 遺傳的、基因的

9. Discrimination - 歧視、區別

10. Inclusivity - 包容性、包容

11. Diversity - 多樣性、多元化

12. Promotional - 促銷的、推廣的

13. Accessibility - 可及性、易接近性

14. Impairment - 損害、損傷

15. Entrepreneurship - 企業家精神、創業精神

Based on the vocabulary in the above, randomize the order of these words and then prepare 10 fill multiple choice questions. Each question has only one missing word. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. After grading, tell me how many are correctly answered so far. Then generate next problem.

Breaking barriers for accessible society 身心障礙活動家

不要錯過這令人振奮的課堂!加入我們,一起探索出色的身障活動家Shani Dhanda的不凡旅程,她挑戰種種障礙。發現她堅韌與決心的強大故事,致力於打造一個讓所有人都能參與的包容世界。這堂課將激發你對倡議的熱情,擴展你對包容性的理解。準備好受到啟發與賦予力量-我們課堂見! 

身心障礙活動家 15:00 video NHK, transcript



Viewing comprehension




1. **Representation**: From Latin "re-" (again) + "presentare" (to present). 代表

2. **Activism**: From the noun "activism," derived from the word "active," which originates from Latin "activus" (active, busy). 行動主義

3. **Advocate**: From Latin "advocatus" (one called to aid), derived from "ad" (to) + "vocare" (to call). 倡議

4. **Disability**: From the prefix "dis-" (apart, away) + "ability," derived from Latin "abilitas" (ability). 身心障礙

5. **Incidental**: From Latin "incidentalis," derived from "incidere" (to fall upon). 附屬的,伴隨發生的,次要的

6. **Stigma**: From Greek "stigma" (a mark, brand), originally a mark made on skin by burning, from "stizein" (to tattoo). 污名 (紅字 小說 Scarlet Letter)

7. **Taboo**: From Tongan (a Polynesian language) "tapu" or Fijian "tabu" (prohibited, sacred). 禁忌

8. **Genetic**: From Greek "genetikos," from "genesis" (origin, creation). 遺傳的,基因的

9. **Discrimination**: From Latin "discriminare" (to divide, differentiate), derived from "discrimen" (distinction, difference). 歧視

10. **Inclusivity**: From the adjective "inclusive," derived from Latin "inclusivus," from "includere" (to enclose). 包容性

11. **Diversity**: From Latin "diversitas," from "diversus" (different, diverse). 多樣性

12. **Promotional**: From the verb "promote," derived from Latin "promovere" (to move forward). 促進的,推廣的

13. **Accessibility**: From the adjective "accessible," from Latin "accessibilis," derived from "accessus" (a coming to). 無障礙,易接近性

14. **Impairment**: From the verb "impair," from Old French "empeirer" (to make worse), from Latin "impedire" (to hinder).損傷

15. **Entrepreneurship**: From French "entrepreneur," from Old French "entreprendre" (to undertake). 創業精神




Act 戲劇中的一幕,法案






Incidental representation 



















Emotion: e+motion, out+ motion



 “im-” means “against” and “pedire” means “to entangle” or “to restrict.” 


Self test of vocabulary

Essay writing

星期三, 12月 06, 2023

Self test of vocabulary: Walking Again

  Using ChatGPT 3.5 

1.  Enter the prompt: 

Based on the vocabulary: (Exoskeleton, Myoelectric, Sensors, Hydraulic, Cylinder, Prosthesis, Rehabilitation, Paralysis, Spinal cord, Neural), randomize the order of these words and then prepare 5 fill the blank quiz questions. Each question has only one missing word. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.

2. Answer each question. ChatGPT will grade it and generate the next question until 5 questions are generated.

Caution: ChatGPT is not always reliable. Use your discernment.

Walking Again With Robotic Rehabilitation

Walking Again With Robotic Rehabilitation 17:00 transcript, NHK


Spinal cord - 脊髓

Neural - 神經的

Rehabilitation - 復健

Paralysis - 癱瘓

Exoskeleton - 外骨骼 (例如昆蟲,蜘蛛,甲殼類動物)

Myoelectric - 肌電的

Sensors - 感測器

Hydraulic - 液壓的

Cylinder - 氣缸

Prosthesis - 義肢

Exoskeleton: exo + skeleton, outside + skeleton

Exodus 大批離去,大逃亡

Exit 出口

Hydraulic, Hydrogen

Hydor: "water" in Greek

aqua: "water" in Latin

aquarium 水族館

aquatic 水生的

  1. Exoskeleton:

    • Origin: "Exo-" originates from the Greek word "exō," meaning "outside" or "external," while "skeleton" is derived from the Greek word "skeletos," which means "dried up" or "to make hard."
    • Breakdown: "Exo-" as a prefix denotes something external, and "skeleton" refers to the structural framework of the body.
  2. Myoelectric:

    • Origin: "Myo-" comes from the Greek "mys," meaning "muscle," and "electric" is derived from the Latin "electricus," referring to electricity or electrical phenomena.
    • Breakdown: "Myo-" indicates a connection to muscles, while "electric" refers to electrical properties or phenomena.
  3. Sensors:

    • Origin: The term "sensor" originates from the Latin word "sentire," meaning "to feel" or "perceive."
    • Breakdown: "Sensor" refers to devices capable of detecting or perceiving physical stimuli or inputs.
  4. Hydraulic:

    • Origin: "Hydrau-" comes from the Greek "hydraulikos," which means "water organ" or "hydraulic." The term is linked to water and "hydor," which means "water" in Greek.
    • Breakdown: "Hydraulic" refers to systems or mechanisms powered by liquids, especially water.
  5. Cylinder:

    • Origin: "Cylinder" comes from the Latin word "cylindrus," which originated from the Greek word "kulindros," referring to a roller or cylinder.
    • Breakdown: The term "cylinder" denotes a geometric shape that's shaped like a tube or roller.
  6. Prosthesis:

    • Origin: "Prosthesis" is derived from the Greek word "prosthesis," meaning "an addition" or "attachment."
    • Breakdown: "Prosthesis" refers to an artificial device that serves as an addition or replacement for a missing body part.
  7. Rehabilitation:

    • Origin: "Rehabilitation" has its roots in the Latin word "rehabilitare," which means "to restore to a former capacity or position."
    • Breakdown: "Rehabilitation" involves treatments and therapies aimed at restoring previous capabilities or functions.
  8. Paralysis:

    • Origin: "Paralysis" originates from the Greek word "paralusis," which means "loosening" or "disabling."
    • Breakdown: "Paralysis" signifies the loss of muscle function or movement due to injury or disease.