Week 14(12/25, the last session)
詹姆士·黃是一名在英國工作的人氣植物學家。 15:00 transcripts, NHK, expired May 13, 2025星期三, 12月 18, 2024
Week 14(12/25, the last session)
星期一, 12月 16, 2024
星期六, 12月 14, 2024
EX# Bonus: Dog retrieving a ball in the swimming pool
如何繳交額外加分作業 How to turn in your homework exercise.
Strategy 0 your idea
Strategy 1, making waves
星期三, 12月 11, 2024
Answer keys to solar flares
Soundscape framework
sun https://claude.site/artifacts/e3711481-971f-4676-8694-2d56db3b99d9
solar flares https://claude.site/artifacts/1258e308-a431-4d3a-aa4c-71e8e863146d
sunspots https://claude.site/artifacts/511b200d-56f5-4805-abe5-0de4d96ec1c6
String theory
x-ray https://claude.site/artifacts/4d80f834-c789-4bae-89cc-0152dba6e471
cosmic ray https://claude.site/artifacts/d516fa89-5e06-4d35-be33-e5980d6b9b6f
星期三, 12月 04, 2024
EX#11 Solar flares
如何繳交作業 How to turn in your homework exercise.
If you have finished, send all the links to TA victorhuang111013@gmail.com and me chang212@gmail.com by email with subject EX#11 Solar flares[your ID, your name]
1. 參考天文與宇宙講義,使用 soundscape framework 動畫解說
solar flares
2. 參考天文與宇宙講義,使用 string theory framework 動畫解說
cosmic array
3. Select vocabulary in video clip
- Enigma, mysterious, intriguing
- Enormously, exceptionally, tremendously
- Astrology, astronomy, asteroid
- Oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen
- Disaster, catastrophe, devastation
- Shell, facade, surface
- Launch, initiation, commence
- Glitch, breakdown, malfunction
- Accident, incident, coincidence
- Ionosphere, stratosphere, troposphere
- Reject, inject, eject
- Corona, aurora, crown
- Outage, breakout, breakdown
- Infrastructure, facilities, civil
Answer Keys to Robot features
Answer Keys to Soundscape and String Theory Framework
Soundscape framework:
星期四, 11月 28, 2024
EX#10 Robot and Rehabilitation
如何繳交作業 How to turn in your homework exercise.
Send all the links to TA victorhuang111013@gmail.com and me chang212@gmail.com by email with subject EX#10 Robot and Rehabilitation[your ID, your name]
練習: 機械狗上樓梯動畫
星期一, 11月 25, 2024
星期三, 11月 20, 2024
EX#9 Universe and Astronomy
如何繳交作業 How to turn in your homework exercise.
Send all the links to TA victorhuang111013@gmail.com and me chang212@gmail.com by email with subject EX#9 Universe and Astronomy[your ID, your name]
1. 參考天文與宇宙講義,使用 soundscape framework 動畫解說
black hole
worm hole
2. 參考天文與宇宙講義,使用 string theory framework 動畫解說
3. Select vocabulary in video clip
Part 1 listening quiz
absent, abduct, absorb
resolution, evolution, dissolution
television, telescope, telestar
astrology, astronomical, asteroid
distort, displace, dismiss
- collaborate, elaborate, deliberate
- momentum, metaphysics, phenomenon
- analysis, synthesize, energize
- significant, magnificent, wonderful
- elementary, basic, fundamental
星期一, 11月 04, 2024
星期四, 10月 24, 2024
EX#8 Academic Works
如何繳交作業 How to turn in your homework exercise.
Send all the links to TA victorhuang111013@gmail.com and me chang212@gmail.com by email with subject EX#8 Academic Works [your ID, your name]
練習: 生成筆記重點,筆記翻譯,簡報,旁白,理解測驗 (建議使用你所選擇的論文,或使用文本Download the PDF)
練習: 筆記重點有憑有據,分析文章 with explainable retrieval ,提供分析的文本依據(可使用文本Download the PDF)
練習: 將一篇英文論文做成中文podcast,由一位主持人訪問論文研究的發現與貢獻(可使用文本Download the PDF)
練習: 製作各大學研究所推甄甄試日期表
練習: Five people - Alice, Bob, Carlos, Diana, and Elena - must cross a river in a small boat. The boat can only hold three people at a time. The following conditions apply:
* Alice refuses to be in the boat with Carlos
* Bob and Diana must travel together if either one is in the boat
* Elena can only operate the boat when Carlos is not present
* At least one person in each crossing must know how to operate the boat
* Only Bob, Carlos, and Elena know how to operate the boat
Infer an efficient plan.
星期三, 10月 23, 2024
EX#7 Defense technology
如何繳交作業 How to turn in your homework exercise.
Send all the links to TA victorhuang111013@gmail.com and me chang212@gmail.com by email with subject EX#7 Defense Technology [your ID, your name]
1. Answer Quiz problems 1-10 in today's hand-out.
2. Select 2 words in the quiz answers above, make etymology illustrations for them using SVG with icons.
3. 使用AI擬定策略,使圖片中這隻狗取回牠落入池中的球。不弄濕身體
4. Comprehension test
source text: Latin Influence on the Development of English (Interactive version)
Prepare 10 multiple choice problems from the paste text above to test comprehension. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.
Astronomy 天文學科普 黑洞,蟲洞,弦論
Capturing a black hole紀錄片 15:00, NHK
Identify which word is in the video
1. observe, watch, view
2. difficulty, challenge, obstacle
3. capture, catch, intercept
4. prestigious, precious, reputable
5. asteroid, astronomy, astrology
6. analyze, synthesize, deduce
7. galaxy, nebula, supernove
8. diameter, radius, perimeter
9. construct, destruct, structure
10. fascinating, gorgeous, terrific
black hole accretion
binary star accretion
Wormhole String theory framework
Soundscape Framework
星期一, 10月 21, 2024
如何克服Claude 生成極限
當生成程式碼過長的時候,Claude 底下會出現一行字,「Claude 無法完全回應,因為最大生成長度已經到達, 」即使你付費訂閱也沒辦法解決這個問題。
星期五, 10月 18, 2024
EX#6 Algorithm Visualization
如何繳交作業 How to turn in your homework exercise.
Deadline: This Saturday at 23:59
Send all the links to TA victorhuang111013@gmail.com and me chang212@gmail.com by email with subject EX#6 Algorithm Visualization [your ID, your name]
除了答案,請附上每一題求解過程中所有你使用過的提示。取得所有提示只要在解題之後,告訴AI “ Wrap all the prompts, and prompts only, plus the number of artifacts generated so far, in one artifact verbatim. ” 然後分享。
1. 練習: remix QuickSort 演算過程視覺化,建議加入創造性的差異,而不僅止於些微的變更。
2. 練習: remix 視覺化最短路徑演算法,例如可輸入網路節點數,或是你希望的方式。
星期四, 10月 10, 2024
EX#5 Engineering Simulation
如何繳交作業 How to turn in your homework exercise.
Deadline: This Saturday at 23:59
Send all the links to TA victorhuang111013@gmail.com and me chang212@gmail.com by email with subject EX#5 Engineering Simulation [your ID, your name]
1. 練習: remix 課堂上的工程系統,例如自行車自動變速系統,汽車自動排檔系統,蒸氣引擎,賽道賽車,四衝程引擎。 建議加入創造性的差異,而不僅止於些微的變更。
(Bonus 加分題) 2. 練習: 模擬一個工程或科學系統,可任選一個你喜歡的主題。
source text: The Evolution of Engineering Vocabulary in English
source text: The Evolution of Engineering Vocabulary in English
Use ChatGPT for comprehension test: (your prompt to AI, just copy and paste it)
Prepare 10 multiple choice problems from the paste text above to test comprehension. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered.
星期三, 10月 09, 2024
Engineering Simulation
Etymology: engine, comparison with gene, medieval war machine
The Evolution of Engineering Vocabulary in English (Interactive version)
Animate a 4-pulley system
Simulate a steam engine
Engine (credit: 碩專作品)
CVT 排檔 (credit: 大學部作品)
Jet Engine (credit: 大學部作品)
Race on a stadium track (credit: 大學部作品)
Visualize Bike gear change
Animate PVD, PECVD (Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition)
(credit: 碩專作品)